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Table of Contents

    Pharmacists are in a unique position to prevent suicide among patients and their families.

    Suicide prevention in pharmacies can accomplish two goals: preventing suicide among pharmacists and staff as well as preventing suicide among the pharmacy’s patients and their families.

    Centre for Suicide Prevention has pharmacy-specific suicide prevention resources, available at no-cost to you and including free shipping.

    Fill out the form below to receive resources for your pharmacy including: 1 of either a store employee-facing sign or pharmacist-facing sign, 1 set of 2 customer-facing signs, 1 of the 2 shelf talkers, and 25 customer take away cards. Scroll down for more details.

    At this time, we’re only able to offer free resources to pharmacies in Alberta, Canada.


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    Resources include

    Store employee facing signage

    5.5″ x 8.5″ self-standing counter sign


    Pharmacist facing signage

    5.5″ x 8.5″ self-standing counter sign

    Customer facing signage

    6″ x 4″ vinyl decal to be applied to counter tops

    Shelf talker

    3″ x 3″ pop out shelf talker


    Customer takeaway card

    3.5″ x 2″ double-sided card to be stapled to prescription bags

    Additional resources

    Share resources among staff about how to identify someone thinking about suicide and how to reach out to connect them to help:

    1. How to help someone thinking about suicide (article)
    2. A caring conversation – what suicide prevention can look like? (article)
    3. How do I talk to someone thinking about suicide? (video)
    4. Centre for Suicide Prevention also offers education sessions to discuss suicide prevention that can be offered to employees and pharmacists. How to talk about suicide webinar.