Integrating motivational interviewing and self-determination theory with cognitive behavioral therapy to prevent suicide

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be effective in preventing suicide-related behavior. However, it is often difficult to engage patients who are at-risk in treatment. Motivational Interviewing (MI) has been shown to increase treatment engagement and improve treatment outcomes when it is used to complement other treatments. As a general theory of human motivation that is consistent […]

The spirit of Indigenous youth: The resilience and self-determination in connecting to the spirit and ways of knowing.

Generations of historical trauma and colonisation continue to oppress Native families and communities today leaving many Native youth in despair.  While issues and problems involving Native youth are a priority.  It is important to look at those Native youth who try to cultivate hope through agency and activism in promoting awareness and healing of these […]

The role of basic need satisfaction in the onset, maintenance, and cessation of non-suicidal self-injury: An application of self-determination theory.

The present study applied self-determination theory to examine the onset, maintenance, and cessation of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, and NSSI status. Participants were classified into the NSSI Maintain (n = 30), NSSI Start (n = 44), NSSI Stop (n = 21), or Control (n = 98) […]

Basic need satisfaction and suicidal ideation: A self-determination perspective on interpersonal suicide risk and suicidal thinking.

This study investigated the relationship between the basic psychological needs, as outlined by self-determination theory, and the interpersonal predictors of suicidal desire, as outlined by the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior. This study investigated the relationship between the basic psychological needs, as outlined by self-determination theory, and the interpersonal predictors of suicidal desire, as outlined […]

The role of autonomy needs in suicidal ideation: integrating the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide and self-determination theory.

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