Efficacy of psychological pain theory-based cognitive therapy in suicidal patients with major depressive disorders: A pilot study

The present study aimed to explore the effects of psychological pain theory–based cognitive therapy (PPTBCT) on suicide among depressed patients, compared with a control group who received usual psychological care (UPC). The sample consisted of 32 depressed patients and 32 healthy control subjects. All participants completed the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSI), Beck Depression […]

Predictive value of psychological characteristics and suicide history on medical lethality of suicide attempts: A follow-up study of hospitalized patients.

This study examined the role of mental pain, communication difficulties, and suicide history in predicting the medical severity of follow-up suicide attempts. Methods The cohort included 153 consecutive psychiatric in-patients who participated in earlier studies 1-9 years previously. Fifty-three had a history of a medically serious suicide attempt (MSSA), 64 had a history of a […]

Sources of psychological pain and suicidal thoughts among homeless adults.

Homeless adults experience problems in multiple areas of their lives. It was hypothesized that adults who were troubled by problems in more areas of their lives would be more likely to report suicidal thoughts. The sample included 457 homeless men and women who resided in three emergency shelters. The number of sources of psychological pain, […]

A five-month longitudinal study of psychache and suicide ideation: Replication in general and high-risk university students.

Shneidman’s (1993) model of psychache as the cause of suicide was evaluated in a 5-month longitudinal study of psychological pain and suicide ideation. Replicating across general (N = 683) and high-risk undergraduates (N = 262), psychache was significantly associated with suicide ideation, and change in psychache was significantly associated with change in suicide ideation.

Clarifying the role of psychological pain in the risks of suicidal ideation and suicidal acts among patients with major depressive episodes.


Mental pain, communication difficulties, and medically serious suicide attempts: A case-control study.

Medical severe suicide attempts (MSSA) are epidemiologically very similar to individuals who complete suicide. Mental pain variants (e.g., hopelessness), facets of communication difficulties (e.g., self-disclosure), as well as socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were assessed. The MSSA had significantly higher communication difficulties than the other 3 groups. Moreover, the interaction between mental pain and communication difficulties […]

Reliability and validation of the Hebrew version of the Reasons for Attempting Suicide Questionnaire (RASQ-H) and its importance for mental pain.

This study evaluated the Hebrew Reasons for Attempting Suicide Questionnaire (RASQ-H) and its application for suicidality, and mental pain and its tolerance. The sample comprised 97 participants who were inpatient suicide attempters, inpatient nonattempters, or nonpatient controls.