Factors Associated With Suicide Ideation in Adults

This study considered numerous factors potentially related to suicide ideation in adults, including life stress, stress perceptions, social support, personality, alcohol use, chronic conditions, distress symptoms, & sociodemographic background. Using data from a health survey of 825 adults resident in the Reykjavik area, Iceland, it was found that financial hardship, legal stress, family difficulties, stress […]

Psychological Strengths, Coping and Suicide Ideation in the South African Police Services in the North West Province

This research determined the relationship between sense of coherence, generalised self-efficacy, locus of control, & coping on the one hand & suicide ideation among South African police personnel on the other. The study population consisted of 287 uniformed officers in the North West Province. Results showed sense of coherence & generalised self-efficacy were related to […]

Environmental Factors, Locus of Control, and Adolescent Suicide Risk


Single Versus Multiple Suicide Attempts Among At-Risk High School Adolescents


A Perspective on Soldier Suicide

In this letter to the editor, the author discusses what he believes are factors, other than combat, related to the increase in suicide among American soldiers. The factors he mentions are the loss of control of self & individuality. However, he suggests the current emphasis on the recognition of depression & suicide ideation should help […]

Investigation of a Developmental Model of Risk for Depression and Suicidality Following Spousal Bereavement

Data from a community-based multi-wave investigation were used to examine a developmental model of risk for depression & suicidality following the death of a spouse. Measures of perceived parental affection & control during childhood were administered to 218 widowed adults 11 months after the death of the spouse. Self-esteem, spousal dependency, depression, & suicidality were […]

Suicide and African American Teenagers: Risk Factors and Coping Mechanisms


Suicidality and Personality in American and Kuwaiti Students


Understanding Resolution of Deliberate Self Harm: Qualitative Interview Study of Patients’ Experiences

The objective of this study was to explore accounts of those with a history of deliberate self harm but who no longer do so, to understand how they perceive this resolution & to identify potential implications for provision of health services. The authors identified 3 recurrent themes: the resolution of adolescent distress; the recognition of […]

Coping Responses of Adolescent Suicide Attempters

Published in “Back to the Future: Refocusing the Image of Suicide,” ed. by J L McIntosh

Perceived Academic Performance as an Indicator of Risk of Attempted Suicide in Young Adolescents

This study investigated perceived academic performance & self-reported suicidal behaviour in adolescents, mean age 13 years, from 27 South Australian high schools. The authors found that groups perceiving their academic performance as failing, below average, average & above average were significantly different on a variety of measures. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that failing academic […]

Spinzoa on Self-Preservation and Self-Destruction

The author attempts to illuminate Spinzoa’s treatment of selfhood as it pertains to the possibility of self-destruction. The author argues that Spinzoa’s conception of human essence as necessarily self-affirming is implausible because suicide is a sign of an internal weakness in the face of a hostile world. Thus, the author contends that Spinzoa cannot make […]

Old Wine in a new Wineskin (IN: The Currents of Lethal Violence: an Integrated Model of Suicide and Homicide, ed. by N P Unnithan et al)


Social-Psychological Underpinnings of the Integrated Model (IN: The Currents of Lethal Violence: an Integrated Model of Suicide & Homicide, ed. by Unnithan et al)


Personality Predictors of Outcome for Adolescents Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation

The present study was undertaken to examine the relationship between personality dimensions & the outcome of treatment of adolescents hospitalized for suicidal ideation or behavior. 78 adolescents admitted to an adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit for suicidal ideation or attempts completed assessment questionnaires. Self-criticism was found to be associated with posttreatment hopelessness & depression. Baseline suicidal […]

Pain and Psychiatric Disorders Contribute Independently to Suicidal Ideation in HIV-Positive Persons


Is Religiosity Related to Suicidal Ideation After Personality and Mood are Taken into Account?

In a nonclinical sample, religiosity was weakly associated with prior or current suicidal ideation, even after locus of control & depression scores were taken into account. However, religiosity did not contribute significantly to the prediction of suicidality after neuroticism was taken into account. (7 refs)

Life Ownership Orientation and Attitudes Toward Abortion, Suicide and Capital Punishment

Initial support is outlined for a new scale called the Life Ownership Orientation Questionnaire, which assesses the extent to which one believes that God, the individual, or society has the power to control & govern one’s life. The strength of respondents’ god ownership orientation demonstrated higher predictive validity with regard to attitudes toward abortion, suicide, […]

What is the Afterlife Like? Undergraduate Beliefs About the Afterlife

This article examines several undergraduates’ views on death. The article used a 41-item questionnaire that produced 12 independent groups or beliefs. The article found that belief in an internal locus was associated with a more positive view of the afterlife. It also found that the most common belief was that one is reunited family & […]

Suicidal Ideation in High School Students: Depression and Other Correlates

English-Canadian high school students participated in a study of the relationship between suicidal ideation & selected personal variables, stress, & social support. Associations were found between suicidal ideation & the variables of gender, self-esteem, locus of control, depression, drug use, stress, perception of health, family status, academic performance, social support, & anomie. Depression & alcohol […]

Locus of Control and Academic Efficacy in the Thoughts of Life and Death of Young Quebec University Students

This study evaluated the role of control & efficacy expectations in the thoughts of life & death of 50 male & 50 female university students & investigated sex differences in this regard. A comparison of means revealed that male students did not differ from their female counterparts on any of the variables under study. Other […]

Covariation of Cognitive Styles and Mood Factors During Crises (IN: Suicidal Behaviour in Europe: Recent Research Findings, edited by P Crepet et al)

Based on the results of previous cross-sectional studies which investigated the influence of cognitive styles on suicidal behviour, the authors focused on the effect of three cognitive styles: rigidity versus flexibility; dichotomous thinking; and field dependence. On the basis of their findings they were unable to find grounds for supporting the previous published general hypothesis […]

Locus of Control and Suicidal Ideation

To explore locus of control and suicidal ideation, Levenson’s locus of control scale and the Beck Depression Inventory were administered to 13 psychiatric inpatients and 9 expatients in a support group. This study of a small sample of patients gives results consistent with the existence of an association between suicidal ideation and belief in locus […]