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Table of Contents
    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Integrated youth services in Canada: A portrait

    This report is a portrait of Integrated Youth Services (IYS) as they currently exist in Canada. Commissioned by the Bell-Graham Boeckh Foundation Partnership, it describes IYS as a system of care transforming youth mental health services in Canada and internationally. The report outlines the foundational principles and core components of IYS, its evolution and related […]

    June 14, 2023
    Pain in the nation: The epidemics of alcohol, drug, and suicide deaths

    Deaths from alcohol, drugs, and suicide in the United States have risen alarmingly over the past two decades and exponentially in recent years. Between 2011 and 2021, annual deaths have more than doubled—rising from  an already startling figure of 104,379 deaths in 2011 to a staggering 209,225 deaths in 2021.1 Most of that increase was […]

    June 14, 2023
    Suicide during COVID-19: Myths, realities and lessons learned

    Suicide is a challenging health concern, as worldwide approximately 800,000 people per year die of suicide, and it ranks amongst the top causes of death in young people. Causes of suicide are multifactored and it is clear that various societal and environmental factors may affect suicide rates. This can be demonstrated by the significant variability […]

    October 13, 2021
    Policy brief COVID-19 and mental health: Heading off an echo pandemic

    In Canada, COVID-19, or coronavirus disease, has caused thousands of deaths and continues to endanger lives. Since the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic in March 2020, preventative measures, including physical distancing, have been introduced across Canada to support infection control, and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Canadians are experiencing social and economic […]

    November 2, 2020
    Turf, trust, co-creation and collective impact

    Authentic community change moves at the speed of trust. And yet, we spend so little time and focus on intentionally building trust amongst partners. This paper explores the intricacies of trust, how to build it and what to do when trust is broken.

    June 23, 2020
    Quick TIC toolkit

    In a climate of universal trauma, trauma-informed care (TIC) is needed now more than ever. TIC offers a useful lens for processing the effects of COVID-19 and also prepares us for the possibility of increased trauma as a result of the pandemic. These resources will not only equip people to care for themselves, but will […]

    June 23, 2020
    Children and youth with thoughts of suicide: Guide for parents and caregivers

    Modern society can be stressful and disconnecting, and as a result, some children and youth may have thoughts about suicide, i.e. thoughts about ending their lives. The good news is that there are many things that caregivers can do to support their children and youth thinking about suicide. This includes getting professional help, as well […]

    June 16, 2020
    Preparing for COVID-19’s potentially devastating aftermath: Focusing on simple steps to address social determinants of health

    For many countries across the world we are seeing unprecedented economic declines and, in some cases, the largest collapses in business activity ever recorded.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Unlike the 2008 Global Financial Collapse which took at least 4-5 years before we reached a reasonable steady state for our citizens,7 the current crisis affects nearly […]

    April 29, 2020
    Prevention of suicide in persons with progressive neurological diseases

    People suffering with neurological diseases are at risk of committing suicide. A case-control study found increased risk of attempted suicide in patients with nine chronic neurological diseases [1]. Similarly, people diagnosed with neurological disorders were twice as likely to die of suicide than people not diagnosed with such disorders [2]. This increased risk could be […]

    April 29, 2020
    A strengths-based perspective.

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the recent paradigm shift in mental health, social work, and other helping professions towards embracing a strength-based approach and its implications for the crucial role of care provision and educational practice with children and youth. Discouraged by the limited effectiveness of problem-focused interventions, interventions have moved increasingly toward […]

    March 27, 2018
    Suicide loss: What teens need to know.

    Self-help for young people who have lost a family member or friend to suicide. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online at http://w.delcosuicideprevention.org/uploads/2/8/9/7/2897356/suicide_loss_book_what_teens_need_to_know.pdf

    February 22, 2017
    Help & hope for survivors of suicide loss.

    Every year about 40,000 people die by suicide, which means that thousands of families, friendship networks, schools, workplaces and faith-based organizations are left to make sense out of such a shocking and tragic loss. Suicide can be difficult to talk about. Stigma and shame surround the topic, which is often why someone thinking of suicide […]

    September 22, 2016
    Coping with suicidal thoughts.

    There are times in life when we might feel totally, hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed with emotional pain. It can seem like there is no other way out of our problems, we’ve run out of ideas, possible solutions. Our problems seem unfixable. The pain feels like it will never end. We believe we’ve run out of options, […]

    September 1, 2016
    Towards an understanding of the role of bereavement in the pathway to suicide.

    Bereavement is considered to be a common precursor of death by suicide. Studies suggest those bereaved by suicide may be particularly vulnerable to suicide themselves. Recently, there has been a steady rise in the number of deaths by suicide in Northern Ireland. As a result, an increasing number of individuals have been exposed to bereavement […]

    September 1, 2015
    Take care – be aware: How journalists can help prevent copycat suicides.

    Despite increasing openness in the dialogue around mental health problems, there continues to be social stigma associated with depression with many people endorsing unhelpful attitudes. Suicides usually occur in the context of a depression or another mental illness (alcohol- and/or drug addiction, schizophrenia). About 80-90% of all suicide cases are preceded by such illnesses. Especially […]

    September 1, 2015
    Suicide survivors.

    Understanding mental illness is key to assisting people in need. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online at https://www.printfriendly.com/print?url_s=uGGCkllrzFJBEyqmpBzlABqrlbhdefh

    September 1, 2014
    Life after suicide.

    How emergency responders can assist those left behind. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online at http://www.emsworld.com/article/10319826/life-after-suicide

    September 1, 2014
    Guidelines to assist clinical staff after the suicide of a patient.

    Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Prof. Onja T. Grad offers guidelines to assist clinical staff after the suicide of a patient. See Requirements and Objectives of Help Measures or Key Recommendations. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online at https://www.iasp.info/pdf/postvention/guidelines_to_assist_clinical_staff_after_suicide_patient_grad.pdf

    September 1, 2014
    Samaritans suicide statistics report 2013: Data for 2009-2011.

    This document provides a description of the numbers and rates of suicide within the UK and the Republic of Ireland using data which is available from the official statistical bodies; it does not provide explanations for the trends in suicide rates within or between nations.

    September 1, 2014
    Media guidelines for reporting suicide: Samaritans warn media after suspected copycat suicides.

    Suicide is a complex topic and presents a distinct set of challenges for the journalists who report on it. They have to balance a range of factors including what is in the public interest and the risk of encouraging imitative behaviour. At the same time they must guard against intrusion into grief and shock of […]

    September 1, 2014

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