Understanding how Texas community college campuses are supporting student mental health

Rising rates of individuals with mental illness in the United States have policymakers, education officials, and medical professionals worried about the need for additional support for struggling college students—and the ability of higher education institutions to provide it. Many colleges have designed and implemented a variety of interventions to ensure that mental health issues do […]

A comparison of depressive symptom self-reported measures in the Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN)

Objective: To evaluate psychometrically and provide crosswalks between 3 self-report measures of depressive symptomatology in youth in psychiatric care settings. Ratings included the Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents (PHQ-A), a widely used 9-item self-report; the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–Self-Report (QIDS-SR16); and the 5-item Very Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–Self-Report (VQIDS-SR5), a recent effort to […]

Involvement in Physical Activity and Risk for Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts

This study compared reports of recent physical activity among those surviving a nearly lethal suicide attempt to reports from community controls. Analyses were conducted on data collected between November 1992-July 1995 for a study of nearly lethal suicide attempts among people aged 13-34 years. Logistic regression analyses were used to test the association between suicide […]

Disturbed Sleep Among Adolescents Living in 2 Communities on the Texas-Mexico Border, 2000-2003

The authors estimated the prevalence of disturbed sleep & associated factors among ninth graders living on the Texas-Mexico border. Probabilistic sampling was used to conduct 2 cross-sectional, school-based surveys, 1 during the 2000-2001 school year in Texas & 1 during the 2002-2003 school year in Mexico. Disturbed sleep during the 4 weeks before the survey […]

Psychiatric Problems Experienced by Primary Care Patients who Misuse Alcohol

100of 1936 primary care patients who met criteria for alcohol abuse &/or dependence were included in this study. 60 of these individuals were matched to 60 people who did not misuse alcohol. All 160 patients answered questions about psychiatric symptoms & psychotropic drug use. The lifetime prevalence of depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, violent behaviour, […]

The Relation Between Physical Activity and Mental Health Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Adolescents

This study assessed the relation of physical activity with feelings of sadness & suicidal thoughts & behaviours among Hispanic & non-Hispanic white adolescents. 1870 Texas adolescents, ages 14-18, attending high school in Neuces County participated. More boys reported participating in physical activity than girls & more girls than boys reported feelings of sadness & considering […]

Police Suicide: why are the Rates in Some Places so low? (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

The published literature on police suicide contains serious measurement problems that undermine understanding, including: unreliability of small samples, lack of statistical significance testing, comparison of different time periods, use of different data sources, use of different summary measures, comparison to inappropriate norms, & misclassification of suicides as accidents. The authors suggest solutions for these problem […]

One-Year Incidence of Suicide Attempts and Associated Risk and Protective Factors Among Adolescents

Data were collected using diagnostic interviews & questionnaires with a sample of 4,175 Texas youth, age 11-17 years, & 3,134 followed up a year later. Total incidence was 0.95% & first incidence 0.84% for attempts. Few significant independent predictors of attempts were found. Multivariate analyses identified only 2 independent predictors of first incidence (marijuana use […]

Assessing the Interpersonal Dynamics Associated With Serious Suicide Attempts: the Concept of Problem Irresolvability

This study sought to create an adult version of the Subject Experience of Problem Irresolvability instrument created by Orbach & colleagues, 1999. An additional objective was to examine the relationship between the suicide attempters’ experience of certain previously researched interpersonal dynamics & lethality of suicide attempts. 83 participants comprised the study group. An independent samples […]

Psychiatric Disorders and Suicide in the Nation’s Largest State Prison System


The Prevalence of Suicidal Behaviors in a Group of HIV-Positive men


Are Mexican American Adolescents at Greater Risk of Suicidal Behaviors?


The Prevalence and Comorbidity Between Delinquency, Drug Abuse, Suicide Attempts, Physical and Sexual Abuse, and Self-Mutilation Among Delinquent Hispanic Females


Racial Differences in Hopelessness as a Risk Factor for a Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempt

Data from a case-control study of nearly lethal suicide attempts within Harris County, Texas were analyzed. Interaction results from logistic regression suggest the effect of hopelessness on a nearly lethal suicide attempt may differ for black & white Americans. Hopelessness was strongly associated with a nearly lethal suicide attempt for both groups, but the odds […]

Self-Attitudes and Multiple Modes of Deviance (IN: Drugs and Suicide, ed. by D Lettieri)

Characteristics of 61 Mexican American Adolescents who Attempted Suicide


Suicide Ideation and Acculturation Among Low Socioeconomic Status Mexican American Adolescents


Axis I Screens and Suicide Risk in Jails: a Comparative Analysis


Texas Plane Crash: Nonviolent Man’s Final act Brings Destruction and Death


Occult Suicidality in an Emergency Department Population

Project SOAR: a Training Program to Increase School Counselor’s Knowledge and Confidence Regarding Suicide Prevention and Intervention

Suicide Risk at Juvenile Justice Intake

This study examined whether risks operate similarly in a justice sample. Suicidal behaviour & disorder were measured on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children in 991 selected youths, & examined associations between demographic, disorder characteristics, & past attempts. Recent attempts were more common in girls, in those with depression or substance disorder, & in violent […]

Increased Impulsivity Associated With Severity of Suicide Attempt History in Patients With Bipolar Disorder

In bipolar disorder subjects with either a definite history of attempted suicide or no such history, impulsivity was assessed with a questionnaire & behavioural laboratory performance measures. Subjects with a history of suicide attempts had more impulsive errors on the immediate memory task & had shorter response latencies, especially for impulsive responses. Results suggest that […]