Brief and ultra-brief suicide-specific interventions

The rising rates of suicide warrant effective treatments that can quickly help stabilize suicidal individuals and prevent future suicidal crises from occurring. Across the past few decades, there has been a rise in the development of ultra-brief (1–4 sessions) and brief suicide-specific interventions (6–12 sessions) to meet this need. This article reviews several prominent ultra-brief […]

Implementation and evaluation of a multi‑level mental health promotion intervention for the workplace (MENTUPP): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

Background Well-organised and managed workplaces can be a source of wellbeing. The construction, healthcare and information and communication technology sectors are characterised by work-related stressors (e.g. high workloads, tight deadlines) which are associated with poorer mental health and wellbeing. The MENTUPP intervention is a flexibly delivered, multi-level approach to supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) […]

Enhancing healthcare providers’ diagnostic and intervention skills to deal with suicidal patients at emergency departments in the Palestinian hospitals: A quasi experimental study

Background Suicide cases in Palestine continue to record a remarkable annual increase, but we lack a comprehensive verified national data collection system of suicide and it is expected that real numbers of attempted/suicide in Palestine are higher because not all suicide or attempted suicide cases are reported. The purpose of this study was to test […]

The willingness to intervene against suicide questionnaire

Three studies resulted in the Willingness to Intervene Against Suicide Questionnaire. College students (ns = 172, 253, and 367) completed an online questionnaire based on theory of planned behavior constructs regarding suicide intervention. Exploratory factor analysis produced 10 factors: intervening will affect the suicidal person and the participant; important others recommend seeking help, suggesting the […]

Pilot randomized controlled trial of a brief strategy to prevent suicide after discharge from residential addiction treatment

Introduction Veterans are at greater risk for suicide and veterans with substance use disorder (SUD) have an even greater risk. Little research has looked into brief interventions to prevent suicide in this population in residential substance use treatment programs. Method We conducted a pilot, randomized controlled trial of a brief suicide prevention strategy called Veterans Affairs Brief Intervention and Contact Program […]

Modelling the cost-effectiveness of brief aftercare interventions following hospital-treated self-harm

Background: Prior self-harm represents the most significant risk factor for future self-harm or suicide. Aim: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a theoretical brief aftercare intervention (involving brief follow-up contact, care coordination and safety planning), following a hospital-treated self-harm episode, for reducing repeated self-harm within the Australian context. Method: We employed economic modelling techniques to undertake: […]

Educational agents and institutions called into action in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention

Introduction: Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the 15 to 29 age group worldwide, and is a severe public health problem. Adolescent and young adult individuals attend educational institutions which can play an essential role in detecting and preventing suicide. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to identify what educational […]

A study on socio-economic and psychological causes of suicide among youths in India

Over the last few years, the number of suicide cases in India has increased at a significant level, thereby influencing the youth in a negative way. There are several reasons that can be considered as potential causes of suicide that, include depression, financial loss, poor academic performance, and many more. These reasons influence the mind […]

Suicide prevention intervention for vulnerable emerging adult sexual minorities: A pilot hybrid effectiveness randomized control trial

Background Suicide attempts and suicide death disproportionately affect sexual and gender minority emerging adults (age 18-24 years). However, suicide prevention strategies tailored for emerging adult sexual and gender minority (EA-SGM) groups are not widely available. The Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) has strong evidence for reducing the risk for suicide in the general population, but it […]

Impact of sources of strength on adolescent suicide deaths across three randomized trials

Universal interventions are key to reducing youth suicide rates, yet no universal intervention has demonstrated reduction in suicide mortality through an RCT. This study pooled three cluster-RCTs of Sources of Strength (n=78 high schools), a universal social network-informed intervention. In each trial, matched pairs of schools were assigned to immediate intervention or wait-list. Six schools were assigned […]

A culturally adapted manual-assisted problem-solving intervention (CMAP) for adults with a history of self-harm: A multi-centre randomised controlled trial

Background: Self-harm is an important predictor of a suicide death. Culturally appropriate strategies for the prevention of self-harm and suicide are needed but the evidence is very limited from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a culturally adapted manual-assisted problem-solving intervention (CMAP) for patients presenting after self-harm. Methods […]

Systems resilience in the implementation of a large-scale suicide prevention intervention: A qualitative study using a multilevel theoretical approach

Background: Resilience, the capacity to adapt and respond to challenges and disturbances, is now considered fundamental to understanding how healthcare systems maintain required levels of performance across varying conditions. Limited research has examined healthcare resilience in the context of implementing healthcare improvement programs across multiple system levels, particularly within community-based mental health settings or systems. In […]

Evaluating the efficacy of a community participatory intervention to prevent suicide in Thailand: A randomised controlled trial protocol

Introduction: The age-standardised suicide mortality rate in Thailand has been stable at a high level in recent years, highlighting the need for suicide prevention interventions. In Thailand, community involvement plays a key role in health promotion. The aim of this ongoing trial is to evaluate the efficacy of a community participatory intervention in two subdistricts in […]

Advances in crisis management of the suicidal patient: Perspectives from patients

This paper discusses crisis intervention with the suicidal client from the perspective of two clients who discuss both the strengths and challenges they have encountered while in crisis. The paper then discusses a model for understanding a suicidal crisis and a template for intervention.

ASSIP vs. crisis counseling for preventing suicide re-attempts: Outcome predictor analysis of a randomized clinical trial data

Objective: Knowledge of the effectiveness and limits of the suitability of brief interventions in suicide prevention is greatly needed. We investigated subgroup differences and predictors for suicide re-attempts within a clinical trial population recruited for a brief intervention to prevent re-attempts. Methods: Consenting adult patients receiving treatment for a suicide attempt in Helsinki City general hospital emergency […]

Interventions for youth suicide and suicide-related behaviour: An update to a systematic review

Objective: To update our 2018 review with the latest evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on the effectiveness of interventions to prevent youth suicide and suicide-related behaviour. Method: In keeping with our 2018 review, Embase, PsycInfo, and Medline were searched using relevant key words. Included trials were RCTs evaluating the impact of an intervention or approach designed […]

Evaluation of a new online program for children bereaved by suicide: The views of children, parents, and facilitators

Objective: Experiencing the suicide of a parent or a sibling is one of the most disruptive and stressful events in the life of a child or adolescent. Yet, little is known about the effectiveness of support offered to children and adolescents bereaved by suicide. This study aimed to evaluate participant and facilitator’s perceived helpfulness of the […]

A systematic review of training interventions for emergency department providers and psychosocial interventions delivered by emergency department providers for patients who self-harm

Objectives: People who self-harm frequently present to the emergency department (ED) and are treated by generalist healthcare staff with no specialist mental health training. We systematically reviewed (i) training interventions for generalist ED providers and (ii) psychosocial interventions delivered predominantly by generalist ED providers for people who self-harm. Method: Five databases were searched for studies reporting on […]

Interventions targeting the mental health and wellbeing of care‑experienced children and young people in higher‑income countries: Evidence map and systematic review

Background The mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced children and young people (i.e. foster care, kinship care, residential care) is poorer than non-care-experienced populations. The Care-experienced cHildren and young people’s Interventions to improve Mental health and wEll-being outcomes Systematic review (CHIMES) aimed to synthesise the international evidence base for interventions targeting subjective wellbeing, mental health […]

Implementations of an evidence‐based assertive case management intervention for suicide attempters: Post‐ACTION‐J Study (PACS)

Aim An assertive case management intervention program, ACTION-J, proved effective for preventing suicide attempters from reattempting suicide within 6 months. The ACTION-J randomized trial was conducted as part of the “National Strategic Research Projects.” The program has been covered by the national medical payment system of Japan since 2016. The aim of the Post-ACTION-J Study […]

Comparative effectiveness of safety planning intervention with instrumental support calls (ISC) versus safety planning intervention with two-way text message caring contacts (CC) in adolescents and adults screening positive for suicide risk in emergency departments and primary care clinics: Protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death in adolescents and adults in the US. Follow-up support delivered when patients return home after an emergency department (ED) or primary care encounter can significantly reduce suicidal ideation and attempts. Two follow-up models to augment usual care including the Safety Planning Intervention have high efficacy: Instrumental Support Calls […]

Police and suicide prevention: Evaluation of a training program

Background: Police officers are frequently the first responders to individuals in crisis, but generally receive little training for this role. We developed and evaluated training in suicide awareness and prevention for frontline rail police in the UK. Aims: To investigate the impact of training on officers’ suicide prevention attitudes, confidence, and knowledge. Method: Fifty-three participants […]

Patients’ satisfaction with the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome is related to suicidal ideation in the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP)

Background: The therapeutic alliance may be a moderating factor of outcome in the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP). Aims: This study investigates the two components of the therapeutic alliance, patients’ satisfaction with the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome and their associations with suicidal ideation over time. Method: A total of 120 patients (55% female; mean age = 36 years) […]