Suicide worldwide in 2019: Global health estimates

Suicide is a serious global public health issue. It is among the top twenty leading causes of death worldwide, with more deaths due to suicide than to malaria, breast cancer, or war and homicide. Close to 800 000 people die by suicide every year. The reduction of suicide mortality has been prioritized by the World […]

The body economic: Why austerity kills.Recessions, budget battles and the politics of life and death.


WHO Research and Intervention Projects Into Suicidal Behaviours: the WHO/SUPRE-MISS and the WHO/START Studies

This paper discusses a few milestones in the internationalization of suicide prevention strategies, emphasizing the role of the International Association for Suicide Prevention & the International Academy for Suicide Research. The core of the discussion is the relatively recent involvement of the United Nations, particularly through their ad hoc branch. A brief description is given […]

Seven Steps to Integrating Suicidology


Suicide: Definitions, Statistics and Interventions at the International Level (IN: Suicide: Stategies and Interventions for Reduction and Prevention, ed. by S Palmer)


Optimizing Suicide Prevention Programs and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI Europe): an Evidence-Based Multi-Level Approach

This paper presents the protocol of a European research project that will be used to develop an optimized, evidence-based program for suicide prevention. The intervention will be evaluated using a prospective controlled design with the primary outcomes being composite suicidal acts (fatal & non-fatal), & with intermediate outcomes being the effect of training programs, changes […]

World Suicide Prevention Day – “Think Globally, Plan Nationally, Act Locally”

The phrase “think globally, plan nationally, act locally” was borrowed from the environmental movement & used as the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day, 2008. This pamphlet seeks to: develop global awareness of suicide as a major preventable cause of premature death; describe the political leadership & policy frameworks for suicide prevention provided by national […]

Deaths From Pesticide Poisoning: a Global Response

Self-poisoning with pesticides accounts for about a third of all suicides worldwide. To tackle this problem, the World Health Organization announced a global public health initative in the second half of 2005. Planned approaches were to range from government regulatory action to the development of new treatments for pesticide poisoning. With broad-based support, this strategy […]

Improving the Mental Health of the Population. Towards a Strategy on Mental Health for the European Union

Green Paper #COM(2005) 484 Final.

Preventing Suicide – are we?

This letter to the editor is a remark on the actions of the International Association for Suicide Prevention over the past 10 years. The narrator describes her efforts as a member of the organization, the case of a young male who died by suicide in a small village, & the development of the Association to […]

Celebrating the First World Suicide Prevention Day: 10th September, 2003


I.A.S.P. Guidelines for Suicide Prevention

I.A.S.P. Guidelines for Suicide Prevention

The IASP Adelaide Declaration on Suicide Prevention

In this editorial, Goldney, the president of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) describes the creation of the Adelaide Declaration on Suicide Prevention. This declaration is a brief statement meant to convey the importance of suicide & its consequences worldwide. In this declaration the World Health Organization’s 6 basic steps for suicide prevention are […]