Year: 2024 Source: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (March 2024: Malta), p. 270-277. SIEC No: 20240527
We propose a method that integrates supervised extractive and generative language models for providing supporting evidence of suicide risk in the CLPsych 2024 shared task. Our approach comprises three steps. Initially, we  construct a BERTbased model for estimating sentence-level suicide risk and negative sentiment. Next, we precisely identify high suicide risk sentences by emphasizing elevated probabilities of both suicide risk and negative  sentiment. Finally, we integrate generative summaries using the MentaLLaMa framework and extractive summaries from identified high suicide risk sentences and a specialized dictionary of suicidal risk words. SophiaADS, our  team, achieved 1st place for highlight extraction and ranked 10th for summary generation, both based on recall and consistency metrics, respectively.