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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Stengel Award 1981 – Jean Pierre Soubrier

    A brief biography of Jean Pierre Soubrier, winner of the 1981 Stengel Award. Following is the procedure for nominating a possible candidate. (DD)

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide and the Standard of Care: Optimal vs. Acceptable

    Discusses the accepted standard of care in the treatment of suicidal patients from the perspectives of the law, malpractice insurance claims, the mental health professions & the ideal. Although attention to potential malpractice issues is necessary & appropriate, what appear to result are an acceptance of minimal standards & the practice of defensive care. It […]

    September 1, 1982
    Recognition and Management of the Seriously Suicidal Patient

    Death by suicide is a common occurrence. Actually, as many people die by suicide as of hepatic cirrhosis. The recognition of the serious suicidal threat is obviously of the highest importance. The family physician is usually the first to see the suicidal patient. This article helps the physician to recognize the signs of impending suicide.

    September 1, 1982
    Culture and Mental Disorder: A Study of Attempted Suicide

    Authors studied the relationship of mental illness and social factors using a sample of individuals (Groups A & B) admitted to a general hospital after attempted suicide. Group A included sociopathic personality, chronic alcoholism and conversion reaction. Group B were manic depressives and chronic brain sydrome. Using clinical psychiatric information & social data of each […]

    September 1, 1982
    Symbolmaking and Suicide: Hart Crane (1899-1932)

    Presents an extensive discussion of various life events leading to the suicide of Hart Crane. Examines his major patterns of imagery & habits of poetic style in order to determine why they were unsuccessful in helping him to establish an identity & why this failure of his characteristic symbolmaking capacity resulted in a failure of […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Weather

    67 suicides & 8373 suicide attempts in Houston were studied in terms of 11 weather variables. No significant relationship between attempts and/or suicides and weather/seasonal phenomena was found. (RA)

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide and Weather

    The author attempted to replicate the findings of an earlier study, in which the only significant relationship between weather & completed suicide was found when considering barometric pressure along with relative humidity. The present study failed to replicate this finding, suggesting that this 1 significant value had occurred by chance in the earlier study. It […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide: Answering the Cry for Help

    Suicide is among the first ten causes of adult deaths in the United States. It is helpful for social workers and other professionals to be able to recognize possible suicides, evaluate the suicidal risk, and recommend an appropriate course of treatment. Because of the seriousness of suicidal problems, consultation should always be sought.

    September 1, 1982
    On the Improvement of Suicide Determination

    This article describes a form developed to improve data collection in the medical examination of cases of nonnatural death. The form covers 20 personal & social variables relevant to suicide. Compared to the original form, a significant increase in the recording of pertinent positive & negative information related to suicide was found. Increases were most […]

    September 1, 1982
    Reducing Childhood Disability in the 80’s

    This article discusses childhood disabilities from an international prespective. In 1975, about 10% of the world’s children suffered from 1 or more disabilities. The authors outline patterns & causes of disabilities. A section on mental illness & psychosocial problems is included, outlining problems in prevention & treatment. They provide several strategies for change, both national […]

    September 1, 1982
    Attempted Suicide and Body Image

    This study tests the hypothesis that suicidal individuals differ in their body-image boundary dimensions from nonsuicidal individuals. The author examined Rorschach protocols from a sample of subjects who had attempted suicide & control subjects. The prediction was not supported. The author concludes that these results contribute to the growing body of evidence challenging the assumption […]

    September 1, 1982
    The Identification of Suicidal Behavior in Females by the use of the Rorschach

    Four subject groups (suicidal, neuropsychiatric controls, criminal offenders, and normal controls) had Rorschach protocols scored for 2 dimensions hypothesized to discriminate suicidal from non-suicidal patients. Neither dimension discriminated the suicidal group.

    September 1, 1982
    Multiple Determinants of Suicidal Efforts

    This article begins by discussing the problems with completely understanding suicide – since the victims’ motives can no longer be examined directly. Next, the author discusses the mixed goals of suicide victims, for example, to return to infancy, to join someone who has died, or for vengeance or self-punishment. The author concludes that students of […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide by Asthma

    This article describes the cases of 5 patients with asthma who died despite treatment. The authors found certain characteristics which separated the 5 from those who respond favorably to treatment, & which indicate the 5 deaths were suicides. All 5 had serious defects of personality organization, including strong dependent longings & an inability to relate […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide in Alcoholics

    Citing 7 prior studies, this article describes follow-up techniques used in 2 studies of 131 & 87 chronic alcoholics, of whom males suicided at a rate 75-85 times expected rates. Subjects more often had received general medical than psychiatric care. Value of public education re: suicidal communication among chromic alcoholics was stressed, as was the […]

    September 1, 1982
    Affective States of Patients Immediately Preceding Suicide

    Study of 61 patients in a psychiatric facility who committed suicide, found that in the 24 hours prior to death they were more frequently noted as “Calm” than control group. This finding may not have general applicability, but in a hospital setting it could point to a high risk candidate for suicide as someone whose […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide During an LSD Reaction

    The authors of this article assert that mescaline & LSD can facilitate a breakdown of personality integration that can outlast the drugged state. This state may allow individuals to take their own lives who otherwise might not. A case report is provided of a college student who committed suicide while on LSD. He had given […]

    September 1, 1982

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