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Table of Contents

    The City of Calgary has engaged Centre for Suicide Prevention and PolicyWise for Children & Families to examine Calgary’s current crisis response system and envision how it can be transformed. We want to hear the voices of crisis response service users and frontline service providers to inform the future of crisis response services in Calgary.

    Thank you for participating in this Community Consultation to provide input on the current system and your ideas for its future. 

    During our consultation, we’ll ask:

    1. How do you view Calgary’s crisis response system?
    2. What is working? What are some opportunities for growth?
    3. What do we need to know about the clients you serve or the community of which you are a part?
    4. What is your vision for the future of Calgary’s crisis response system?

    Please consider providing your input into this project through attending a Community Consultation and submitting an E-based written survey, available HERE. This survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, there is an option to enter a draw for a $25 gift card.

    A Community Consultation package has been prepared for participants to review before the meeting or before complete the survey. It is available HERE

    If you have any questions, contact Jeffrey Foster at [email protected] or 403-254-3900 ext. 226. We look forward to seeing you!