Year: 2020 Source: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. (2020). Published online 9 January 2020. doi:10.1097/NMD.0000000000001106. SIEC No: 20200115

The aims of the present study were to compare a sample of individuals exposed to suicide in their families with a control group, on suicidal ideation, and to test possible potentiating effects for unmet interpersonal needs. Three hundred eighty-six young Portuguese adults participated. Two groups were defined: a group exposed to suicide in the family (n = 38) and a control group (n = 335). Groups differed significantly on suicidal ideation, on depressive symptoms, and on perceived burdensomeness and tended to differ on thwarted belongingness. Results from a hierarchical multiple regression analysis demonstrated that having lost a family member by suicide and perceived burdensomeness each provided a significant unique contribution to explaining variance in suicidal ideation when controlling for levels of depressive symptoms and having had a psychiatric diagnosis. The interaction between group membership and perceived burdensomeness provided a further enhancement to the statistical prediction of suicidal ideation.