Differentiating single and multiple suicide attempters: What nightmares can tell us that other predictors cannot

Study Objectives Although nightmares have been associated with suicidal behavior beyond well-known risk factors, the association between nightmares and multiple suicide attempts remains largely unexplored. This study addressed this gap in the literature by examining whether nightmares differentiated between individuals who reported single versus multiple suicide attempts. The individual contributions of nightmare frequency, distress/severity, and […]

Patterns of self-harm methods over time and the association with methods used at repeat episodes of non-fatal self-harm and suicide: A systematic review

Background The risk of self-harm repetition and suicide may be influenced by self-harm method choice. However, there are mixed findings regarding whether there is a discernible pattern in self-harm methods over successive episodes of non-fatal self-harm, and if so, how these may be associated with self-harm repetition and/or suicide. Methods A systematic review of five […]

Patterns of change in suicide ideation signal the recurrence of suicide attempts among high-risk psychiatric outpatients

Suicide ideation is an inherently dynamic construct. Previous research implicates different temporal patterns in suicide ideation among individuals who have made multiple suicide attempts as compared to individuals who have not. Temporal patterns among first-time attempters might therefore distinguish those who eventually make a second suicide attempt. To test this possibility, the present study used a dynamical systems approach to […]

Using the Linehan risk assessment and management protocol with a chronically suicidal patient: A case report

The Linehan Risk Assessment and Management Protocol (LRAMP) is an empirically supported, comprehensive framework used to assess suicide risk and protective factors, and provide a guide for the therapist to consider reasonable options for intervening on suicidal behavior. This protocol includes a structured checklist for assessing, managing, and documenting suicide risk. It also structures the […]

Switching methods of self-harm at repeat episodes: Findings from a multicentre cohort study

Background Self-poisoning and self-injury have widely differing incidences in hospitals and in the community, which has led to confusion about the concept of self-harm. Categorising self-harm simply by a method may be clinically misleading because many hospital-attending patients switch from one method of harm to another on subsequent episodes. The study set out to determine […]

Cost-effectiveness of a brief structured intervention program aimed at preventing repeat suicide attempts among those who previously attempted suicide: A secondary analysis of the ASSIP randomized clinical trial.

Importance  This is the first cost-effectiveness analysis of a brief therapy, the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP), for individuals who attempt suicide. Objective  To explore the cost-effectiveness of the ASSIP intervention in the context of the Swiss health care system. Design, Setting, and Participants  In this economic evaluation, the cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from a health care […]

Nonlinear change processes during psychotherapy characterize patients who have made multiple suicide attempts

Research suggests that multiple suicide attempters experience considerable variability in suicide ideation and longer‐duration suicidal crises, which suggests the possibility of two states of stability (one low risk and one high risk). To date, however, few studies have examined nonlinear change processes in suicide ideation among patients. In a sample of 76 active duty U.S. […]

Surviving moment to moment: the experience of living in a state of ambivalence for those with recurrent suicide attempts.

Objective This qualitative study aimed to capture the experience of living in the ambivalent space between life and death for adults with recurrent suicide attempts (RSA). It sought to expand upon an earlier study that explored the processes involved in transitioning away from RSA among adults, which revealed that occupying this ambivalent space is a […]

Risk factors of a suicide reattempt by seasonality and the method of a previous suicide attempt: A cohort study in a Japanese primary care hospital

Suicide has a great impact on the individual whose life is lost and the bereaved family members. The risk of a suicide reattempt is particularly high during the first 12 months after a suicide attempt. In this cohort study, risk factors for a suicide reattempt were explored among 291 patients at suicide risk. Clinical and demographic […]

Who are likely to attempt suicide again? A comparative study between the first and multiple timers.

Background Various explanations account for suicide incidents, and some patients continue to attempt afterwards and others never again. The suicide mortality rate increases with the number of serious attempts. The prevention of secondary attempt of suicide should be an important approach to reduce suicide mortality. However, the characteristics of the targeted population of repeated suicide […]

Intolerance to delayed reward in girls with multiple suicide attempts.


Repetition of Suicide Attempts Across Episodes of Severe Depression: Behavioural Sensitisation Found in Suicide Group but not in Controls

This study investigated the distribution of initial & repeated suicide attempts across depressive episodes in suicides & controls with a unipolar severe depression. A blind record evaluation was performed of 80 suicide victims & controls admitted to the Department of Psychiatry between 1956-1969 & monitored to 2010. The risk of a first suicide attempt decreased […]

Psychiatric Disorders and Clinical Correlates of Suicidal Patients Admitted to a Psychiatric Hospital in Tokyo

This study examined features of a sample of newly admitted suicidal psychiatric patients in Tokyo. 155 patients consecutively admitted during a 20-month period were assessed. Associations of psychiatric diagnoses & suicidal behaviour-related characteristics with gender & age were examined. Features of the sample were the high prevalence of affective disorders, anxiety disorders, & borderline personality […]

The Role of Parental Bonding and Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Risk of Suicidal Behavior Repetition

Participants in this study completed measures of perceived parental bonding, schemas, risk of repeating suicidal behaviour, anxiety, & depression following their presentation at Accident & Emergency with suicidal behaviour. 60 suicidal behaviour subjects differed from 46 clinical & 48 non-clinical subjects on measures of early maladaptive schemas, anxiety, & depression. No significant difference was noted […]

The Reinforcing Properties of Repeated Deliberate Self-Harm

The current study tested hypotheses derived from Joiner’s (2005) interpersonal theory of suicide, which proposes that deliberate self-harm becomes increasingly more reinforcing with repetition. 106 participants with a history of deliberate self-harm completed questionnaires about their emotions & experience of physical pain during their most recent deliberate self-harm episode. Consistent with prediction, people with more […]

Pathways to High-Lethality Suicide Attempts in Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder

This study developed & tested a model of high-lethality suicide attempts in individuals with borderline personality disorder. An increased number of prior suicide attempts, substance use immediately prior to the attempt, & objective planning were proposed to lead directly to a high-lethality suicide attempt, while aggression & impulsivity were hypothesized to lead indirectly to a […]

Chain of Care for Patients who Have Attempted Suicide: a Follow-Up Study from Baerum, Norway

This study tested the effectiveness of a community-based suicide prevention team in preventing repeated suicide attempts & suicides, as part of a chain-of-care model for all general hospital treated suicide attempters in Baerum, Norway. Data has been collected consecutively since 1984. Between January 1984-December 2007, 1616 subjects were registered as having attempted suicide; 197 made […]

Suicidal Risk Factors and Completed Suicide: Meta-Analyses Based on Psychological Autopsy Studies

This review evaluated the effects of common risk factors for suicide by meta-analyses using data extracted from studies based on the psychological autopsy method. 5 common risk factors – substance-related disorders, mood disorders, adverse marital status, adverse employment status, & self-harm behaviours – were studied. A total of 24 articles were identified in which the […]

Outcome of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder After Serious Suicide Attempt

The outcome of individuals with major depressive disorder after a serious suicide attempt was studied & the effect of psychotic symptoms on their outcome examined. The study population included all 1,820 persons aged 16 years or older in Finland who were hospitalized with major depressive disorder & attempted suicide from 1996-2003. During the 4-year follow-up […]

Suicide Risk in Schizophrenia – a Follow-Up Study After 20 Years. Part 1: Outcome and Associated Social Factors

This study reevaluated, after a period of 20 years, a cohort of patients with schizophrenia who had been considered to be at high risk for suicide. Subjects were contacted & interviewed face-to-face using a questionnaire devised for this purpose & other rating scales were also administered. A psychological autopsy was performed for those individuals who […]

Daring to Die

This article discusses new research on risk factors for suicide & what this means for prevention strategies. A new concept of suicide risk – having the intent & the will to carry out suicide plans – is being used to identify high-risk individuals for preventive therapy. Efforts to prevent suicide by making access to & […]

Is Organizational Change Associated With Increased Rates of Readmission to General Hospital in Suicide Attempters? A 10-Year Prospective Catchment Area Study

This study examined predictors for readmission in patients admitted to a general hospital emergency ward for suicide attempts before & after organizational changes potentially affecting the chain of care. Data from periods before & after 2004 – when the hospital changed its catchment area – were compared. A substantial increase in readmission rates in the […]

A Pilot Study in Suicide Intervention Training Using a Group Intervention for Patients With Recurrent Suicide Attempts

This article describes psychiatric trainees’ reflections regarding their participation in a psychosocial/psychoeducational group intervention for individuals with recurrent suicide attempts. 14 psychiatric residents who completed at least one 20-week intervention cycle were given a 15-item questionnaire. 13 residents completed the survey. Following the training experience, nearly all residents endorsed feeling more comfortable managing patients with […]