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Table of Contents
    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Religion and Suicide

    Copies are availabe from the Suicide Information Center, 6377 Lake Apopka Place, San Diego, California at $4.00 U.S. per copy.

    September 1, 1983
    After Suicide

    This pamphlet targets those individuals who know someone who has committed suicide. It describes the feelings one might be experiencing, how and who to ask for help through the crisis, what one can do to help others through the emotional turmoil, and it offers a list of mental health clinics in Alberta one can contact […]

    September 1, 1982
    Depression Dark Night of the Soul

    Authors discussed the correlates of depression in this overview of this mental disorder. Past & present therapies, the brain’s function, measurement problems & the recognizable symptoms were discussed. Depression’s close correlation with suicide was briefly mentioned. Suggestions for overcoming depression were provided. (ME)

    September 1, 1982
    Study of the Possible Relationship Between Atmospheric Environment, Suicide and Suicide Attempts in the Western Part of The Netherlands (Period 1954-1969)

    A review of the effects of weather upon physical functioning precedes a demographic study of suicide in relationship to weather. In general, suicide attempts were more frequent in females; completed suicide was more common in males; suicide attempts were more common in the young; & the birthdays of those completing suicide differed from the norm. […]

    September 1, 1982

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