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Table of Contents
    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    The Alberta Institute for Suicide Research: Report of the Suicide Research Centre Planning Committee to the Suicide Prevention Provincial Advisory Committee. Volume II

    This work includes the 16 appendices amending the initial volume. Topics covered include current research in Alberta, recommendations of the Report of the Task Force on Suicide (Boldt Report), development of the University of Calgary Library collection and the activities of the Suicide Prevention Provincial Advisory Committee & its related programs.(DD)

    September 1, 1983
    Helping You Helps Me: A Guide Book for Self-Help Groups

    This volume is a practical guide to starting & maintaining a self-help group. Leadership, membership, recruitment, fund-raising, problem-solving & decision-making are among the more than twenty topics covered.

    September 1, 1983
    Friends in Need

    The article is a moving portrayal of one family’s grief & recovery following their son’s death by suicide. A support group, the Compassionate Friends, offered the release and environment needed for healing. The family is honest & open about their thoughts & feelings.

    September 1, 1983
    Caring for the American Indian Patient

    A nurse who is a Cherokee explains some of the Indian values that relate to health care. While each tribe has its own customs, there are core cultural beliefs held by all American Indians.

    September 1, 1983
    Target: Outside World

    Physical and psychological wounds must heal if the amputee, civilian or soldier, is to make a successful transition from hospital to everyday living.

    September 1, 1983
    Anticipatory Counselling for Adolescents of Divorced Parents

    With the rising divorce rate, an increasing number of adolescents require anticipatory guidance. In most areas, unfortunately, there are few programs available to meet the needs of adolescents facing family discord and breakdown. The school setting can provide a natural, structured, secure environment for the adolescent and professionaly trained personnel are available in schools to […]

    September 1, 1983
    The Young Adult: The Choice is Health or Illness

    Many health problems in later life begin in the years between 20 and 35 because attention to emotional development, diet, exercise, and sleep is lacking.

    September 1, 1983

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