Protective factors and suicidality in members of Arab kindred

Background: Relatively little is known about the role of protective factors in an Arab population in the presence of suicidal risk factors. Aims: To examine the role of protective factors in a subsample of in large Arab Kindred participants in the presence of suicidal risk factors. Methods: We assessed protective and risk factors in a sample of 64 participants (16 […]

Suicidal ideation and its correlates in prisoners: A comparative study in China

Background: Suicide is one of the leading causes of prisoners’ death, and, as a group, inmates have higher suicide rates than their community counterparts. However, the prevalence of suicidal ideation among Chinese inmates and their risks of suicide remain unknown. Aims: This study investigates the prevalence of suicidal ideation among Chinese incarcerated populations and its risk and […]

Resilience to self-harm: A scoping review of protective factors that aid in recovery among marginalized young people

Background: Although a wide range of studies discuss prevalence and risk factors associated with self-harm, protective factors that are equally important are rarely explored. Moreover, much of our understanding of young individuals who engage in self-harm come from studies conducted in Western countries with very little emphasis on marginalized groups. Aim: This scoping review identifies […]

Meaning in life as a protective factor against suicidal tendencies in Chinese university students

Background A substantial increase in rates of suicide worldwide, especially among late adolescents and young adults, has been observed. It is important to identify specific risk and protective factors for suicide-related behaviors among late adolescents and young adults. Identifying specific factors across the masses, not only in the Western, but also in the Asian context, […]

Risk and protective factors for suicide: A populational case-control study, Brazil, 2019

OBJECTIVE: To estimate risk and protection factors associated with suicide in Campinas, Brazil, in 2019. METHODS: This is a populational case-control study analyzing 83 cases of suicide that occurred in 2019 in Campinas, a Brazilian city with about 1.2 million inhabitants. Controls were composed of 716 inhabitants. An adjusted multiple logistic regression was used. Cases […]

Youth suicide and self-harm: Latent class profiles of adversity and the moderating roles of perceived support and sense of safety

Research suggests that exposure to adversity can lead to an increased risk of experiencing suicidal and self-injurious thoughts or behaviours, but few studies have examined whether different patterns of adversity are differentially associated with youth suicide/self-harm. The current study aims to explore the relationship between exposure to adversity across various social domains and youth self-harm […]

SHORES: A suicide protective factors mnemonic with applications in career counseling

An established suicide protective factors mnemonic is beneficial to career counselors as career-related suicide concerns increase. SHORES stands for skills and strategies for coping (S), hope (H), objections (O), reasons to live and restricted means (R), engaged care (E), and support (S). This literature-backed suicide resiliency tool applies across client populations and to career assessment, […]

The role of impulsivity and self-control in suicidal ideation and suicide attempt

Two studies are reported examining the relation of self-control, as measured by self-report inventories, to indices of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. In the first study (n = 113), self-control related significantly (p < 0.05) and negatively to both indices (r = −0.37 and r = −0.26), and, in a hierarchical regression analysis, added significantly to the variance in the […]

Affiliation to a social group as a preventive factor in suicidal behaviors in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

Suicide is one of the most common causes of death in the population of children and adolescents. Available data show the continuous growth of this phenomenon and the ineffectiveness of prevention programs. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected young people’s mental health, including an increased risk of suicidal behaviors due to limited direct contact with […]

Character strength of hope and gratitude as protective factor of suicide

Character strengths of hope and gratitude acts as protective factors of against risk factors like depression and suicide ideation. Various studies have shown that individuals high on these protective factors are less prone to risk factors and less likely to have suicide ideation. A sample of 300 adolescents including both male and females was studied […]

Understanding protective factors for men at risk for suicide using the CHIME Framework: The primacy of relational connectedness

Suicide is a global problem, ranking among the leading causes of death in many countries across the world. Most people who die by suicide are “under the radar”, having never seen a mental health professional or been diagnosed with a mental illness. This article describes the protective factors for men experiencing suicidal thoughts, plans, and/or […]

A systematic review of the factors associated with suicide attempts among sexual-minority youth

Background and objectives Recent literature reported a higher risk of suicide attempts among sexual minority youth. Discovering the risk and protective factors of suicide attempts among this vulnerable population can play a key role in reducing the suicide rate. Our research aims to systematically search for the risk and protective factors for suicide attempts among […]

Protective factors against suicide attempt in Iranian Kurdish women: A qualitative content analysis

Background A proper understanding of the protective factors against suicide attempt can provide the basis for planning preventive interventions. This study aimed to identify protective factors against suicide attempt among women. Methods This qualitative study was conducted in Kermanshah, Iran between January and May 2021. Participants were 20 Kurdish women, survivors of suicide attempt, selected […]

A longitudinal network analysis of the interactions of risk and protective factors for suicidal potential in early adolescents

Few studies have applied the “ideation-to-action” theories and the buffering hypothesis of resilience to suicide in early adolescents, and existing research is primarily cross-sectional. This study examined the interactions between risk factors (i.e., thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and hopelessness), protective factors (i.e., resilience, self-efficacy, and subjective happiness), and suicidal potential (i.e., family distress, anxious-impulsive depression, […]

Association of religious activity with male suicide deaths

Objective To analyze the relationship between suicide in men and stratified measures of religiosity. Methods We studied 192 suicides and 81 controls (nonsuicide, sudden, or accidental death). We employed the psychological autopsy method to compile diagnoses based on DSM-IV criteria. Overall, religiosity and participation in religious associations were determined using a Likert-type scale. Given the […]

The Living Ladder: Introduction and validity over 6-month follow-up of a one-item measure of readiness to continue living in suicidal patients

Objective The ability to predict suicide outcomes is limited by the lack of consideration of protective factors. This study examined the validity of the Living Ladder, a measure of readiness to continue living among individuals thinking of suicide. Methods The Living Ladder consists of one item that assesses an individual’s readiness to continue living when […]

Entrapment and suicidal ideation: The protective roles of presence of life meaning and reasons for living

Objective The integrated motivational–volitional model of suicide proposes that feelings of entrapment play a key role in the development of suicidal ideation. The model also posits a set of motivational moderators which either facilitate or hinder the development of suicidal thinking when entrapment is present. These motivational moderators include factors such as attitudes, future goals, […]

Resilience and protective factors among refugee children post-migration to high-income countries: A systematic review

Background Increasing numbers of children have been forced to flee and seek asylum in high-income countries. Current research indicates that focussing on resilience and protective factors is an important long-term goal for positive mental health and psychological functioning of refugee children. Methods We performed a systematic review of quantitative literature regarding psychological and contextual factors […]

The role of hope and resilience in protecting against suicidal thoughts and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health and wellbeing of populations across the world. This study aimed to examine: (1) which specific aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic were associated with the presence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and (2) the extent to which participants’ hopelessness and resilience moderated the relationship between COVID-19 related […]

Risk and protective factors associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Maryland middle school students

The aim of this study was to identify independent risk and protective factors associated with self-reported suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB) among young adolescents by examining self-report data on mental health, substance abuse, violence involvement, social and economic challenges and supports, physical health and demographics in relation to STB. Data from nearly 27,000 students who […]

Attempted suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native populations: A systematic review of research on protective factors

American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations contend with disproportionately high rates of suicide. The study of protective factors is essential for highlighting resilience and formulating potential interventions for suicide. We systematically review factors that are posited to protect against suicide attempts for AIAN peoples. Seventeen (12 journal articles, five theses/dissertations) articles met inclusion criteria. […]

Culture forward: A strengths and culture based tool to protect our native youth from suicide

CULTURE FORWARD was developed through an iterative, collective effort to include as many Native voices as possible across Indian Country. We spent six months conducting listening sessionswith more than 60 Native stakeholders, including tribal leaders, Native youth leaders, grassroots leaders working to prevent suicide in their communities, two-spirit leaders, Elders, traditional healers, and Native veterans/military service members. […]

Coping and suicide in college students: Does being optimistic matter?

Background: Transitioning to college life in young adulthood can represent a challenging developmental period and college students are at heightened risk for engaging in suicidality. Aims: We aimed to investigate the roles dispositional optimism and coping strategies play in suicide risk (viz., suicidality) and suicide protection (viz., reasons for living) in college students. Method: A sample of 252 American college […]