Patient Reactions to a Psychiatrist’s Pregnancy

This article discusses reactions that patients may have when their psychiatrist is pregnant. Emotional reactions of anxiety, anger & abandonment are described. 3 clinical cases are presented. In all cases the subjects responded to the pregnancy with suicidal thoughts, self-harming behaviors or suicide attempts. The authors urge psychiatrists to consider these possible reactions when treating […]

Helping Lethal Suicidal Adolescents (IN: Beyond the Innocence of Childhood vol.2: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope With… ed. D W Adams & E J Deveau)

This chapter discusses various misconceptions & difficulties involved in helping lethal suicidal adolescents, including: lack of understanding about suicide itself, oversimplification of the problem of adolescent suicide, high demand for long-term treatment services, lack of knowledge about predictive behaviors, implementation of prevention, intervention & postvention measures, & problems resulting from transference & countertransference. The authors […]

Simon Muralis: Self-Sequestration and Psychotherapeutic Failure

This article studies the case of a young man suffering from suicidal ideation, & examines the treatment he underwent with his psychotherapist. The patient’s dissociation, especially in regards to his psychotherapist, is the main focus of discussion. The therapist’s account of treatment is followed by discussion of the case by two other experts.

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Depressive and Suicidal Elderly

Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Mental Health Perspective

Clinical Evaluation of Suicide Risk

This article presents a clinical theory of suicide & discusses the essential concepts of lethality & perturbation. Intrapsychic aspects (unbearable psychological pain, cognitive constriction, indirect expressions, inability to adjust, & ego), & interpersonal aspects (interpersonal relations, rejection-aggression, & identification-egression) are outlined to aid in assessment. Transference & countertransference issues in assessment are noted. A case […]

Therapy: the Healing Relationship (IN: Preventing Elderly Suicide: Overcoming Personal Despair, Professional Neglect, and Social Bias by J Richman)

Basic procedures of the assessment interview, monitoring of depression & response to the therapeutic process are detailed in this chapter. It outlines a 7-phase psychotherapeutic process, summarizes 9 commonalities in treatment of the suicidal elderly, emphasizes a multi-determined approach, & includes case examples. Negative therapeutic reaction, the patient/therapist relationship, transference, countertransference, & ageism are discussed. […]

Patient Suicide and Assault: Their Impact on Psychiatric Hospital Staff

This article examines the aftermath of patient suicide & patient assault on psychiatric hospital staff. The reactions of staff members following patient assault & suicide are compared & contrasted. Administrative & co-worker reactions to these occurrences are documented. Issues of transference & countertransference as exacerbating factor in staff reactions are also discussed. (19 refs.)

The Role of Transference and Countertransference in the Teaching and Learning of Suicidology (IN: Intervention and Prevention, ed. by U Bille-Brahe and H Schi¿dt)

The symposium took place in Odense, Denmark in 1992. The proceedings were published in 1994.

Suicidal Behaviour, the Contribution of Psychoanalytical Thought

This article discusses suicide from a Freudian point of view. Suicidal acts are an effort to solve psychic conflicts, conscious or unconscious. Fantasies may suggest a conflict at an early developmental level, while guilt may signify an Oedipal conflict. There are also adaptive & communicative aspects to suicidal behavior. Factors that affect a suicidal patient’s […]

Crisis Intervention With Highly Lethal Suicidal People

A model for working with highly lethal suicidal people is outlined. Using an idiographic illustration, the idea that a crisis is a perception is explored, along with issues of lethality & perturbation, object relations, responsibility, availability of a weapon, & active versus passive response. Specific problems with transference & countertransference in crisis intervention are highlighted. […]

Psychotherapy With Suicidal Older Adults

A rational for therapy with suicidal elderly patients, from assessment through psychotherapy, is presented. The process includes thorough & comprehensive attention to not only the suicidal individual, but also the situational & family components of the suicide crisis; crisis intervention; general principles of treatment; & applications of these principles to individual, group, & family therapy. […]

Individual and Group Therapy for the Suicidal Older Person (IN: Now I lay me Down: Suicide in the Elderly, edited by D Lester & M Tallmer)

This chapter examines the role of the therapist in suicide prevention, addresses possible techniques for treatment, notes the impact of suicide on the therapist, describes potential errors that might inhibit positive contributions, & looks at transference and countertransference issues. The initial interview & dealing with symptomatology are also discussed. (30 Refs.)

Crisis Intervention With Highly Lethal Suicidal People (IN: Treatment of Suicidal People, ed. by A. A. Leenaars et al)

Leenaars presents a 5-step model for crisis intervention with suicidal individuals. The steps in the model are: 1) establish rapport; 2) explore; 3) focus; 4) develop options & a plan of action; 5) terminate. Each of these steps is discussed in greater detail. A case history is used as illustration of the model. This chapter […]

Physician-Assisted Suicide: a Mental Health Perspective

This article notes that health care providers are late-comers to the physician-assisted suicide (PAS) debate. They can offer crucial knowledge & experience. Methodologies developed for the study of completed suicide, applicability to the terminally ill, & complex unanswered questions are addressed. Psychiatry’s contributions to understanding the doctor-patient relationship – fundamental to the practice of psychodynamically […]

Borderline States. Incest and Adolescence

Explores the impact of sexual abuse on development with reference to the adolescent life stage. Focus on psychoanalytic intervention for borderline functioning. Conclusion: the persistence of an incestuous relationship through critical years in childhood maintain the conditions for the consolidation of a borderline personality structure; & the patient used the environment outside the distorted relationships […]

Severe Borderlines and Self Psychology

The case of a woman diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder because of classic symptoms of intense, unstable affect, recurrent suicidality, self-mutilation, & primitive defensive organization is presented. Once a self-object transference tie was established, the borderline symptoms remitted. It is suggested that borderline pathology may reflect the absence of a vitally needed self-object function. […]

Problems With Borderline Patients in a Crisis Intervention Unit: a Case History

This article describes some characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of crisis intervention in patients with borderline personality disorder. Some suggestions are made about dealing with such patients in the light of mistakes made by the crisis therapist. These mistakes produced feelings of inadequacy and incompetence in her, stemming from unresolved transference/counter-transference problems. (22 refs.)

Did His Doctor Love him to Death?

This article explores the relationship between a doctor & his patient. In particular, it documents the story of a patient who committed suicide and his family claiming that his therapist had driven him to his death by seducing and brainwashing him. The processes of transference and counter-transference are mentioned briefly. Also, the article presents some […]

Late Adolescent Development and Treatment

The author undertakes an extensive discussion of the late adolescent period. Sugar begins by defining late adolescence as “the final stage of the adolescent process”. He then discusses, among other things, biological aspects, developmental tasks, psychic structure, & the incidence of psychiatric difficulties during this period. 3 case examples, including that of a suicidal college […]

Suicide Prevention in Schools

This book contains a collection of articles on prevention, intervention & postvention in schools. Some of the subjects covered include: a cross-cultural comparison of suicide rates; attitudes of high school students toward suicide; promotion of self-esteem; suicide prevention programs; awareness education; gender difference effects on prevention; crisis intervention; therapeutic care; countertransferance; family therapy; posttraumatic stress […]

Principles of Psychotherapy With Suicidal Patients (IN: Suicide Over the Life Cycle, ed. by S J Blumenthal and D J Kupfer)

This article examines the process of psychotherapy with a suicidal patient. The author reviews theories of suicidality, & outlines how to form an alliance with a child, adolescent, adult, or aged patient. He also describes some common characteristics of suicidal patients, inlcuding envy & rivalry. He concludes by discussing different types of countertransference. (VM)

A Severe Form of Breakdown in Communication in the Psychoanalysis of an ill Adolescent

Uses clinical material from the analysis of a suicidal & self-mutilating 17-yr-old male to illustrate a core breakdown in communication in suicidal or psychotic adolescents. The types of breakdowns in communication that may arise at various points of an analysis are discussed. In terms of the ill adolescent, the core pathology needs to be experienced […]