Life adversities of clients seeking advice for suicidal ideation from an online peer counseling service: Characteristics and associations with outcomes

Objective: Germany is a low-threshold, anonymous and free-of-charge online suicide prevention service for people up to 25 years of age. Its special feature is that counseling is provided by trained and continuously supervised voluntary peers. This study addresses the following research questions: (1) Which life adversities are reported by the clients of [U25]? (2) Are […]

Peer intervention following suicide-related emergency department presentation: Evaluation of the PAUSE Pilot Program

The risk for future suicidal behaviours is elevated following suicide attempts, particularly for those with complex needs or those who are disconnected from healthcare systems. The PAUSE program was designed to address this gap using peer workers to provide continuity and coordination of care following suicide-related emergency presentations. This study aimed to evaluate the pilot […]

Group treatments for individuals at risk for suicide: A PRISMA scoping review

Background: This PRISMA scoping review explored worldwide research of interventions for suicide prevention delivered within a group setting. Research on group treatments underscores the importance of peer connection in diminishing social isolation and increasing social support. Additional benefits of group treatment include cost efficiency and maximization of staff time. However, the clinical outcomes of group treatments […]

Being transformed: Delivering a psychotherapeutic group intervention targeting repeat suicide attempts.

Clients who make repeat suicide attempts have complex needs, are at high risk of completed suicide and pose a range of challenges for clinicians. Targeted interventions are required. Acceptability, the perceived appropriateness of an intervention, is associated with successful implementation, engagement and effectiveness of interventions. Despite the advantages of group interventions, there is limited research […]

The mental health of visitors of web-based support forums for bereaved by suicide.

Journal held in CSP Library.

Perceptions of a peer suicide prevention program by inmates and professionals working in prisons. Underestimation of risk, the modification of the field, and the role of self-consciousness.

Background: Suicide prevention is a major challenge for penal institutions in many countries. The traditional approach relies on the expertise of health professionals and is supplemented by the intervention of other professionals and the inmates themselves. New methods of suicide prevention based on peer support have been developed in recent years. Peer prevention programs rely […]

Peer Specialists can Prevent Suicides

This article outlines how peer specialists can help to prevent suicide. The author states they may be available to step into new suicide prevention efforts because they can work closely with people at risk, & offer skills & values that lend themselves to suicide prevention. In addition, many peer specialists have had personal experiences of […]

Coping With Suicide in the Schools: the art and the Research (IN: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior, edited by R I Yufit & D Lester)


A Review of Peer Support for Suicide Bereavement as a Postvention Alternative

The authors examine the postvention literature & the related mental health literature on peer support programs to determine their relevance & applicability. This article considers peer support provided as a postvention option or in tandem with conventional professional services. Finally, peer support is examined as an intervention that also needs to be evaluated by quantitative […]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Employee Assistance Program Response to Suicide (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s internal employee assistance program has a proactive approach to suicide prevention & response, including a standard of care & a suicide response protocol. Factors that contribute to the suicide of an agent include depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, frustration, firearms, & management response. Suicide in the Federal Bureau of Investigation is […]

Police Suicide: Fatal Misunderstandings (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

This chapter reviews themes common in the suicides of uniformed law enforcement officers & special agent personnel. Cases reviewed repeatedly show injury to self-esteem & the loss of control. In every death studied, there were viable alternatives to suicide but the interventions were not perceived to be viable to the officer at risk. The focus […]

Lifeline Service and Outreach Strategies Suggested by Suicide Attempt Survivors. Final Report of the Attempt Survivor Advisory Summit Meeting and Individual Interviews

In June 2006, the Steering Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network identified better outreach & service to suicide attempt survivors as a strategy for reducing suicide nationally. A workplan identified direct input from survivors as a necessary & valuable method for clarifying their unique needs. Attempt survivors shared their experiences & perspectives at […]

Suicide: a Review of Calls to an Adolescent Peer Listening Phone Service


A Model for an In-House Program to Assist Despairing and Suicidal Detainees/Institutional Residents

This presentation focussed on the experience of starting & continuing the Lifeline Suicide Intervention Program at the Suffolk County Jail in Boston. One of the aims of the presentation was to demonstrate a peer-level program can be supportive of, & cooperative with, professional staff & consultants at the institution. A profile of the 60+ detainne […]

Sources of Strength: Facilitators Guide. Suicide Prevention – Peer Gatekeeper Curriculum

This document is the facilitator’s guide for peer gatekeeper training. The training is designed for peer leaders from middle school to college. This program has three phases – the associated activities for each are included in the guide: peer gatekeeper training; peer-to-peer education; & ongoing focused teen-led prevention.

Should we Invest in Suicide Prevention Programs?

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college aged youths in Florida. However, there is no prevention program targeting this population group. This paper examines the potential impact of making two prevention programs, general suicide education & peer support programs, available for college students. Results show that both programs increase social welfare by […]

Police Work and its Effects on the Family

This paper examines conditions that can lead to & cause stress to police officers & their families, both directly & indirectly. It discusses cases demonstrating extreme difficulties, pressures, & strains on individual police officers & their families that make it clear why there are so many negative consequences, including suicide & other self-destructive behaviours. The […]

What is the Evidence on School Health Promotion in Improving Health or Preventing Disease and, Specifically, What is the Effectiveness of the Health Promoting Schools Approach

This evidence review covers mental health (including suicide), aggressive behaviour, healthy eating, physical activity, substance use & misuse, driver education, & peer approaches. The report shows the effectiveness of different types of programmes varies. School-based programmes promoting mental health, healthy eating & physical activity are amongst the most effective, while programmes on preventing substance use, […]

The Suicide Intervention Project Evaluation Report

This report is the evaluation of the Suicide Intervention Project, a partnership between the YWCA of Canberra & the University of Canberra. This pilot project aimed to increase young peoples’ connectedness, resilience, & mental health literacy on campus utilising a peer-based education strategy. The results of the evaluation demonstrated partial support for the aims of […]

Report on Self-Injurious Behaviour in the Kingston Prison for Women (Revised)

A study was done at the Kingston Prison for Women to guide the development of a therapeutic programme for women who self-injure. 44 prisoners & 41 security staff were interviewed about three programme goals: injury response, injury reduction, & suicide identification. Results indicate self-injury may best be reduced by considering it a sign of emotional […]

Rural and Remote Women and the Kirby-Keon Report on Mental Health. A Preliminary Gender-Place Analysis


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Reduces Suicidal Ideation in Schizophrenia: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trail

Patients with schizophrenia are at high risk of suicide. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) has been shown to reduce symptoms in schizophrenia. This study examines whether CBT also changes the level of suicidal ideation in patients with schizophrenia compared to a control group. Ninety ambulatory patients with symptoms of schizophrenia resistant to conventional antipsychotic medication were […]

Addressing Adolescent Depression and Suicide Through Peer Counseling