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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Suicidal Behavior Among the Netsilik Eskimos (CA1 IA55 GO N02)

    Paper based on research conducted on two field trips in 1959 and 1960 among the Arviligjuar Eskimos of Pelly Bay, District of Keewatin. Describes Netsilik suicide practices in relation to the low level of social integration characteristic of their society. (KB)

    September 1, 1983
    And Darkness Closes In… A National Study of Jail Suicides

    Documentation of suicides during 1979 indicated that inmates commit suicide at 16 times the rate in the general population. A profile of the typical inmate suicide indicated that he was 22 years old, white, single, male & had been arrested for public intoxication. He had no significant history of arrests, mental illness or suicidal behaviour. […]

    September 1, 1983
    The Philosophical Roots of the Confidentiality Dilemma

    Two competing philosophical systems are examined: utilitarianism & Kantian formalism. The 2 moral outlooks are defined & briefly discussed. The implications that ensue from each of the theories are considered. Utilitarianism favours the interventionist violating the confidence of the suicidal person out of concern for her welfare, whereas formalism favours respect for individual autonomy. As […]

    September 1, 1983
    Ratings of Intention in Suicidal Behavior

    Degrees of intention have been noted before in behavior of patients who attempt or commit suicide. However, criteria for judging the degree and role of the victim’s effort to achieve self-termination has been lacking. The present report is a description of our efforts to define and quantify suicidal intent as a psychological variable, whether or […]

    September 1, 1983
    Suicide in Alberta-Historical Review of Newspaper Clippings 1975-1982

    Newspaper clippings on suicidal behaviors found in Alberta newspapers covering the period 1975 to 1982.

    September 1, 1982

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