Suicidal Responses on the Rorschach Test: A Validation Study

This research was undertaken to determine if certain Rorschach responses or response patterns could be demonstrated to bear high predictive relationships to self-destructive behaviors. Rorschach profiles of 40 suicidal hospitalized patients were compared with those of a matched nonsuicidal group. 5 or more suicidal configurations were given by 87% of the suicidal group & by […]

Individual Differences in Childhood and Adolescence

The Organization of Fantasied Movement in Suicidal Children and Adolescents

The Man Who Drank Drano

This paper details the results of an investigation of a man who was infuluntarily committed to a mental hospital for having attempted suicide by drinking a mixture of water and Drano. The paper also proposes a theoretical rationale for this particular choice of suicide attempt. Included are Rorschach responses and draw-a-person results.

A Replication of Rorschach Signs With Suicide Attempted Schizophrenics

Distinguishing Murderers From Suicides With the Rorschach

An Object Representation Approach to Psychostructural Change: A Clinical Illustration

Presented is a systematic test-retest analysis of a disturbed, hospitalized adolescent in an attempt to demonstrate recent innovation in Rorschach theory & technique based upon important conceptual & empirical advances in object relations theory.These new perspectives supplement basic ego psychological concepts of test interpretation advanced by Rapaport & test-retest analysis developed by Schafer.New concepts offer […]

Suicide and the Rorschach: A Rueful Postscript

A review of the Rorschach suicide literature written 10 years ago called for cross validation studies & the use of refined methodology in order to enhance the usefulness of the test as a device for the prediction of suicidal ideation & behavior. The present followup review was undertaken & it was concluded that careful & […]

Homicidal and Suicidal Impulses in the Nazi Leaders

This article analyzed suicidal thoughts & behaviors in Nazi leaders. The Rorschach test was administered to 16 Nazi commanders. Results indicated that 11 were classified completed suicide, 2 attempted suicide & 3 were non-suicidal. (5 refs) (SC)

Personality Types of Suicidal Patients as Reflected in Rorschach’s Test

Rorschach Suicide Predictors: A Crossvalidational Study

Prediction of Homicide and Suicide: a Test in a Healthy Risk-Taking Group

The Rorschach protocols of 32 astronaut candidates were found to resemble those of nonsuicidal individuals more than those of suicidal individuals & to resemble those of murderers more than those of nonmurdering criminals. Action oriented or aggressive acting-out impulses may be common in volunteers for astronaut duty.

An Indicator of Suicidal Ideation on the Rorschach Test

Some Rorschach Data Concerning Suicide

The Rorschachs of 59 effected suicides & 31 attempted suicides, all of which were collected within a period of 60 days prior to the critical event were categorized in terms of method used, & subjected to a computer scan to determine if any constellation of variables occurred with a greater frequency than in the protocols […]

Base Rates in the Prediction of Suicide: A Note on Appelbaum’s and Holzman’s “The Color-Shading Response and Suicide”

Test Differentiation Between Effected and Attempted Suicides (IN: Patterns of Self-Destruction: Depression and Suicide, ed. by K Wolff)

Suicide and the Representation of Transparency and Cross-Sections on the Rorschach

Investigations on a Case of Male Transsexualism

This case seems to us of interest for presentation on 2 accounts: the intrinsic interest of the subject itself, namely a successful psychotherapy of transsexualism, & the opportunity it affords for a detailed demonstration of co-operation between psychiatrist & clinical psychologist.

Cognitive and Personality Factors in Suicidal Behavior

20 suicide attempters, 20 nonsuicidal psychiatric controls & 20 suicide completers were assessed for aggressive & libiding themes using the Rorschach & for role taking. Although there were no significant differences amoung the groups for aggression, the suicidal group’s cognitive functioning in the aggressive role taking situation was significantly inferior to the controls. Moreover, the […]

Body Image of Murderers

A scoring system for the Rorschach test to measure body image was used to compare a group of 50 murderers and 43 attempted suicides. It was predicted that murderers would score low on penetration scores and high on barrier scores (indicating outward aggression). Test results revealed that, while murderers did score low on penetration responses, […]

Psychological Characteristics of Frustrated Suicides

Themes of Interaction in Medical Students’ Rorschach Responses as Predictors of Midlife Health or Disease

This study examines the role of human relationships as a psychological factor in the development of cancer. Variations in approaches to human relationships were tested by Rorschach test in a cohort of healthy medical students. Profiles of future cancer victims resembled those who became mentally ill or committed suicide & differed from those who remained […]

The Relationship Between Suicide and Homicide