Ongoing university studies and the risk of suicide: A register-based nationwide cohort study of 5 million young and middle-aged individuals in Sweden, 1993-2011.

Objectives To investigate the risk of suicide, unnatural death and all-cause death in university students compared with non-students, taking previous educational attainment into account. Design Open cohort study of all residents aged 18–39 and living in Sweden at any time between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2011. Setting We linked data from national registers and calculated person-years […]

Ongoing university studies and the risk of suicide: A registration-based nationwide cohort study of 5 million young and middle-aged individuals in Sweden, 1993-2011.

Objectives To investigate the risk of suicide, unnatural death and all-cause death in university students compared with non-students, taking previous educational attainment into account. Design Open cohort study of all residents aged 18–39 and living in Sweden at any time between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2011. Setting We linked data from national registers […]

Childhood adversity and risk of suicide: Cohort study of 548721 adolescents and young adults in Sweden.

Objective To examine the relation between childhood adversity, the role of school performance, and childhood psychopathology and the risk of suicide. Design Cohort study of register based indicators of childhood adversity (at ages 0-14) including death in the family (suicide analysed separately), parental substance abuse, parental psychiatric disorder, substantial parental criminality, parental separation/single parent household, receipt of […]

Labour market marginalisation subsequent to suicide attempt in young migrants and native Swedes.

This study aimed to compare young individuals who differed in terms of birth region and history of suicide attempt regarding socio-demographic and healthcare factors, and with regard to their risks of subsequent unemployment, sickness absence and disability pension. Methods Prospective cohort study based on register linkage of 2,801,558 Swedish residents, aged 16–40 years in 2004, […]

Suicides during pregnancy and 1 year postpartum in Sweden, 1980-2007.

Although the incidence of suicide among women who have given birth during the past 12 months is lower than that of women who have not given birth, suicide remains one of the most common causes of death during the year following delivery in high-income countries, such as Sweden. The maternal suicide ratio was 3.7 per […]

Poststroke suicide attempts and completed suicides: A socioeconomic and nationwide perspective.

We examined attempted and completed suicides after stroke to determine whether they were associated with socioeconomic status, other patient characteristics, or time after stroke. Both clinical and socioeconomic factors increase the risk of poststroke suicide attempts. This suggests a need for psychosocial support and suicide preventive interventions in high-risk groups of stroke patients. Contact us […]

Criminality and suicide: A longitudinal Swedish cohort study.


Juvenile delinquency, social background and suicide: A Swedish national cohort study of 992,881 young adults.

This study supports the hypothesis that individuals with delinquent behaviour in late adolescence have an increased risk of suicide as young adults. Regardless of causality issues, repeated juvenile offenders should be regarded by professionals in health, social and correctional services who come into contact with this group as a high-risk group for suicide. Contact us […]

Birth order and suicide in adulthood: Evidence from Swedish population data.

Studies how birth order was associated with suicide and other main causes of death. Focus was on the within-family variation in suicide risk, meaning that we studied sibling groups that consisted of 2 or more children in which at least 1 died from suicide. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online […]

Excess mortality, causes of death and life expectancy in 270,770 patients with recent onset of mental disorders in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

To investigate the excess mortality in different diagnostic categories due to suicide and other external causes of death, and due to specific causes in connection with diseases and medical conditions. The life expectancy was generally approximately 15 years shorter for women and 20 years shorter for men, compared to the general population.

Unemployment and suicide during and after a deep recession: a longitudinal study of 3.4 million Swedish men and women.


Psychiatric diagnosis in late adolescence and long-term risk of suicide and suicide attempt.

Objective: To investigate the associations between psychiatric diagnosis in late adolescence in an unselected population and subsequent suicide attempt and suicide during 36-year follow-up. Method: A total of 49 321 Swedish men conscripted for compulsory military training in 1969/1970, born 1949-1951, were screened for psychiatric disorder and, if detected, diagnosed by a psychiatrist according to […]

Suicidal expressions in young Swedish Sami, a cross-sectional study.

Objectives To investigate the experience of suicidal expressions (death wishes, life weariness, ideation, plans and attempts) in young Swedish Sami, their attitudes toward suicide (ATTS), and experience of suicidal expressions and completed suicide in significant others and to compare with Swedes in general. Methods A cross-sectional study comprising 516 Swedish Sami, 18Ð28 years of age […]

Predictors of suicidal behaviour in 36,304 individuals sickness absent due to stress-related mental disorders–a Swedish register linkage cohort study.


Sociodemographic, psychiatric and somatic risk factors for suicide: a Swedish national cohort study.


School grades, parental education and suicide – a national register-based cohort study


Repetition of Suicide Attempts Across Episodes of Severe Depression: Behavioural Sensitisation Found in Suicide Group but not in Controls

This study investigated the distribution of initial & repeated suicide attempts across depressive episodes in suicides & controls with a unipolar severe depression. A blind record evaluation was performed of 80 suicide victims & controls admitted to the Department of Psychiatry between 1956-1969 & monitored to 2010. The risk of a first suicide attempt decreased […]

Suicide Risk in men With Prostate-Specific Antigen-Detected Early Prostate Cancer: a Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study from PCBaSe Sweden

This study assessed the risk of suicide among men diagnosed with prostate cancer subsequent to prostate-specific antigen testing. The number of suicides registered for cases in the PCBaSe cohort was compared with the expected number of suicides in an age-matched general male Swedish population. Standardised mortality ratios were calculated for different categories of cases. There […]

Depressive Episodes With Suicide Attempts in Severe Depression: Suicides and Controls Differ Only in the Later Episodes of Unipolar Depression


Method of Attempted Suicide as Predictor of Subsequent Successful Suicide: National Long Term Cohort Study

The assocation between method of attempted sucide & risk of subsequent suicide was studied in a Swedish cohort followed up for 21-31 years. 48,649 individuals admitted to hospital in 1973-1982 afet attempted suicide were included. 5,740 individuals died by suicide during the follow-up, 1973-2003. The risk of suicide varied substantially according to the method used […]

Suicidal Behaviour in National and International Adult Adoptees: a Swedish Cohort Study

6065 international adoptees were compared to 7340 national adoptees & 1274312 non-adopted study subjects, all born between 1963-1973, & followed-up until 2002. Cox regression of person years was used in multivariate analyses to compare risks for suicide & suicide attempt. International adoptees had clearly increased risks for suicide attempts & suicide after adjustment for gender, […]

Psychosis Alters Association Between IQ and Future Risk of Attempted Suicide: Cohort Study of 1109475 Swedish men

Associations between intelligence quotients measured in early adulthood & subsequent hospital admissions for attempted suicide were explored. The role of psychosis was explored. Associations of intelligence quotient with specific methods of attempted suicide were explored. A cohort study of 1,109,475 Swedish men was conducted. 17,736 men had at least one hospital admission for attempted suicide […]

Childhood Sexual Abuse Predicts Poor Outcome Seven Years After Parasuicide

The predictive value of a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder was compared to the predictive value of a history of childhood sexual abuse in terms of outcome 7 years later in Swedish patients admitted for parasuicide. Univariate regression analysis showed higher odds ratios for borderline personality disorder, female gender, & childhood sexual abuse regarding prolonged […]