Year: 2024 Source: Ottawa, ON: Author. 13 p. SIEC No: 20240318
To improve our understanding of the experiences of ACB communities with suicide, this resource was co-created by the Mental Health Commission of Canada alongside a diverse group of people from ACB communities with lived and living experience (PWLLE) with  suicide. This resource has the following aims: to shed light on the realities of those impacted by suicide from the lens of persons with lived and living experience in ACB communities in Canada, providing wider context around stigma, systemic racism and systematic  barriers to access to develop recommendations for policy makers, researchers, and service providers to dismantle stigma, increase access to care, and improve service delivery for those impacted by suicide in ACB communities in Canada to provide culturally competent,  accessible resources for those in ACB communities impacted by experience with suicide Findings from the literature as well as the experiences and input shared by PWLLE informed the content included in this resource.