Unchanged Density of Caudate Nucleus Dopamine Uptake Sites in Depressed Suicide Victims

In this post-mortem study, the binding of the ligand 3HWIN 35,428 to dopamine uptake sites in the caudate nucleus was investigated in 13 depressed suicide victims & 19 controls. The were no differences in Bmax or Kd between the suicide group & controls. Subdividing the suicide group into subgroups regarding the presence of major depression, […]

Factors of Suicide Ideation and Their Relation to Clinical and Other Indicators in Older Adults

This study examined the factor structure of the Scale for Suicidal Ideation in an older population in order to determine whether the factor structure was similar &, if so, whether the factors related to other clinical & demographic correlates. 199 participants currently experiencing suicide ideation, mean age 57 years, were selected from a combined database […]

Understanding Recent Changes in Suicide Rates Among the Middle-Aged: Period or Cohort Effects?

Trends in suicide rates for American residents, aged 40-59 years, were examined for the period 1979-2005 & alternative explanations were explored for the notable increase in such deaths from 1999-2005. The timing of the post-1999 increase coincided with the complete replacement of the American middle-age strata by the postwar baby boom cohorts, whose youngest members […]

Sex, Gender Role Orientation, Gender Role Attitudes and Suicidal Thoughts in Three Generations: a General Population Study

This study investigated whether gender role orientation & gender role attitudes were related to the reporting of serious suicidal thoughts in 3 generations in a community sample. Subjects completed home interviews. The prevalence of serious suicide ideation was higher in early adulthood than in early & late middle age. In early adulthood, only gender was […]

Respiratory Function and Other Biological Risk Factors for Completed Suicide: 40 Years of Follow-Up of European Cohorts of the Seven Countries Study

In the prospective cohort of the Seven Countries Study, 5,321 middle-aged men from Finland, Serbia, Italy, & Greece were tested to assess which biological risk factors independently identified subjects at increased risk of suicide. Completed suicide was assessed during 40 years of follow-up. Biological cardiovascular risk factors (including forced vital capacity & height) were tested […]

Suicide by Burning Barbecue Charcoal: Three Case Reports

The authors report 3 cases of suicide in Scotland where barbecue charcoal was purposely burned in a confined area. This particular method is not common in Europe & is more widely reported in the Far East. (28 refs.)

Suicides Among Older Persons in Finland and Time Since Hospitalization Discharge

This study examined the timing of suicide among elderly & middle-aged persons after their final hospitalization & examined characteristics of suicides in relation to the timing of suicide. Data were examined for 370 Northern Finnish middle-aged (50-64 years) & 194 elderly (65 years or older) suicide victims. Compared with elderly persons whose suicide occurred more […]

Attempted Suicide by Cop: a Case Study of Traumatic Brain Injury and the Insanity Defense


Future Orientation and Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Depressed Adults Ages 50 and Over

The hypothesis that future orientation is associated with lower levels of suicide ideation & lower likelihood of suicide attempt was tested in a sample of 202 patients in treatment for major depression. Hypotheses were tested using multivariate logistic regression & linear regression analyses that accounted for age, gender, hopelessness, & depression. As hypothesized, higher future […]

Sex Differences in Correlates of Suicide Attempt Lethality in Late Life

The authors assessed correlates of suicide attempt lethality in older men & women. A cross-sectional study enrolled 125 older adults with major depression & a suicide attempt admitted to community & university hospitals. Attempt lethality was higher in older (70+) than in younger (50-69 years) men & lower in older than in younger women. Association […]

Suicidal Thoughts During an Analysis(IN: Relating to Self-Harm and Suicide. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Practice, Theory and Prevention, ed. by S Briggs, A Lemma and W Crouch)


Impulsive Suicide Attempts by a Patient With Alcoholic Dementia

This article presents the case of a 57-year-old male veteran with alcoholic dementia who made two suicide attempts in the hospital within a 2-hour period. (7 refs.)

Personality and Attempted Suicide in Depressed Adults 50 Years of age and Older: a Facet Level Analysis

The contribution of personality traits to attempted suicide, the number of suicide attempts, & suicide ideation was examined in a sample of depressed inpatients. Bivariate analyses showed suicide attempters were more self-conscious, self-effacing, impulsive, & vulnerable to stress. Multivariate regression analyses, controlling for age, gender, severity of depresson, & psychiatric morbidity, showed patients with a […]

Concordance About Childhood Sexual Abuse Among Depressed Patients 50 and Over and Their Family and Friends

This study examined concordance between patient & informant reports of childhood sexual abuse in a sample od depressed patients 50 years & older. 88 pairs of patients & informants independently responded to items from the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Informants’ reports of patients’ severe sexual abuse histories were in high agreement with patients’ reports; concordance was […]

Increased use of Antidepressants and Decreasing Suicide Rates: a Population-Based Study Using Danish Register Data

The objective of this study was to examine if the change in the suicide rate is associated with individuals’ use of antidepressants as has been suggested by ecological studies. All individuals aged 50 years & older living in Denmark between 1996-2000 were included. Only 1 in 5 older adults dying by suicide was in treatment […]

Cognitive Reactivity, Suicidal Ideation and Future Fluency: Preliminary Investigation of a Differential Activation Theory of Hopelessness/Suicidality

The authors investigated whether the re-emergence of hopeless/suicidal cognitions over time can be explained within a differential activation framework. 2 studies, 146 & 136 participants respectively, showed that individuals who reported suicide ideation when depressed in the past had higher scores on the hopelessness/suicidality subscale of a measure assessing cognitive reactivity to low mood. Study […]

Suicidality in Middle Aged and Older Patients With Schizophrenia and Depressive Symptoms: Relationship to Functioning and Quality of Life

The hypotheses that middle aged & older patients with schizophrenia, depressive symptoms, & suicidality would exhibit worse quality of life & worse everyday functioning & that higher levels of suicidality would be significantly associated with worse functioning, worse quality of life, & older age were examined. 146 outpatients with schizophrenia & depression were included. Subjects […]

Risk Factors for Suicide in Adults Aged 30-49: a Psychological Autopsy Study in Hong Kong

The aims of this study were to identify & examine the magnitude of the risk factors for middle-aged suicide among Hong Kong citizens, to determine the similarities & applicability of Western findings into the local situation, & to recommend culturally specific, evidence-based preventive & intervention strategies. Using a case-control psychological autopsy methodology, 85 individuals who […]

Reducing the Risk of Suicide in men Aged Over 40 Years who are not in Contact With Mental Health Services in West Sussex. January 2006-January 2008

Over the course of this project, three main activities were undertaken to reduce the risk of suicide in men aged over 40 who did not seek help from mental health services in West Sussex. A public awareness program, work with general practitioners, & training sessions were the strategies employed. This document provides information on the […]

Mid-Life Suicide. An Increasing Problem in U.S Whites, 1999-2005


Depression Mood and Suicide Among Middle-Aged Workers: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study in Nagoya, Japan


Prognosis of Risk Factors and Trends in Mortality From External Causes Among Middle-Aged men in Lithuania

The aims of this study were to investigate the risk of death & time trends from external causes & to evaluate the significance of the effects of age, period, & birth cohort on suicide mortality among middle-aged men during 1971-2000 in Lithuania. Over this time, 2841 men died; 21 by suicide. Of all the variables […]

Ageing and Suicide

This book begins by discussing the burden of suicide, specifically the number of deaths by suicide & the number of people consequently bereaved. Transcultural comparisons of suicide are made & the focus of discussion then moves to Australia. Information is provided on epidemiological data, suicide methods, methods of attempted suicide, & psychosocial risk factors for […]