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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    And Certain Thoughts go Through my Head

    In order to preventive measures, a nurse first must not only hear what the patient is saying, but also believe him.

    September 1, 1983
    Anorexia Nervosa: A View From the Mirror

    Excerpts from the author’s adolescent diary & her reflections as an adult on her struggle to come to terms with her eating disorder. Refutes the correlation between anorexia & the wish to die & explores her subjective need for an increased sense of self.

    September 1, 1983
    Depressive Phenomenology and Levels of Cerebrospinal Fluid Endorphins

    This paper examines the possibility that disease states characterized by dysphoria or euphoria are accompanied by endorphin dysfunction. The effect of the opiate antagonist naloxone was studied in 5 clinically depressed patients. Results are described. (20 ref)

    September 1, 1983
    The Computers are Coming

    This editorial describes the availability of data information systems currently accessible by computer for the mental health community. CI

    September 1, 1983
    Recognizing the Suicidal Overdose

    This study reports on the accuracy with which the level of antecedent suicidal intent can be measured & the level of subsequent suicidal risk predicted, using in both cases a small number of easily & reliably-obtained variables. These variables were age, sex, living arrangements & reported motive. Such measurements will, it is hoped, be useful […]

    September 1, 1983
    Multiple-Versus Single-Index Predictors of Dangerousness, Suicide, and Other Rare Behaviors

    The principle that prediction of low base-rate events based on test signs may be grossly in error in the direction of overprediction is argued to be limited to situations where single-index predictors are used. An example is presented of a three-variable Boolean function which accurately distinguishes 70% of true positive instances and 100% of true […]

    September 1, 1983
    Concurrent Validity of Templer and Templer/McMordie Death Anxiety Scales

    Two death-anxiety measures were differentially sensitive to the scenarios for 24 male and 38 female undergraduates. The original Templer scale may be as satisfactory as the Templer/McMordie scale.

    September 1, 1983

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