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    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Government Document
    Adverse childhood experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with poor mental health and suicidal behaviors among high school students: Adolescent behaviors and experiences survey, United States, January-June 2021

    What is already known about this topic? Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with poor mental health and suicidal behaviors. What is added by this report? The prevalences of poor current mental health and past-year suicide attempts among adolescents reporting four or more ACEs during the COVID-19 pandemic were four and 25 times as high […]

    October 26, 2022
    Government Document
    Postvention needs assessment for those bereaved by suicide in Edmonton: Living Hope Community Plan to Prevent Suicide in Edmonton. September 2022

    The purpose of this report is to provide the City of Edmonton’s Living Hope plan with an initial understanding about what postvention supports are required for those grieving a death by suicide. The needs assessment focuses specifically on the City of Edmonton. This research is intended to support other work being completed through the Living […]

    September 28, 2022
    Government Document
    Indigenous population continues to grow

    Indigenous peoples, their communities, cultures and languages have existed since time immemorial in the land now known as Canada. The term “Indigenous peoples” refers to three groups—First Nations people, Métis and Inuit—who are recognized in the Constitution Act. However,  while these groups are representative of the Indigenous population as a whole, each is tremendously diverse. […]

    September 27, 2022
    Government Document
    Experiences of harm reduction service providers during dual public health emergencies in Canada

    Harm reduction is a critical piece of the continuum of care for those experiencing harms related to substance use. This report is intended for ministers of health,  chief public health officers, individuals working in health policy and system planning, and decision makers from municipal to federal levels. It provides them with an understanding of how […]

    September 14, 2022
    Government Document
    Estimating suicide among higher education students, England and Wales: Experimental Statistics 2017 to 2020

    The rate of suicide in the 12 months ending July 2017 for higher education students in England and Wales was 4.7 deaths per 100,000 students, which equates to 95 suicides; this is higher than in most of the earlier years studied, although the small numbers per year make it difficult to identify statistically significant differences. […]

    July 20, 2022
    Government Document
    Recent increases in injury mortality among children and adolescents aged 10-19 years in the United States: 1999-2016

    Objectives—This report presents numbers of injury deaths and death rates for children and adolescents aged 10–19 years in the United States for 1999–2016. Numbers and rates are presented by sex for 1999– 2016, by injury intent (e.g., unintentional, suicide, and homicide) and method (e.g., motor vehicle traffic, firearms, and suffocation). Numbers and rates of death […]

    July 7, 2022
    Government Document
    National report of the First Nations Regional Health Survey: Phase3 Volume 1

    This report is the culmination of five years of hard work by thousands of passionate, dedicated people working in a variety of capacities, including survey coordination, management, and development led by the  staff of FNIGC’s national offices, and survey deployment, coordination and data gathering led by our Regional Partners. Most importantly, we acknowledge the more […]

    July 7, 2022
    Government Document
    Preventing suicide: A resource for suicide case registration

    The aim of this publication is to provide a resource on how to establish or improve registration systems for suicide mortality. This includes: • The identification of deaths due to suicide; • Death certification of suicide cases using the International Classification of Diseases; • Coverage of suicide registration systems (in cases where the suicide reporting […]

    July 7, 2022
    Government Document
    Our path of resilience: An action plan to promote life and prevent suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador

    With increased awareness, reduced risk factors and enhanced protective factors, suicide is largely preventable, but given its wide reaching impact, it requires a sustained and collaborative effort. Reducing the  incidence of suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador requires a strategic and concerted effort by the health, education, justice and social systems. Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility.

    July 6, 2022
    Government Document
    Provisional numbers and rates of suicide by month and demographic characteristics: United States, 2020. (National Vital Statistics Report. No. 16. November 2021)

    This report presents provisional numbers of deaths due to suicide by demographic characteristics (i.e., sex, race, and Hispanic origin) and by month for 2020 and compares them with final numbers for 2019.

    July 6, 2022
    Government Document
    Mental health and suicide prevention in men: Evidence brief

    Of the estimated 4,000 suicide deaths in Canada each year, 75 per cent are men. Suicide is the country’s second leading cause of death for men aged 15-39 (after accidental death). Research into sex differences in suicidal behaviour has revealed a gender paradox, wherein men are more likely to die by suicide, and women are […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    Suicide postvention resources for Canadian communities

    The Mental Health Commission of Canada completed an environmental scan of resources and programs targeted towards postvention after a suicide loss. Postvention refers to “suicide prevention activities that provide support for people affected by suicide (e.g., those bereaved in the aftermath of suicide loss). These activities are crucial in helping to support and heal those […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    Guidelines for recovery-oriented practice: Hope dignity inclusion

    The Guidelines have been written to provide a comprehensive Canadian reference document for understanding recovery and to promote a consistent application of recovery principles. They seek to build a common understanding, shared language and knowledge about recovery in order to: Provide a conceptual framework to help transform culture and practice. Promote the centrality of supporting […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    Mental health and substance use during COVID-19 Summary report 6: Spotlight on 2SLGBTQ+ communities in Canada

    The sixth report in this series focuses on the effects of COVID 19 on the 2SLGBTQ+ communities in Canada. The report includes a cross-section of findings taken across seven periods between October 2020 and September 2021. The survey results show that COVID-19 has had a disproportionate effect on the substance use health and mental health […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    Guidance to support gender affirming care for mental health

    Mental health support is something that people of all genders may need at some point in their lives. Nearly 1 in 5 people in Australia will experience some form of mental health condition in the next year, a number that is  expected to be even higher for trans and/or gender diverse people. This guide is […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    The health and situation of young LGBTQ people in Sweden: What do we know and where is more research needed?

    In this report, Forte – the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare – seeks to elucidate what we currently know about the lives and health of young LGBTQ people, and show differences and similarities in the experience of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people. The report provides knowledge-based data, recommends […]

    July 5, 2022
    Government Document
    Suicide communication on digital platforms: A research review

    The aim of this research review is to describe and exemplify research to date on suicide communication on digital platforms and to discuss the fears and hopes, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the risks and  opportunities that researchers in the field have pointed to over the past three decades. The review presents a number […]

    July 4, 2022
    Government Document
    2022 State of the child report

    The report provides an analysis of data released last fall in the Child Rights Indicator Framework. It includes five recommendations and examines some of the challenges faced by children with disabilities, as well as how their rights are being met.    

    June 28, 2022
    Government Document
    Prevalence of suicidal ideation among adults in Canada: Results of the second Survey on COVID-19 and mental health

    Introduction Data from the first round of the nationally representative Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health (SCMH) revealed that the prevalence of recent suicidal ideation in the fall of 2020 in Canada did not differ significantly from that in the pre-pandemic period in 2019. The objective of the present study was to reassess the prevalence […]

    June 8, 2022
    Government Document
    Mental health and substance use during COVID-19: Summary report 5. Spotlight on suicidal ideation and substance use

    The objectives of this report are to: • Spotlight the intersection of suicidal ideation and substance use among different populations over the course of the pandemic • Highlight community resilience through the Meadow Lake Roots of Hope project • Continue to emphasize the broader intersection between mental health and substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic […]

    June 8, 2022
    Government Document
    Preventing suicide: A resource for media professionals. Update 2017

    This resource booklet briefly summarizes the current evidence on the impact of media reporting of suicide, and provides information for media professionals about how to report on suicide, recognizing that there are times when a suicide will need to be reported on the grounds of its newsworthiness. The booklet makes suggestions about how best to […]

    May 10, 2022
    Government Document
    Mental health, suicidality, and connectedness among high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Adolescent behaviors and experiences survey, United States, January–June 2021

    Disruptions and consequences related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including school closures, social isolation, family economic hardship, family loss or illness, and reduced access to health care, raise concerns about their effects on the mental health and well-being of youths. This report uses data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, an online survey of […]

    May 10, 2022
    Government Document
    First Nations youth suicide prevention curriculum: Prevention through culture

    Understanding that fostering protective factors and reducing risk factors will ultimately reduce youth suicide attempts and self-harm, the purpose of the First Nations Youth Suicide Prevention Curriculum is to promote resilience and instill hope amongst First Nations youth. The program is experiential and includes detailed guidelines for teachers as well as all required materials for […]

    May 10, 2022

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