Suicide prevention programs: Evidence base and best practice

This chapter presents a narrative synthesis of the evidence relating to the effectiveness of 13 different approaches (interventions) that have been incorporated into national suicide prevention programs. These approaches are presented in an analytic framework that distinguishes between national and community-based multilevel programs, prevention, and treatment/maintenance. The primary source of evidence are six reviews of […]

An evaluation of the long-term sustainability of suicide prevention programs in an offshore Island

Introduction In 2002, a suicide prevention program for visitors was implemented in Cheung Chau, an offshore island with 21,000 residents and many visitors. This research revisited the intervention and evaluated its long-term effectiveness. Insights are provided into implementing a sustainable intervention. Methods Suicide death records (2007–2017) of Cheung Chau residents and visitors were retrieved. Information […]

Short-and long-term effects of a community-based suicide prevention program: A Hong Kong experience

Background A multidisciplinary, multilayer, community-based suicide prevention program (2008–2012) was implemented in the Eastern District, Hong Kong. This article documents the program and reports on short- and longer-term program evaluation. Methods Characteristics and rates of self-harm/suicidal behaviors and suicide deaths by age group and gender in the Eastern District before, during, and after the intervention […]

Gatekeeper training for suicide prevention: A theoretical model and review of the empirical literature.

The rate of military suicides has been increasing in recent years. In 2010 the most recent year for which we have epidemiologic data there were 301 suicide deaths among service members on active duty, equating to a rate of 18.0 suicides per 100,000 service members (Luxton et al., 2012). The increase in suicide within the […]

School-based suicide prevention programmes: The SEYLE cluster-randomised, controlled trial.


Critically evaluating school mental health: pilot report.


Connect: an effective community-based youth suicide prevention program.

Youth suicide prevention is an important public health issue. However, few prevention programs are theory driven or systematically evaluated. This study evaluated Connect, a community-based youth suicide prevention program. Analysis of pre and posttraining questionnaires from 648 adults and 204 high school students revealed significant changes in knowledge and attitudes about suicide, increased belief in […]

Mobile Crisis Team Intervention to Enhance Linkage of Discharged Suicidal Emergency Department Patients to Outpatient Psychiatric Services: a Randomized Controlled Trial

In a rater-blinded, randomized controlled trial, 120 participants who were evaluated for suicidal thoughts, plans, or behaviours, & who were subsequently discharged from an urban emergency department, were randomized to follow-up either in the community via a mobile crisis team or at an outpatient mental health clinic. Successful first clinical contact after discharge occurred in […]

Adolescent Help-Seeking and the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program: an Evaluation

After the introduction of Yellow Ribbon to a Denver-area high school, staff & adolescents were surveyed to determine if help-seeking behaviour had increased. Using a pre-post intervention design, staff at an experimental school & comparison school were surveyed about their experiences with student help-seeking. 146 students at the experimental high school were also surveyed. Staff […]

It’s a goal!: basing a community psychiatric nursing service in a local football stadium

This paper describes the development of a community mental health project in a local football stadium, the Moss Ross stadium in Macclesfield, England, UK. This 3-year project was designed in 2003 and was able to secure funding from the Laureus Foundation’s ‘Sport for Good’ initiative. The project provides mental health promotion and mental health awareness […]

Life Force Project: Final Evaluation Report

The report presents the evaluation findings of the Life Force Project. The aim of the project was to explore the issues for community groups in addressing suicide, parasuicide, & suicidal behaviour among their clients & the wider community. A drama approach was rooted in community development principles & designed to develop life enhancing skills. The […]

Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (AYSPS): Summative Evaluation

The Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy is an initiative established in response to the Government of Alberta’s Children & Youth Initiatives. This report outlines the results of a summative evaluation conducted in 2007-2008 of 9 initial pilot sites & 7 new sites. The focus was to determine to what degree the Strategy had reached its […]

All Along the Watchtower: Suicide Risk Screening, a Pilot Study

This article describes one hospital’s inpatient admission screening process. Through an interdisciplinary team of nurses, social workers, nursing care coordination, computer clinical analyst, staff education, & management, a prescreening tool/process was developed that identified medical patients with emotional or behavioural disorders & at risk for suicide. A 4-item suicide risk tool was piloted & revised. […]

Training Outcomes From the Samaritans of New York Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programme Among Community- and School-Based Staff

365 community- & school-based staff completed pre- & post-training measures of self-efficacy regarding their knowledge about suicide & suicide prevention, & their ability to intervene with individuals at risk for suicide. Results indicated increased self-efficacy after suicide prevention training than before. Trainees with higher levels of education & previous contact with suicidal individuals were significantly […]

Review of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Programs (ASIST): Rationale, Evaluation Results, and Directions for Future Research

The purpose of this report is provide a comprehensive review of ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) evaluation results. The report has 4 parts: an overview of the problem of suicide; a description of the ASIST program; a review of ASIST evaluation results; & suggestions for future ASIST evaluations. Evaluations summarized came from Australia, Canada, […]

Reducing Suicidal Ideation and Depression in Older Primary Care Patients: 24-Month Outcomes of the PROSPECT Study

The impact of a care management intervention on suicide ideation & depression in older primary care patients was evaluated. Study participants were 599 patients 60 years or older with major or minor depression selected from practices randomly assigned to provide either the intervention or usual care. The intervention consisted of 15 trained care managers who […]

Standby Replication Project: Final Evaluation Report. Executive Summary

This document provides a summary of a longitudinal evaluation of the StandBy Response Service, a suicide bereavement response service. The purpose of the evaluation was to demonstrate evidence of the community benefits of this program & the benefits of the program to people in the primary target group who had used the service. Qualitative & […]

Sustainable Effects on Suicidality Were Found for the Nuremberg Alliance Against Depression

During an intense 4-level community-based intervention program in Nuremberg in 2001-2002, the number of suicidal acts (attempts & deaths) dropped significantly, a significant effect compared with the baseline year & the control region of Wuerzburg. To assess the sustainability of the intervention effects, the number of suicidal acts was assessed in 2003, after the termination […]

StandBy Replication Project: Final Evaluation Report

This report presents the results of an evaluation of the StandBy Response Service, a program designed to respond to suicide incidents & suicide bereavement. Qualitative (on-site interviews & observations in trial locations) & quantitative (survey) findings suggest the service does increase a community’s capacity to respond appropriately & effectively to suicide & suicidal behaviours. Analysis […]

Public Awareness Campaigns About Depression and Suicide: a Review

This literature review gathered information about depression or suicide awareness campaigns & summarized data on their impact & effectiveness. 43 publications that described 15 programs in 8 countries met inclusion criteria. Comparisons were difficult because of diversity in objectives, delivery methods, & evaluation. Results suggest these programs contributed to a modest improvement in public knowledge […]

StandBy Replication Project: Final Evaluation Report – Appendices

This document is comprised of the 18 appendices for the final evaluation report of the StandBy Response Service. Copies of the surveys that were used, consent forms, cover letters, factsheets, newspaper advertisements, evaluation researcher training syllabus, survey results, & client & stakeholder comments are included in the appendices.

Awareness Effects of a Youth Suicide Prevention Media Campaign in Louisiana

The impacts of a state-wide media campaign on call volumes to a national hotline were analyzed to determine if advertisements raised awareness of the hotline. The authors used a quasi-experimental design to compare call volumes from zip codes where & when the campaign is active with those where & when the campaign is not active. […]

Impact of a Mental Health Teaching Programme on Adolescents

This study assessed the impact of a mental health teaching programme on adolescent pupils. A 2-group pre-test-post-test control study was done in 2 English secondary schools. Experimental classes received 6 lessons on mental health (including suicide/self-harm), control classes did not. Understanding was measured at 2 time points, 8 months apart. Pupils in the experimental classes […]