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Table of Contents
    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Suicide in the North West: a Review of Non-Residential and Outdoor Suicide Locations

    To help support an effective regional response in the northwest region of the United Kingdom, the North West Public Health Observatory was commissioned to analyse non-residential suicide locations. This report discusses suicide locations with multiple events & prevention strategies. The research methodology is described. Results are discussed in terms of suicides & open verdicts & […]

    September 1, 2010
    Preventing Suicide by Jumping From Bridges Owned by the City of Ithaca and by Cornell University. Consultation to Cornell University: “Extended Report”

    The authors were asked to consult on both immediate & long-term responses to recent suicides of students who jumped from bridges on or adjacent to the Cornell campus. This extended report includes the key issues conveyed at the consultation meetings & the major findings & recommendations of the consultants. It includes detailed summaries of the […]

    September 1, 2010
    The Happiness-Suicide Paradox

    This study documents a paradox: the happiest places have the highest suicide rates. The study combines findings from 2 large & rich individual-level data sets – one on life satisfaction & another on suicide deaths – to establish the paradox in a consistent way across American states. It replicates the finding in data on Western […]

    September 1, 2010
    Position Statement: Suicide and Self-Harm Among gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Communities

    This position statement discusses suicide & self-harm in gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender communities in Australia. The discussion includes a review of the complexity & diversity within & between these communities; risk factors; heterosexism, homophobia & transphobia; high risk groups; a multidisciplinary approach to suicide & self-harm prevention; building community capacity for mental health promotion […]

    September 1, 2010
    The Relationship Between Child Maltreatment, Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Suicide Attempts

    This briefing evaluates the relationship between child abuse, particularly sexual, & other risk factors present during childhood, & subsequent suicide attempts. Incidence rates are also discussed. There is relatively little concrete evidence on childhood suicide & therefore much of the evidence presented in this report relates to suicide in later life. One of the key […]

    September 1, 2010
    The Role of Family in Suicide Rate in Italy (Working Paper 2010/20)

    The authors used national panel data at a provincial level to investigate the relationship between suicide rates & socioeconomic factors in Italy. The role of family, drug & alcohol consumption, social conformism, & population density are the main factors in explaining the suicide rate in Italy. The authors also checked for differences in the suicide […]

    September 1, 2010
    Lifeline Service and Outreach Strategies Suggested by Suicide Attempt Survivors. Final Report of the Attempt Survivor Advisory Summit Meeting and Individual Interviews

    In June 2006, the Steering Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network identified better outreach & service to suicide attempt survivors as a strategy for reducing suicide nationally. A workplan identified direct input from survivors as a necessary & valuable method for clarifying their unique needs. Attempt survivors shared their experiences & perspectives at […]

    September 1, 2010
    Review of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Programs (ASIST): Rationale, Evaluation Results, and Directions for Future Research

    The purpose of this report is provide a comprehensive review of ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) evaluation results. The report has 4 parts: an overview of the problem of suicide; a description of the ASIST program; a review of ASIST evaluation results; & suggestions for future ASIST evaluations. Evaluations summarized came from Australia, Canada, […]

    September 1, 2010
    Suicide Prevention Strategy for the City of Westminster 2009 – 2012

    This strategy aims: 1) to produce a comprehensive package of practical actions which are likely to have an impact on the number of suicides in Westminster; & 2) to provide a structure to co-ordinate activities resulting in improved suicide prevention, particularly, early intervention & treatment. 6 categories of action are detailed: general population interventions, mental […]

    September 1, 2010
    Mental Health: Taking Action to Tackle Suicide

    This pamphlet outlined the Australian Labour Party’s plan, if re-elected, to invest $276.9 million over 4 years in suicide prevention. This funding would be allocated to providing more serices to those at greatest risk of suicide, more direct investment in suicide prevention & crisis intervention, providing more services & support to men, & promoting good […]

    September 1, 2010
    Measuring an Aspect of the Distribution of Mental Health: Suicide in Australia 1907-2003 Working Paper Series WP2006.9

    The authors argue from welfare economics there is a legitimate economic justification for governments to be concerned with suicide. However, the purpose of this paper is to show the usefulness of employing an alternative measure of suicide – potential years of life lost – rather than a count of the number of suicides. It is […]

    September 1, 2010
    Standby Replication Project: Final Evaluation Report. Executive Summary

    This document provides a summary of a longitudinal evaluation of the StandBy Response Service, a suicide bereavement response service. The purpose of the evaluation was to demonstrate evidence of the community benefits of this program & the benefits of the program to people in the primary target group who had used the service. Qualitative & […]

    September 1, 2010
    Suicide Prevention Strategy for Devon

    This strategy sets out the approach that will be taken to reduce deaths from suicide & undetermined injury in Devon. The range of targets, objectives, & actions that will contribute to a multi-agency response are identified. The objectives that are addressed are: reducing the risk in high-risk groups; promoting mental well-being in the wider population; […]

    September 1, 2010
    Suicide Prevention Among Older Adults: a Guide for Family Members

    This guide was designed for family members & other people who provide social support to older adults. The purpose of the guide is to help individuals recognize suicide risk factors & warning signs, & to know what to do if an older adult is at risk for suicide. JA

    September 1, 2010
    National Suicide Registry Malaysia – Preliminary Report: July-December 2007

    This report provides preliminary suicide statistics for Malaysia for June-December 2007. Data includes the distribution of cases according to geographical state & demographics (gender distribution, age distribution, ethnicity, citizenship, marital status, education level, & employment status). Characteristics of the suicide act & risk factors are discussed. Limitations to the study are reviewed. (24 refs.) Contact […]

    September 1, 2010
    Suicide in the East Midlands and England – an Update

    This report examines the information & trends in suicide in England & the East Midlands. The purpose of the report is to investigate & analyse data in order to understand better suicide patterns in the East Midlands, to identify any gaps in data & information, & to assess any changes that occurred since the previous […]

    September 1, 2010
    Towards the Development of a Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy: a Summary Report on the 2009 Community Consultations

    To ensure that all perspectives on suicide were considered, the Working Group for a Nunavut Suicide Prevention Strategy organized a wide-ranging consultation in the summer of 2009. A total of 54 consultations were held; 251 people shared their views. This report describes what the participants said, dividing their comments into 2 groups: general comments on […]

    September 1, 2010
    Preventing Suicide: a Resource for Police, Firefighters and Other First Line Responders

    This booklet is written for police officers, firefighters, & other first-line responders who deal with people in psychological distress, including those who are suicidal. Topics covered include: suicide facts & figures; the contribution of police, firefighters, & other first-line responders to suicide prevention; helping someone who is suicidal; when a suicide attempt occurs; when a […]

    September 1, 2010
    Survivor of Suicide Handbook

    This booklet, adapted from the original written & published by the former Calgary Health Region, provides information for those bereaved by suicide on dealing with their grief & practical matters, such as planning a funeral & taking care of finances.

    September 1, 2010
    Victorian Aboriginal Suicide Prevention and Response Action Plan 2010-2015

    This action plan is the Victorian government’s strategy to prevent & reduce the incidence & impact of Aboriginal suicide & self-harm. It sets out current priorities & identifies strategies for further action in 4 priority areas: prevention through building resilience; improving access to care & support for those at risk; improving the response to crisis […]

    September 1, 2010
    Preventing Suicide in Colorado: Progress Achieved & Goals for the Future

    This report details the evolution & progress of suicide prevention in Colorado. Although the state’s average annual suicide rate has declined 6.5% since 1998, it still is significantly above the national average. Together with information about progress achieved, the report provides a set of strategic goals & objectives informed by experts & community stakeholders. These […]

    September 1, 2010

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