Year: 2023 Source: Asian People Journal. (2023). 6(1), 133-142. SIEC No: 20231447
The prevalence of suicide among drug addicts is common and one of the biggest challenges faced by society. Studies have found that substance use is associated with suicide ideation. Early detection of suicidal intent among addicts is important to ensure they do not take further action to prevent suicidal acts. This study used a psychometric instrument, namely the Suicidal Ideation Behavioural Assessment (SIBA®). The four main components involved were interpersonal conflict, emotional disorder, depression, and hopelessness. A descriptive study was conducted in this study. Altogether, a total of 123 drug addicts in Malaysia participated in this study as respondents. The descriptive analysis shows that 52.85% of addicts had low suicidal ideation behaviour, 21.95% were moderate, 3.25% high, and 0.81% very high. Findings from this study showed that drug addicts have high suicide ideation, which can be a risk factor for suicide attempts. It is suggested to focus on early detection of suicide ideation. This study is expected to make a significant contribution to the government, especially the rehabilitation centre, in helping addicts who have suicidal ideation behaviours to be given better attention and psychosocial support services.