Minority stressors and suicidal ideation in sexual and gender minority youth assigned female at birth: Prospective associations and racial differences

Introduction: Suicidal ideation (SI) disproportionately affects sexual and gender minority (SGM) versus cisgender/heterosexual youth, likely due to the minority stressors (MS) they face. Research has shown cross-sectional associations between SGM MS and suicidality; however, few studies have used  longitudinal data or examined racial differences in the effects of MS on SI. The current study tested […]

Suicidality, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity: Results from a U.S. representative adolescent sample

Objective: We examined sadness/hopelessness and suicide among racial/ethnic and sexual minority youth (SMY). Methods: 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data on sadness/hopelessness and suicide were analyzed among White, Black, and Hispanic/Latino youth. Results: A main effect of sexual minority (SM) identity emerged for sadness/hopelessness, suicidal ideation, suicide plan, suicide attempts, and injurious attempts; SMY reported increased risk […]

Structural indicators of suicide: An exploration of state-level risk factors among Black and White people in the United States, 2015–2019

Purpose Death by suicide among Black people in the USA have increased by 35.6% within the past decade. Among youth under the age of 24 years old, death by suicide among Black youth have risen substantially. Researchers have found that structural inequities (e.g. educational attainment) and state-specific variables (e.g. minimum wage, incarceration rates) may increase risk […]

Examining discrepant reports of adolescents’ self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: A focus on racial and ethnic minority families

Introduction Adolescents and their parents do not always see eye to eye. This principle applies to multi-informant reports of adolescents’ self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. Although prior work has revealed the presence of parent-adolescent discrepant reports, we have little insight into exactly who is most likely to display such discrepancies. To address this knowledge gap, the present investigation […]

Race, age, and lack of insurance increase risk of suicide attempt in trauma patients

Objective The overall rate of suicide between 1999 and 2017 increased by 33% in the United States. We sought to examine suicide attempts in the trauma patient population, hypothesizing that in adult trauma patients race and lack of insurance status would be predictors of suicide attempt. Method The Trauma Quality Improvement Program (2010–2016) was queried […]

Race and depressive symptoms are associated with the prevalence of adolescent suicide attempts in Hawai’i, Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2015-2017

Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. According to the 2017 National Vital Statistics report, suicide was the second leading cause of death for adolescents 10-24 years old, accounting for 19.2% of deaths in that age group. Aggregated 2015-2017 Hawai‘i Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data from 12 120 respondents […]

Exploration of race and ethnicity, sex, sport-related concussion, depression history, and suicide attempts in US youth

Importance  Racial, ethnic, and sex disparities for concussion incidence and suicide attempts in youth have been reported, but data on the interaction of these variables in a large national data set are lacking. Understanding how race and ethnicity interact with sex and concussion to influence suicide attempts could yield critical information on the sociocultural impact of […]

Sleep health disparities: A promising target for preventing suicide in black youth?

Youth suicide is an urgent public health concern, particularly for Black youth, among whom suicide attempts and death have increased faster than any other racial or ethnic group. Ideal foci for suicide prevention interventions are risk factors that are malleable, dynamic, and proximal. Studies consistently identify poor sleep health as a risk factor for suicidal […]

Correlates of suicide risk among Black and White adults with behavioral health disorders in criminal-legal systems

Background Adults with behavioral health disorders in criminal-legal systems are at heightened risk of suicide relative to the general population. Despite documented racial disparities in criminal processing and behavioral health treatment, few studies have examined racial differences in suicide risk in this already high-risk population. This study examined 1) the correlates of suicide risk in […]

A question of justice: Critically researching suicide with Indigenous studies of affect, biosociality, and land-based relations

This paper considers how Indigenous studies can inform the evolution of critical research on suicide. Aligned with critiques of mainstream suicidology, these methodological approaches provide a roadmap for structural analysis of complex systems and logics in which the phenomenon of suicide emerges. Moving beyond mere naming of social determinants of suicide and consistent with calls […]

Temporal trends in suicidal ideation and attempts among US adolescents by sex and race/ethnicity, 1991-2019

Objective  To examine differences in temporal trends between suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in US adolescents from 1991 through 2019 by sex and race/ethnicity subgroups. Design, Setting, and Participants  A cross-sectional analysis of the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, weighted to represent US adolescents from 1991 to 2019, included 183 563 US high-school students in grades 9 […]

Trends in suicide rates by race and ethnicity in the United States

Introduction The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a decrease in the 2019 suicide rate, from 14.2 per 100 000 individuals in 2018 to 13.9 per 100 000 individuals in 2019, representing 833 fewer suicides.1 This is the first national year-over-year decrease since 1999, but efforts need to consider trends among subgroups. Growing concerns regarding increasing […]

Racial/ethnic disparities in the performance of prediction models for death by suicide after mental health visits

Objective  To evaluate racial/ethnic differences in the performance of statistical models that predict suicide. Design, Setting, and Participants  In this diagnostic/prognostic study, performed from January 1, 2009, to September 30, 2017, with follow-up through December 31, 2017, all outpatient mental health visits to 7 large integrated health care systems by patients 13 years or older were evaluated. […]

Variable circumstances of suicide among racial/ethnic groups by sex and age: A National Violent-Death Reporting System analysis

Suicide rates vary by race/ethnicity, but little is known about how the circumstances that contribute to suicide differ across racial/ethnic groups. This study investigated suicide circumstances among non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islanders, non-Hispanic Native American/Alaskan Natives, and Hispanics by sex and age. Using de-identified National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) Restricted Access Database […]

Toward an intersectional approach in developmental science: The role of race, gender, sexual orientation, and immigrant status.

Developmental theory and research have often focused on a single social identity category, for example, race or sexual orientation, and examined the consequences of that category on life outcomes. Yet intersectional models of social disadvantage (eg, Cole, 2009; Crenshaw, 1995; King, 1988) suggest that social categories combine to shape the experiences and life outcomes of […]

Suicides and deaths of undetermined intent by poisoning: Reexamination of classification differences by race/ethnicity and state

This study examined differences by race/ethnicity and state in poisoning deaths of undetermined intent (UnD) versus suicide classification and the potential impact of state variations on UnD rates for Blacks and Hispanics. We used data from the 2005-2015 U.S. National Violent Death Reporting System (N = 29,567 aged 15+) and weighted coarsened exact matching. The odds […]

Differences in suicidal thoughts and behaviors among three racial groups

Background: Despite being a major public health concern, it is unclear how suicidal thoughts and behaviors differentially impact separate racial groups. Aims: The aim of the current study was to examine the occurrence of nonlethal suicide events, in addition to suicide attempt characteristics and factors contributing to suicide attempts. Method: A final sample of 7,094 undergraduates from a large northeastern […]

Associations of racial/ethnic identities and religious affiliation with suicidal ideation among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning individuals

Background Our aim was to examine the associations of racial/ethnic identity and religious affiliation with suicidal ideation among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) and heterosexual college students. An additional aim was to determine the prevalence of passive suicidal ideation (i.e., death ideation) and active suicidal ideation among culturally diverse LGBQ individuals. Methods Data from […]

Unrecognised self-injury mortality (SIM) trends among racial/ethnic minorities and women in the USA

Aim To assess whether an enhanced category combining suicides with nonsuicide drug self-intoxication fatalities more effectively captures the burden of self-injury mortality (SIM) in the USA among US non-Hispanic black and Hispanic populations and women irrespective of race/ethnicity. Methods This observational study used deidentified national mortality data for 2008–2017 from the CDC’s Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting […]

Association between perceived public stigma and suicidal behaviors among college students of color in the U.S.

Background Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among college students and 10 to 34-year-olds in the U.S. While rates of suicide among young people of color have increased, less is known about factors that contribute to suicidality among racial minority students who are sorely underrepresented within existing research. Thus, we sought to explore the […]

Social status and suicidal activity among psychiatric patients: Moderating effects of gender, race and psychiatric diagnosis

The relationship between suicide and social class has proved to be complex. Durkheim predicted suicide rates would increase with social status, while others thought the opposite. Results have been mixed. In some studies, suicidality has increased with increasing social status, and in other studies, the two variables have had an inverse relationship. These studies have […]

Predicting suicide attempts for racial and ethnic groups of patients during routine clinical care

The aim of this study was to examine variation in suicide ideation and its relationship to risk of suicide attempt in the subsequent 90 days by race and ethnicity. Participants were adults who completed the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module (PHQ9) during an outpatient encounter between January 10, 2010, and December 12, 2012 (N = 509,945 patients; N = 1,228,308 completed […]

Acute alcohol intoxication and suicide among U.S. ethnic/racial groups: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System

BACKGROUND: To assess the prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of suicide involving acute alcohol intoxication among U.S. ethnic minorities. METHODS: Data were derived from the restricted 2003 to 2009 National Violent Death Reporting System. The study focused on the sociodemographic and toxicological information of 59,384 male and female suicide decedents for 16 states of the United […]