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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Suicide and Attempted Suicide in Children and Adolescents

    The child & adolescent suicide rate has been growing since 1930. Impulsiveness & apparent triviality of precipitating causes are noted. Most frequent causes were aggression & escape. Identification, psychoses & suggestion were also important elements. Chronic depression & superego problems were not major determinants until middle or late adolescence. The majority of the children had […]

    September 1, 1982
    On the Communication of Suicidal Ideas

    272 cases of suicide & 104 cases of attempted suicide were analyzed on the basis of whether or not they communicated their suicidal thoughts before the act was accomplished. Various sociological & behavioural factors were investigated in an attempt to distinguish communicators from non-communicators.Also examined were age, military status, years of formal education, race, religion, […]

    September 1, 1982
    Observations of Children Who Threaten to Kill Themselves

    A brief description is given to some general observations about 70 New York City children under 15 years of age, who threatened to kill themselves & were patients in a State Hospital. More adolescent girls threaten suicide than adolescent boys but the reverse is true below the age of puberty (age 12 for boys, 10 […]

    September 1, 1982
    Suicide is the Second Leading Cause of Death Among Teenagers in Alberta (IN: What You Should Know About Alberta Children & Their Families…The Darker Side)

    Two pages of a report about Alberta children and families offer a basic introduction to the nature of suicide in Alberta, with emphasis on adolescents and native youth. Graphs & pictorials are used to illustrate the increase in rates between 1951-1976 in Alberta & adolescent suicide rates in 1976 by geographical area. Causative factors are […]

    September 1, 1982

    This article is a narrative of one doctor’s experiences with a suicidal borderline patient. The patient partook in slashing behaviours and attempts at overdosing on pills and alcohol.

    September 1, 1982
    The Significance of the Suicide Gesture in the Military

    The suicide gesture is most frequently a communicative act directed at the patient’s environment. This study describes a group of military patients who have chosen this dramatic form of communication & highlights 2 important factors in their personality makeup: their intense need to resolve their perceived conflict & their sense of social isolation. Other distinctive […]

    September 1, 1982
    Drug Abuse and Suicide Attempt of an Adolescent Girl: A Social and Psychiatric Evaluation.

    Employing a case study, Trautman traces the relationship between psychosocial conditions and the suicidal behavior of a 14 year old New York City girl. The girl’s deviant defense mechanisms including drug abuse are explored. In this case, the precipitating crisis event led to an impetuous suicidal act. The role of community agencies is described. (TG)

    September 1, 1982
    Research Perspectives on Psychotherapy with Borderline Patients

    Examined are research findings on developmental patterns of object relations in neurotic, borderline, & schizophrenic patients & considers implications of these findings for conducting psychotherapy with borderline patients. Rorschach records of the 4 psychiatric groups were scored for differentiation, articulation, integration, content & accuracy. 49 refs.

    September 1, 1982
    A Syndrome of Serious Suicidal Intent

    Many theorists about suicide have noted aspects of aggression or identification with a lost object. Motives may include revenge, avoiding guilt, or being rescued. In a composite study of seven male patients, the author found these common elements; love for a “harlot”, paranoid jealousy, suspicions confirmed, and suicide attempts. Sexual rejection was compounded by latent […]

    September 1, 1982
    A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding Suicidal Behaviour

    This article details how a nurse can help a suicidal patient. The author explains that a nurse should accept patients suicidal behavior as logical from their point of view, & try to understand their concept of death & how they perceive themselves within the world (self-image). She explains that it is dangerous to attempt to […]

    September 1, 1982
    The Risk of Suicide in States of Depression

    Depression is a leading cause of suicide. However, only one third of suicides show symptoms of mental illness. Aggressive personalities, alcohol abuse and isolation with aging increases tendancies to self-destruction. Only about 1/6 of suicide attempts succeed. However, threats are to be taken seriously as an appeal for help. Conflict solution or hospitalization should be […]

    September 1, 1982

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