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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Art and the Wish to Die (RC 563 C87 1983)

    A study examining the ambivalence of attitudes towards suicide by utilizing examples of visual art through the ages. A chronology of suicide prevention is given and other chapters cover suicide in the Bible; legendary women who died from self-injury; the role of lovers and significant others; and the appendices list artists who painted suicidal themes […]

    September 1, 1983
    Depression und Selbstmord: neue Erkenntnisse, Untersuchungen und Informationen (RC 537 P62 1980)

    A detailed account, intended for non-specialist counsellors, of the connection between suicidal behaviors and depression. Various types of depression are classified and the theories of suicidal behaviors outlined. Psychosocial aspects influencing suicidal behavior are described and attitudes of the community towards suicide are given. (PB)

    September 1, 1983
    Depression und Umwelt: neue Beitrage zur Lebensbedingungen (RC 537 D435 1979)

    Part of a series of studies in clinical psychology outlining the types of depressive reactions and the psychiatric and psychological classifications. The influence of the working environment and social status is described and sections are devoted to the problems of depression and suicidal behavior among the elderly. Lastly some psychological therapies are described for controlling […]

    September 1, 1983
    A Fundamental Problem

    The incidence of suicide among members of the medical profession is 3 times that of the whole population and reasons are not hard to find. There are also ways the problem can be reduced.

    September 1, 1983
    Attitudes Towards Self-Poisoning

    Self-poisoning now constitutes one of the prime emergencies in hospital medical practice, This paper describes the results of the study of the attitudes of physicians & senior nurses towards several common illnesses in the medical wards. The junior doctors & the nurses who frequently have primary responsibility for the care ofthe self-poisoners tend to show […]

    September 1, 1983
    Frequency Distribution of Hospital-Referred Parasuicidal Episodes in Edinburgh

    This paper presents frequency distributions of parasuicidal episodes (suicide attempts) in Edinburgh for 4 subgroups of people for each of the years 1970, 1973 & 1974. Probability distributions are fitted to these data & it is shown that the log-series distribution best fits the data for 2 subgroups. The stability of the parameters of these […]

    September 1, 1983
    Spotlight on the Suicidal Inpatient

    The average physician loses 10 or more patients through suicide during his career. Especially disturbing are acts of self-destruction that occur in hospitals. In this article, experts in dealing with the potential suicide suggest ways to manage these patients & avoid social and legal sanctions.

    September 1, 1983
    Psychiatric Service in a Centre for the Treatment of Poisoning

    The operation of a service to provide psychiatric examination of patients admitted to a centre for the treatment of poisoning is described & its advantages are outlined. A description of one year’s cases from Edinburgh is given. Rates by sex, age & marital state, the methods used, the diagnosis & the disposals are presented. The […]

    September 1, 1983
    Electroencephalographic Correlates of Suicide Ideation and Attempts

    219 psychiatric admissions were evaluated for presence & degree of 1) suicide ideation, 2) suicide attempts, and 3) assaultive-destructive behaviours. Results indicated that, for both sexes, there was a positive significant association between paroxysmal EEG’s & suicide ideation alone, suicide ideation plus attempts, & assaultive-destructive behaviour without suicide component. (32 ref)

    September 1, 1983

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