Suicide in the Mountain West Region of the United States.

Background: The Mountain West region of the United States consistently reports the highest rates of suicide in the country. This pattern could reflect a regional culture-of-suicide script in support of suicide that implicitly influences individual’s behavior. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether suicide rates are elevated in the Mountain West across a wide […]

Northwest Suicide Prevention Tribal Action Plan: a Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Tribes of Idaho, Oregon and Washington 2009-2013

This document outlines a strategy to reduce suicide rates among American Indians & Alaska Natives living in the Pacific Northwest by increasing tribal capacity & improving collaboration. The primary goals of the plan are to: increase knowledge & awareness about suicide & in doing so take steps to address the stigma that exists in many […]

Suicide Attempts Among Patients Starting Depression Treatment With Medications or Psychotherapy

Outpatients claims from a prepaid health plan were used to identify new episodes of depression treatment beginning with an antidepressant prescription in primary care, an antidepressant prescription from a psychiatrist, or an initial psychotherapy visit. Outpatient & inpatient claims were used to identify suicide attempts or possible suicide attempts during the 90 days before & […]

1995 Idaho Youth at Risk Behavior Survey: Summary Report

Suicide Prevention Plan for South Central Idaho

Idaho’s Suicide Prevention Plan

Idaho’s suicide prevention plan is intended to be a guide for agencies, organizations & individuals to follow at state, regional, & local levels when developing their own specific suicide prevention action plans. It identifies priority populations at risk for suicide in Idaho, reviews important risk & protective factors, & outlines the goals, outcomes, & strategies […]

A Sociocultural Autopsy: Self-Destructive Behavior Among the Duck Valley Indians

The author reported on his research into death patterns on the Duck Valley Reservation. Official death records were compared with on-reservation records to identify all non-natural deaths from 1969-78. Data on unequivocal suicides for 1949-78 were also collected as were data on all known suicide attempts during 1972-78. Preliminary results yielded a rough completed suicide […]

Adolescent Suicide: A Prevention Resource Guide for the Family and Community


Adolescent Suicide at an Indian Reservation

The background of ten American Indians who committed suicide before the age of twenty-five are compared statistically with a matched control group from the same tribe. The contrast is significant in at least six variables that point to the greater individual and familial disruption experienced by the suicidal youths. Suggestions for treatment and prevention based […]

Irresistible Impulse Defense to Suicide Exclusion Denied by Idaho Court