Longitudinal relationships between positive affect, loneliness, and suicide ideation: Age-specific factors in a general population

The aims of this study were to analyze whether positive and negative affect, social support, and loneliness are factors longitudinally related to suicide ideation in the general population in different age groups. A total of 2,392 individuals from a nationally representative sample of the Spanish general population were evaluated in 2011-2012 and in 2014-2015. After […]

Age at exposure to parental suicide and the subsequent risk of suicide in young people

Background: We investigated the age at exposure to parental suicide and the risk of subsequent suicide completion in young people. The impact of parental and offspring sex was also examined. Method:Using a cohort study design, we linked Taiwan’s Birth Registry (1978–1997) with Taiwan’s Death Registry (1985–2009) and identified 40,249 children who had experienced maternal suicide (n = 14,431), […]

Marital status integration and suicide: A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

Marital status is an index of the phenomenon of social integration within social structures and has long been identified as an important predictor suicide. However, previous meta-analyses have focused only on a particular marital status, or not sufficiently explored moderators. A meta-analysis of observational studies was conducted to explore the relationships between marital status and […]

The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury age of onset and severity of self-harm.

This study examined how age of nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) onset relates to NSSI severity and suicidality using decision tree analyses (nonparametric regression models that recursively partition predictor variables to create groupings). Those with an earlier age of NSSI onset reported greater NSSI frequency, NSSI methods, and NSSI‐related hospital visits. No significant splits were found for […]

Factors associated with suicide in four age groups: A population based study.

Life events and circumstances leading to death change throughout the life course. In this study, 4 age groups within those who have died by suicide are compared in terms method of suicide, sex, occupation, mental disorders, prior suicide attempts, and life events prior to death. Analyses were based on a database of deaths by suicide […]

Gender and age differences in suicide mortality in the context of violent death: Findings from a multi-state population-based surveillance system.

Objective Males are more likely than females to die by all forms of violent death, including suicide. The primary purpose of the present study was to explore whether the gender difference in suicide rates is largely accounted for by males’ general greater tendency to experience violent deaths. The current study examined gender and age differences […]

Factors influencing suicidal ideation among Korean adults by age: Results of the 2010-2011 Korean Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Suicidal ideation increases the risk of suicide. This study investigated the age-specific contributions of sociodemographic factors, health status, and health behaviors to suicidal ideation using nationally representative data. The factors associated with suicidal ideation differ by age. Perceived bad health, stress, and depression had a significant influence on suicidal ideation in all age groups, but […]

Self-harm and life problems: Findings from the Multicentre Study of Self–harm in England.


Antidepressant use and method of suicide in the United States: Variation by age and sex, 1998-2007.

Journal copy is held in CSP Library.

Medical marijuana laws and suicides by gender and age.

Suicides among men aged 20 through 39 years fell after medical marijuana legalization compared with those in states that did not legalize. The negative relationship between legalization and suicides among young men is consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be used to cope with stressful life events. However, this relationship may be explained by […]

Clinical and temperamental differences between early- and late-onset alcoholism in Korean men.

The aims of this study were to elucidate the clinical and temperamental differences between early- and late-onset alcoholism among Korean men and to ascertain the validity of Cloninger’s typology model of alcoholism for Koreans. There were several distinct clinical and temperamental differences between early- and late-onset alcoholism among Korean male alcoholic patients. It is suggested […]

A controlled study of suicide in middle-aged and older people: Personality traits, age, and psychiatric disorders.

Personality traits were examined using the NEO Five-Factor InventoryÐRevised in an Australian psychological autopsy study involving 259 suicide deaths and 181 sudden death controls aged 35 years and over. Interviews included the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV to determine the presence of psychiatric disorder. Personality traits of suicide deaths differed significantly from those of controls, […]

Do suicides’ characteristics influence survivors’ emotions?

The suicide of a related person can often induce severe negative emotional reactions. The objective of this study was to explore the relationships between sociodemographic and diagnostic data of suicides and survivorsÕ emotions and to close this substantial gap. The main outcome of this study was that survivorsÕ severity of emotional disturbance was inversely correlated […]

Suicide risk in children and adolescents in a pediatric emergency department: effects of race, income, gender, and age.

Suicide in adolescents is a leading cause of death and a public health concern. Suicide screening in the pediatric emergency department (ED) has emerged as a promising method of suicide prevention, as this setting treats many at-risk children and adolescents and has potential resources to manage positive screens. While suicide screening tools exist, they have […]

Age, gender,and reasons for living among Australian adults.

Reasons for living have been identified as protective factors in relation to suicide, and much research has documented gender differences in reasons for living. In contrast, little research has investigated age differences in reasons for living. In the current study, the relationship of age to reasons for living was investigated, as was whether age and […]

Deliberate Self-Poisoning in Oman

The demographics, precipitating factors, substances & methods used for deliberate self-harm in Oman are described. Data were extracted from the records of patients treated at emergency units in Muscat from 1993-1998. During the 5-year study period, 123 persons presented to hospital with injuries that resulted from deliberate self-harm. Most cases involved women, students, & the […]

Evidence-Based Practice in Suicidology: a Source Book

This edited book on evidence-based practice in suicidology is organized into 4 parts, beginning with the framework. The next section includes 9 chapters on evidence-based strategies for suicide prevention. Part 3 examines evidence-based approaches for specific disorders & behaviours. The final section is comprised of 2 chapters, including a commentary on perspectives in suicide research […]

Attempted Suicide, Self-Harm, and Violent Victimization Among Regular Illicit Drug Users

Relationships among attempted suicide, nonsuicidal self-harm, & physical assault were examined in 400 regular users of heroin &/or psychostimulants. 28% had episodes of nonsuicidal self-harm, 32% had attempted suicide, & 95% had been violently assaulted. The number of suicide attempts & nonsuicidal self-harm incidents were correlated. There were also significant correlations between the number of […]

Suicide and Unintentional Poisoning Mortality Trends in the United States, 1987-2006: two Unrelated Phenomena?

The authors compared suicide & poisoning mortality trends over 2 decades in a preliminary assessment of their independence & implications for suicide misclassification. Subjects were 936,633 Americans who died between 1987-2006 & whose underlying cause of death was classified as suicide, unintentional poisoning, or injury mortality of undetermined intent. In contrast to small rate changes […]

Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries.

Article looks at drug overdose as a preventable suicide method. No pronounced sex differences in drug self-poisoning rates were found and that suicide by drug overdose is prevetable.

Suicides in Imphal

296 cases of suicide occurring between 1993-2002 & examined in the Department of Forensic Medicine, Imphal, India were studied. There was a predominance of male cases & the most common method was hanging. Suicide by firearm was the method of choice among security personnel. The highest number of suicides was seen in individuals age 21-30 […]

Completed suicides in the district of Timur Laut, Penang Island–a preliminary investigation of 3 years(2007-2009)prospective data

This article describes the completed suicide patterns which occurred in the Timur Laut district of Penang Island, Malaysia. In a prospective cohort study over the three years period (2007-2009) there were 138 cases of suicide deaths. The number of suicide deaths for the year 2007, 2008 and 2009 were 45, 41 and 52 deaths, respectively. […]

Review of Suicidal Cases, a Retrospective Study

This paper reports on 159 suicides during 2003-2004 & examined post-mortem in an unidentified district of India. A detailed study was done of age, gender, time of suicide, socioeconomic status, education, & precipitating conditions. Information was also sought from victims’ relatives & suicide notes, where available. Psychosocial factors, like family disputes, played a greater role […]