The healing potential of online, Art-DBT: Developing a program of rumination and non-suicidal self-injury reduction

Rationale in a nutshell 1. Rumination contributes to Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) 2. Targeting rumination in the context of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) could significantly reduce NSSI (or prevent it) 3. Including AT may increase DBT adherence/enhance treatment with benefits unique to AT

Suicide-specific rumination relates to lifetime suicide attempts above and beyond a variety of other suicide risk factors

Suicide-specific rumination, defined as a mental fixation on one’s suicidal thoughts, intentions, and plans, may be an important predictor of suicidal behavior. To date, suicide-specific rumination has demonstrated convergence with, yet distinction from, a variety of suicide risk factors, and differentiated suicide attempters from ideators. However, no research has examined whether suicide-specific rumination is associated with lifetime suicide attempts […]

Lifetime acute suicidal affective disturbance symptoms account for the link between suicide-specific rumination and lifetime past suicide attempts

Background Suicide-specific rumination, defined as rumination about one’s suicidal thoughts, intentions, and plans, and Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance (ASAD) have each been proposed as relevant and proximal predictors of suicidal behavior. The purpose of the current study was to examine relations between suicide-specific rumination, ASAD, and previous number of lifetime suicide attempts, particularly whether ASAD […]

Attentional bias and the Suicide Status Form: Behavioral perseveration of written responses

Given the vast public health problem of suicide, the need for more effective assessment of suicidal risk is clear. The major approaches applied to this challenge include various direct approaches (e.g., suicide-focused interviews) and indirect approaches (e.g., implicit methodologies or “occult” assessments) that tend to assess an attentional bias for suicidal risk, the latter of […]

Rumination, brooding, and reflection: Prospective associations with suicide ideation and suicide attempts

Objective Rumination is often cited as a risk factor for suicide, yet few studies of rumination have utilized clinical samples, and no studies have examined its prospective association with suicide attempts. The purpose of this study was to examine concurrent and prospective associations of brooding and reflection (the two components of rumination) with suicide ideation […]

Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: Longitudinal associations with psychological distress and rumination

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) constitutes a significant mental health concern that is highly prevalent in adolescence. Theoretical accounts and empirical research suggest that, in the short-term, NSSI may provide instant relief from intense psychological distress and ruminative thoughts. However, much less is known about these associations over time throughout adolescence. Therefore, we designed a three-year longitudinal […]

Common pathways to NSSI and suicide ideation: The roles of rumination and self-compassion

We investigated whether rumination and self-compassion moderate and/or mediate the relationships between negative affect and both non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicide ideation. Undergraduate university students (n = 415) completed well-validated measures of negative affect, rumination, self-compassion, NSSI, and suicide ideation. Neither rumination nor self-compassion moderated associations between negative affect and NSSI and suicide ideation. However, both rumination […]

Interpersonal needs and suicide risk: The moderating roles of sex and brooding

Objectives This paper tested two moderators, brooding and participant sex, on the respective relations between thwarted belongingness (TB), perceived burdensomeness (PB), and suicide risk. Method Using a cross‐sectional design in a sample of undergraduates (N = 278), two hierarchical regression models examining the three‐way interaction between brooding, sex, and either TB or PB on suicide risk were […]

The relationship between negative cognitive styles and lifetime suicide attempts is indirect through lifetime acute suicidal affective disturbance symptoms

Previous evidence suggests an association between negative cognitive styles and suicide-related outcomes. Recently, Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance (ASAD) was proposed to characterize the phenomenology of acute suicidal crises, with key features being the rapid onset of suicidal intent, social- or self-alienation, perceptions of intractability, and overarousal. ASAD may account for the association between negative cognitive […]

Ruminative subtypes and impulsivity in risk for suicidal behavior

Rumination has been previously linked to negative psychological outcomes, including depression and suicidal behavior. However, there has been conflicting research on whether or not two different subtypes of rumination – brooding and reflection – are more or less maladaptive. The present research sought to (1) examine whether individuals high in brooding but lower in reflection would show higher trait […]

Cognitive inflexibility and suicidal ideation: Mediating role of brooding and hopelessness

Previous research suggests that cognitive inflexibility prospectively increases vulnerability to suicidal ideation, but the specific cognitive factors that may explain the relation have not been examined empirically. The present study examined the brooding subtype of ruminationand hopelessness as potential mediators of the prospective relation between cognitive inflexibility and suicidal ideation. Fifty-six young adults who completed a […]

Brooding, inattention, and impulsivity as predictors of adolescent suicidal ideation

Although suicide remains a leading cause of death for adolescents, risk factors beyond diagnoses and suicide attempt history remain unclear. We examined whether cognitive style and temperament impact risk for an early, yet still clinically relevant and distressing, form of suicidality: active suicidal ideation. We used binary logistic regression to test whether brooding, inattention, and […]

Rumination in relation to suicide risk, ideation, and attempts: Exacerbation by poor sleep quality?

BACKGROUND: Rumination, particularly brooding rumination, is associated with suicide risk, ideation and attempts; however, findings are inconsistent with respect to reflective rumination. Recent research suggests reflective rumination might be associated with increased suicide risk specifically among vulnerable individuals. Poor sleep quality is related to both suicide risk and rumination, yet no research has examined whether […]

Stress accounts for the association between ADHD symptoms and suicide ideation when stress-reactive rumination is high.

ADHD symptoms are significantly associated with suicide ideation. However, the variables that explain this association remain unknown. This study tested a theoretical model in which stress was hypothesized to account for the association between ADHD symptoms and suicide ideation among individuals high, but not low, in ruminative responding to stress. We examined this model in […]

Repetitive negative thinking and suicide: A burgeoning literature with need for further exploration.

Highlights • Rumination after negative experiences increases hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Rumination likely increases painful/provocative thoughts, imagery, and behavior. Worry increases suicide risk in individuals with a history of suicidal ideation. Other RNT patterns may be associated with suicide and in need of further study.

Parent-child conflict and suicide rumination in college students: The mediating roles of depressive symptoms and anxiety sensitivity.

Objective: Parent–child conflict, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity have each been identified as risk factors for suicide ideation in college students. This study examined the relations among these risk factors and suicide rumination utilizing transition theory to guide the hypothesized relations. Participants: Undergraduate college students participated in this study in the spring of 2012 (January to […]

An investigation of the relationship between rumination styles, hope, and suicide ideation through the lens of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior.

To investigate the roles specific ruminative styles (brooding and reflection) and hope play in the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) model of suicidal behavior. Participants were students from a large U.S. state university who were selectively sampled for the experience of recent suicide ideation. Results of a bootstrapped moderated mediation model indicated that defeat had a direct […]

Stress-related symptoms and suicidal ideation: The roles of rumination and depressive symptoms vary by gender.

There is a growing body of literature suggesting that reactions to stressful life events, such as intrusive thoughts, physiological hyperarousal, and cognitive/behavioral avoidance (i.e., stress-related symptoms) may increase risk for thinking about and attempting suicide. Cognitive vulnerability models have identified rumination (i.e., perseverating on a negative mood) as a maladaptive response that may increase risk […]

An examination of historical loss thinking frequency and rumination on suicide ideation in American Indian young adults.

Journal copy held in CSP Library.

Identifying risk for self-harm: Rumination and negative affectivity in the prospective prediction of nonsuicidal self-injury.

Journal copy held in CSP Library.

Cognitive risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation: A two year longitudinal study in adolescence.

Adolescence is a developmental period associated with heightened risk for both the onset and escalation of suicidal ideation (SI). Given that SI is a potent predictor of suicidal behavior, it is important to develop models of vulnerability for and protection against SI, particularly among young adolescents. This study examined the relative impact of several cognitive […]

The role of rumination in illness trajectories in youth: Linking trans-diagnostic processes with clinical staging models.

Research in developmental psychopathology and clinical staging models has increasingly sought to identify trans-diagnostic biomarkers or neurocognitive deficits that may play a role in the onset and trajectory of mental disorders and could represent modifiable treatment targets. Less attention has been directed at the potential role of cognitive-emotional regulation processes such as ruminative response style. […]

The effect of sleep problems on suicidal risk among young adults in the presence of depressive symptoms and cognitive processes.

We aimed to investigate the effect of sleep problems, depression, and cognitive processes on suicidal risk among 460 young adults. They completed self-report questionnaires assessing suicidal behavior, sleep quality, depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, rumination, and impulsivity. Suicidal participants exhibited higher rates of depressive symptoms, sleep problems, expressive suppression, rumination, and impulsivity. A confirmatory factor analysis […]