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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    September 1, 1983
    Suicide: Bad Act or Good Intervention

    The authors develop a different perspective of suicide. They shift their focus from an ethical statement (e.g. rational suicide) to the ethical justification for intervention based on the needs & interests of the therapeutic profession & professionals. They suggest situational case-centered ethics for suicide intervention. Some practical implications for the intervening care-giver are discussed.(RA)

    September 1, 1983
    A Home Treatment Program by an Indigenous Professional, the Visiting Nurse, With a Group of Adolescents Who Have Attempted Suicide

    Typically, only 16% to 21% of attempters treated in emergency rooms eventually follow through on referral to a mental health facility. In Denver, visiting nurses were assigned to meet with a sample of teen attempters in their homes. Nurses were able to counsel 75% of treatment sample. Testing indicated treatment group was able to work […]

    September 1, 1983
    Drug Abusers, Suicide Attempters, and the MMPI

    This paper reports a pilot study comparing the MMPI scores for a group of 12 male suicide attempters with a group of 12 male drug abusers who were drawn from consecutive admissions to the New Hampshire Hospital. The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not there was any relationship among the personality […]

    September 1, 1983
    Suicide Among Physicians

    A review of the international literature of the past 75 yrs of suicide among physicians indicates (1) suicide rate is high, (2) it is higher among females than males, (3) it varies with country, with the highest rate among the Danes, British & USA physicians, (4) a high incidence of psychiatric morbidity, (5) significant variable […]

    September 1, 1983
    Self-Destructive Aspects of Hard Core Addiction

    Assessed, by a Morbidity Attitude Survey & Depression Scale, hard core heroin addicts (n=98) who were in either a methadone treatment or an abstinence program. Showed distinct evidence of depression among addicts compared with controls; greater incidence of suicide attempts, except in blacks; different attitudes toward violence & morbidity, particularly when abstaining from methadone; methadone […]

    September 1, 1983
    A Comparison of Suicide and Non-Suicide Deaths Involving Psychotropic Drugs in Four Major U.S. Cities

    Studied 651 deaths involving psychotropic drugs & recorded with the Coroner’s or Medical Examiner’s Office in 4 major US cities. 36% were listed as “Definitely Suicide” & 44% were listed as “Nonsuicide”. Compared age, sex, race, occupational category & type of drug used for each of these 2 groups, by city. The suicide group tended […]

    September 1, 1983
    Stress, Coping and Development: Some Issues and Some Questions

    The author discussed the various variables associated with coping, stress, & development through examining past research done in these areas. Effects of these factors on children was the main focus. Implications & suggestions for future research was included. (ME)

    September 1, 1983
    The Relationship of Diagnosis and Target Symptoms to Psychotropic Drug Assignment

    The authors investigated the ability of a computer, using a set of statistical equations, to assign a psychotropic drug to a patient based on the patient’s mental status. The overall percentage of agreement (hit rate) between computer assignment & actual clinical assignment of drugs was 62%. Inspection of the variables used suggests that the clinician’s […]

    September 1, 1983
    Suicidios y Suicideas en la Sociedad Mexicana = Suicide and Its Victims in Mexican Society (HV 6548 M6R63 1974 )

    This quantitative study, covering 1959-1969, of suicide in Mexico attempts to statistically demonstrate the major characteristics of suicide victims (sex, age, marital status, occupational group, nationality, home, illness, number of attempts,) by correlating pairs of values. The study also examines the nature of Mexican suicides (location, methods used, apparent causes and timing) through statistical analysis […]

    September 1, 1983
    El Suicidio en Mexico, D.F. Suicide in Mexico City (HV 6548 M6R62 1963)

    A sociological study of suicide in Mexico City from 1934 to 1959. Differences between rates of suicides of Mexican males and females are examined. Major methods employed are documented: use of drugs, strangulation and firearms. Various age groups are studied and the effect of seasonal cycles in suicide rates is presented statistically. Reference is also […]

    September 1, 1983
    Attempted Suicide: Etiology and Long Term Prognosis : a personal follow-up study (RC 569 A76 1974)

    Personal follow-up investigations of 76 patients who attempted suicide and were admitted to the psychiatric department in Odense, Denmark in 1967-1968. Detailed case histories are given for each patient and the study details the circumstances leading to the suicide attempt, reviews the long term prognosis and evaluates the treatments received by each patient. (KB)

    September 1, 1983
    The Urge to Die: Why Young People Commit Suicide (HV 6546 G54 1981)

    A study of the causes and motivations leading to suicide among adolescents outlining the general principles developed by psychiatrists describing adolescence as a biological, emotional and social stage of human development. Sociological findings are also drawn upon and the difficulties teenagers encounter are illustrated by many representative case histories. (KB)

    September 1, 1983
    Suicide and Young People (HV 6546 M32 1978)

    An introduction to the problem of suicidal behaviors in adolescents, including international comparisons; other types of self destructive behaviors; minority groups and suicide prevention strategies including a study of a morning’s calls at the San Fransisco Suicide Prevention Centre. (KB)

    September 1, 1983
    The Masks of Melancholy: A Christian Physician Looks at Depression and Suicide (RC 537 W52 1982)

    An explanation of the psychological, sociological, medical and particularly spiritual factors involved in depression. Aimed at counsellors, this book includes details of the theories of depression and outlines both psychotherapy and drug therapy techniques. (KB)

    September 1, 1983

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