Year: 2024 Source: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. (2024), 54(1), 129-137. SIEC No: 20240222

People with eating disorders (EDs) frequently report self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs). We aimed to replicate and extend findings demonstrating greater interoceptive deficits according to SITB severity. We predicted that interoceptive deficits would be greater among people with versus without lifetime SITBs and among those with multiple suicide attempts compared with single attempts or nonsuicidal self-injury. We also predicted that interoception would be increasingly impaired with greater current suicidality severity.
Adults (N = 118) seeking ED treatment reported current and lifetime SITBs upon admission to treatment. We used planned contrasts to compare interoceptive deficits (self-reported using the Eating Disorders Inventory) by SITB and current suicidality groups (assessed by self-report and clinical interview).
Interoceptive deficits were greater among people with any SITB history compared to those without. People with multiple suicide attempts did not differ in interoceptive deficits from those with single attempts or only nonsuicidal self-injury. Interoceptive deficits were elevated among those with any current suicidality compared to those with no suicidal symptoms; interoceptive deficits did not differ according to severity of suicidality.
Among those with EDs, interoceptive deficits are elevated among those with concurrent SITBs. Interventions aimed at improving interoception may reduce the risk for SITBs.