Year: 2023 Source: Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. (2023). SIEC No: 20232366
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (hereinafter referred to as The Lifeline) is a national effort to provide mental health crisis support for individuals or 3rd parties (requesting help for others) via a three-digit phone number. Since July 2022, the Lifeline is part of a national effort to assist individuals who are suicidal, homicidal, or distressed. Over half of suicides in the United States are completed with a gun, hence the need for an effort to focus on prevention related to a growing tragic loss of life. Psychiatric mental health nurses can be part of the prevention focus by promoting and discussing The Lifeline resource with patients, families, and colleagues. The majority of individuals requiring psychiatric-mental health services are living in the community and not institutionalized; therefore, The Lifeline is an invaluable resource to support wellness and well-being.