Impulsivity and serotonergic function in compulsive personality disorder.

This study compared serotonergic function, as assessed by prolactin response to fenfluramine, in males with compulsive personality disorder, males with noncompulsive personality disorders, and normal control subjects. The two patient groups did not differ in age, depression status, suicide history, or comorbid borderline personality disorder. However, compulsive personality disorder patients had significantly greater impulsive aggressive […]

Suicide incidence and risk factors in an active duty US military population.

Objectives. The goal of this study was to investigate and identify risk factors for suicide among all active duty members of the US military during 2005 or 2007. Methods. The study used a cross-sectional design and included the entire active duty military population. Study sample sizes were 2 064 183 for 2005 and 1 981 […]

Parent of origin effect and allelic expression imbalance of the serotonin transporter in bipolar disorder and suicidal behaviour.

Suicide and suicidal behaviour are a major health concern worldwide particularly in patients with mood disorders. Family, adoption and twin studies show that genetics influences suicidal behaviour. The serotonin transporter (5HTT) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of mood disorders and may also be involved in suicidal behaviour since 5HTT binding is decreased in […]

A longitudinal study of differences in late- and early-onset geriatric depression: depressive symptoms and psychosocial, cognitive, and neurological functioning.

Objectives: Studies suggest early-onset depression (EOD) is associated with a more severe course of the depressive disorder, while late-onset depression (LOD) is associated with more cognitive and neuroimaging changes. This study examined if older adults with EOD, compared with those with LOD, would exhibit more severe symptoms of depression and, consistent with the glucocorticoid cascade […]

The serotonergic system in mood disorders and suicidal behaviour.

A stress-diathesis explanatory model of suicidal behaviour has proved to be of heuristic value, and both clinical and neurobiological components can be integrated into such a model. A trait deficiency in serotonin input to the anterior cingulate and ventromedial prefrontal cortex is found in association with suicide, and more recently non-fatal suicidal behaviour, and is […]

Association and CpG SNP analysis of HTR4 polymorphisms with suicidal behavior in subjects with schizophrenia.


The effects of acute tryptophan depletion on impulsivity and mood in adolescents engaging in non-suicidal self-injury.

Objective: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is associated with impaired emotion regulation and impulsivity. Low serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) function is associated with NSSI, impaired emotion regulation and impulsivity. We investigated the effects of experimentally lowered 5-hydroxytryptamine activity, via acute tryptophan depletion (ATD), on impulsive action, reflection impulsivity and mood in female adolescents engaging in NSSI. Methods: Thirty-two female […]

Serotonin and Cortisol as Suicidogenic Factors in Patients With PTSD

This study examined the statistical relation between platelet serotonin concentration & serum cortisol concentration in a group of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, with & without attempted suicide, treated in hospital in Zagreb. Results showed significantly lower platelet serotonin concentration in the patients, with & without suicidal behaviour, as compared to healthy controls. There were […]

Sleep, Serotonin, and Suicide in Japan

This article reviews evidence supporting the hypothesis that suicide rates in Japan could be reduced by elevating serotonin levels via increasing the average duration of sleep. From the research reviewed, 2 major problematic issues were apparent: most people in Japan receive inadequate sleep & individuals whose sleep is inadequate are unlikely to be sufficiently physically […]

Neurobiological Underpinnings of Suicidal Behavior: Integrating Data From Clinical and Biological Studies

Published English-language literature was reviewed to identify evidence supporting a multi-dimensional model of putative causal pathways for suicidal behaviour. There is evidence that clinical, neurochemical, neuroendocrine, neurocognitive, & neurophysiological contributory factors may be useful as intermediate phenotypes in describing putative causal pathways from genetics & early-life adversity to suicidal acts. It is concluded that determining […]

Suicide, Stress and Serotonin Receptor 1A Promoter Polymorphism -1019C>G in Slovenian Suicide Victims

This study analyzed promoter polymorphism -1019C>G in 323 suicide victims & 190 controls, all of Slovenian origin. Differences in the distributions of genotype & allele frequences were not statistically significant between suicide victims & controls, & the same was found for distributions according to gender & suicide method. For 62 suicide victims information about stressful […]

Serotonergic Measures in Suicide Brain: 5-HT1A Binding Sites in Frontal Cortex of Suicide Victims

The density of 5-HT1A binding using 3H-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl-amino) tetralin as binding ligand was studied in human frontal cortex of suicide victims & normal controls who died due to medical disease or accidents. There was no difference in the maximum number of binding site (Bmax) or Kd (an inverse measure of affinity) of 5-HT1A receptor binding sites […]

Intronic Polymorphism of Tryptophan Hydroxylase and Serotonin Transporter: Indication for Combined Effect in Predisposition to Suicide

Owing to the assumed functionality of intronic polymorphisms of tryptophan hydroxylase (218AC) and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter (VNTR-2) genes, the authors investigated frequencies of occurrence of the tryptophan hydroxylase & 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter genotypes containing lower activity alleles in 192 suicide victims & 377 controls. Significant differences in frequences of these genotype combinations were found between suicide victims […]

Lower 3H-Paroxetine Binding in Cerebral Cortex of Suicide Victims is Partly due to Fewer High Affinity, non-Transporter Sites

Binding kinetics were assayed in prefrontrol & temporal cortex in matched pairs of suicide victims & controls using the selective ligand 3H-paroxetine & employing 1muM sertraline to define specific binding to the transporter & 10muM sertraline which also displaces binding to the high affinity, nontransporter site. The total number of 3H-paroxetine transporter & nontransporter binding […]

Peripheral Serotonergic Markers in Acutely Suicidal Patients. 1. Comparison of Serotonergic Platelet Measures Between Suicidal Individuals, Nonsuicidal Patients With Major Depression and Healthy Subjects

5 peripheral serotonergic markers were assessed simultaneously. Of 60 acutely suicidal inpatients, 45 were suicide attempters. 28 nonsuicidal patients with major depression & 123 healthy volunteers served as control groups. Mean platelet 5HT concentration was significantly lower in suicidal inpatients when compared to nonsuicidal depressed patients, but did not differ from the figure in healthy […]

Parkinson’s Disease, DBS and Suicide: a Role for Serotonin?

In this letter to the editor, the authors comment on a multicentre study by Voon et al (2008) on the risk of death by suicide in patients with Parkinson’s disease who had received subthalamic stimulation. They also briefly review results from a preclinical study they have done. The reply of Voon et al follows.

Plasma Serotonin Levels and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents

To evaluate the relationship between plasma serotonin levels & psychometric measures in suicidal adolescents versus controls, 211 Israeli adolescents were divided into 4 groups: 35 suicidal psychiatric inpatients; 30 nonsuicidal psychiatric inpatients; 51 adolescents referred to the emergency room after an attempt; & 95 community-based controls. Plasma serotonin levels were significantly lower in the control […]

Psychiatric Risk Factors for Suicide in the Alcohol-Dependent Patient

The authors propose a diathesis-stress model in which 2 sets of variables interact to potentiate suicide among individuals with alcoholism. Predisposing factors include high levels of impulsiveness & aggression, alcoholism severity, hopelessness, & negative affect. Acute stressors such as relationship problems or disruptions & onset of a depressive episode precipitate suicidal behaviour among the predisposed. […]

Association Study of Seven Polymorphisms in Four Serotonin Receptor Genes on Suicide Victims


The Influence of Four Serotonin-Related Genes on Decision-Making in Suicide Attempters


Association Study of two Polymorphisms of the Serotonin-2A Receptor Gene and Suicide Attempts


The Genetics of Suicide: a Critical Review of Molecular Studies


Stress, Genes and the Biology of Suicidal Behavior
