Fluidity in capability: Longitudinal assessments of suicide capability using ecological momentary assessments

Introduction Suicide capability is posited to facilitate the movement from ideation-to-action. Emerging evidence suggests capability comprises both trait- and state-like facets. This study examined fluctuations in and associations of acquired, dispositional, practical, and perceived capabilities, and suicidal mental imagery, and suicidal ideation. Method Seventy-five adults (48 females, Mage = 36.53 years) with lived experience of suicidal ideation and/or attempt […]

Do bipolar disorder symptom profiles matter for suicide risk? A latent class approach to investigating differences in suicidal desire and acquired capability

Introduction Depressive and mixed symptoms in bipolar disorder (BD) have been linked to higher suicide risk. Based on Klonsky and May’s three-step theory and Joiner’s Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide, we hypothesized that patients diagnosed with BD who reported severe levels of depressive symptoms and mixed depressive and manic symptoms would also report higher levels […]

Development and validation of the fearlessness about suicide scale

Recent work has identified fearlessness about suicide, rather than fearlessness about death, as more theoretically relevant in the assessment of capability for suicide and thus a more appropriate construct of measurement. The aim of the current project was to develop and validate a scale specifically assessing fearlessness about suicide. Across two studies, support for a 7-item, single-factor […]

Spanish validation of the interpersonal needs questionnaire and the acquired capability for suicide scale among Mexican university students

Introduction: the rate of death by suicide has increased in Mexico, representing a significant public health problem. To prevent and treat this phenomenon, it is crucial to identify reliable suicide risk  factors among Mexicans. The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide has demonstrated empirical support for the role of thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired capability in […]

Understanding capability and suicidal ideation among first responders

Objective: The present study seeks to determine differences in lifetime suicidal ideation, dispositional capability, acquired capability, and practical capability among those who have and have not served as first responders, and among subgroups of first responders. Methods: Data were collected as part of a large online (n = 3,500) study seeking to understand firearm ownership in the United […]

Dissociation and acquired capability as facilitators of suicide ideation among soldiers

Background: The phenomenon of suicide and suicidal behaviors during military service is universal, with a recent dramatic rise in some armies. Aims: The aim of this study was to shed light on the role of dissociation and habituation as facilitators of suicidal behavior, beyond other well-established risk factors of stress, such as depression and hopelessness. Method: The study group included […]

The relation between illegal risk behaviors and the acquired capability for suicide

Background: Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college students. The interpersonal theory of suicide may provide a way to conceptualize suicide risk in this population. Aims: We sought to examine relations between illegal behaviors that may act as risk factors for suicide and the acquired capability for suicide. Method: College students (N = 758) completed assessments of acquired […]

A systematic review of the relationship between death anxiety, capability for suicide, and suicidality

This systematic review aimed to examine the relationship between death anxiety and suicidality in adults, and the impact of death anxiety interventions on the capability for suicide and suicidality. MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science were extensively searched using purpose-related keywords from the earliest to July 29th, 2022. A total of 376 participants were […]

Non‑suicidal self‑injury and its relation to suicide through acquired capability: Investigating this causal mechanism in a mainly late‑diagnosed autistic sample

Background Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) has been linked with a higher risk of suicide attempts in autistic and non-autistic people. In the general population, NSSI may confer acquired capability for suicide by eroding one’s fear and avoidance of pain and death. The present study aimed to explore acquired capability as the mediator of increased suicide risk […]

Suicide capability within the ideation-to-action framework: A systematic scoping review

Suicide capability is theorised to facilitate the movement from suicidal ideation to suicide attempt. Three types of contributors are posited to comprise suicide capability: acquired, dispositional, and practical. Despite suicide capability being critical in the movement from ideation-to-attempt, there has been no systematic synthesis of empirical evidence relating to suicide capability that would enable further […]

Depression, acquired capability for suicide, and attempted suicide

Objective The study sought to replicate, with a community sample and different measures of the critical variables, the finding of Chu et al. (Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2016, 40, 22) in a military sample that suicide attempts were more frequent for those reporting higher numbers of depressive episodes if acquired capability for suicide (ACS) was […]

Fearlessness about death predicts adolescent suicide attempt: A preliminary analysis

Objective Several theories of suicide suggest that people will only attempt suicide if they have both the desire to die and the capability for suicide. Fearlessness about death is a key component of capability for suicide. There is little information in the literature about the prospective relationship between fearlessness about death and suicide attempt in […]

Exploring the scope and structure of suicide capability

Objective Recent theories of suicide suggest that a construct called “capability for suicide” facilitates the progression from suicidal thoughts to attempts. Various measures of capability have been developed to assess different parts of the construct, but studies report inconsistent findings regarding reliability, validity, and structure. The present study pooled items from multiple measures to identify […]

Capability for suicide: Discrimination as a painful and provocative event

Objective Developing the capability to die by suicide, and overcoming one’s natural instinct of self-preservation, is thought to occur as a result of habituation to the fear and pain surrounding suicide. However, investigations of suicide capability have yet to examine whether perceived discrimination serves as a painful and provocative event that contributes to capability for […]

The role of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in acquired capability for suicide

Objective According to the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide, capability for suicide comprises two dimensions: fearlessness about death and elevated pain tolerance. The short (S) allelic variant of the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) has repeatedly been associated with more violent and lethal suicide methods and lethality of suicide attempts. The current study aimed […]

Acquired capability for suicide among Belgian and Australian University students: Psychometric properties of the German capability for suicide questionnaire and a test of the interpersonal theory of suicide

Objective The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS) posits fearlessness of death and pain tolerance as two components of suicide capability. The German Capability for Suicide Questionnaire (GCSQ) is the first measure of both these components, but few data are available on its psychometrics. We (a) examined the psychometric properties of the GCSQ and used it to test […]

Factors contributing to honor-endorsing men’s suicide capability: Firearm ownership, practical capability, and exposure to painful and provocative events

Objective White men in U.S. cultures of honor die by suicide at greater rates than other demographic groups. This finding has been attributed to factors such as the prevalence and use of firearms in men’s suicide in honor states, as well as motivational risk factors (e.g., thwarted belongingness). Other features of honor cultures (e.g., physical […]

No pain, no gain? Associations of athletic participation with capability for suicide among college students

Introduction Suicide is a leading cause of death among college students. In order to advance understanding of suicide risk factors in this population, the present study provides a theoretically grounded test of associations between experiences in sports and both facets of capability for suicide (i.e., fearlessness about death and pain tolerance). Secondarily, the present study […]

Internal entrapment and fearlessness about death as precipitants of suicidal thoughts and planning in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder

Background The relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB) has been extensively studied but explanatory mechanisms remain inconclusive. Entrapment is one variable that evinces a mechanistic relationship with PTSD and STB. The current study examined the indirect effect of PTSD screen on suicide ideation (SI), planning, and likelihood of future […]

Adolescent suicide attempts in the United States: When suicide ideation and suicide capability interact

Introduction Guided by the interpersonal theory of suicide, this study examined whether the relationship between level of suicide ideation and attempted suicide varies as a function of suicide capability. Methods Cross-sectional data were obtained from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey in which 28,442 respondents were sampled. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to […]

Exploring the indirect effects of acute dissociation on capability and suicide risk: A multi-method investigation with augmented reality

Introduction The current study aimed to explicate the role of dissociation in the capability and suicide relationship by examining how lifetime and state-based acute dissociation contributes to capability for suicide using a multi-method approach of self-report and augmented reality (AR) laboratory tasks. Method Participants (N = 145) were students recruited for course credit at a southern university. […]

Examining associations between suicidal desire, implicit fearlessness about death, and lifetime frequency of suicide attempts

Introduction Suicide models propose that the capability for suicide, such as fearlessness about death (FAD), is necessary for the transition from suicidal desire to a suicide attempt. Most studies have relied on self-report methods to assess FAD. However, this research has produced equivocal results. As individuals may have limited awareness of learned or pre-existing associations […]

The intensity of suicidal ideation at the worst point and its association with suicide attempts

This study seeks to determine if the severity of suicidal ideation at the worst point can differentiate individuals who think about suicide (ideators) from those who make a suicide attempt (attempters). Subsequently, the indirect effect of worst point ideation on differentiating ideators from attempters through various pathways such as an increased capability for suicide, painful […]