Nonthreatening, Objective Psychometric Identification of Students at Risk for Depression and/or Suicidal Behavior (IN: College Student Suicide, ed. by L C Whitaker and R E Slimak)

This article discusses various rating scales, & their ability to identify students at risk for depression & suicide. The author outlines research on personality inventories, such as the California Psychological Inventory, & the Eysenck inventories. Jung’s psychological types (i.e. introverted, extroverted) are also described. The author concludes by describing some of the most prevalent risk […]

Deliberate Self-Harm Among Adolescents in Residential Treatment Centres

The purpose of this study was to examine differences between a group of adolescents who had made acts of deliberate self-harm (DSH) from those who did not. 40 subjects were residents of 2 adolescent care centres for emotionally disturbed &/or deliquent youths. Each group of 20 was subjected to several standardized personality, psychological, & cognitive […]

Suicidal Types According to MMPI

A controlled study of 100 suicidal individuals (50 males, 50 females, mean age 21.5), a like number of people without psychiatric anamnesis, & a verified group of 35 males & 35 females, all tested with the MMAI, revealed certain profile characteristics. In the male suicidal group, 4 clusters that can be divided into 8 subroups […]

Correlations of Self-Directed Violence in Acute Schizophrenics With Clinical Ratings and Personality Measures

Schizophrenic patients admitted to an acute inpatient unit were evaluated with the Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale, items reflecting hostility from the same scale, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, & the Socialization & Self-Control scales of the California Psychological Inventory. Incidence of violence & nonviolent suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation were recorded. (20 ref)

Temperament Characteristics of Suicide Attempters

In a preliminary study of a single group of suicide attempters, male and female subjects did not differ in temperament characteristics. Data from both sexes indicated that suicide-prone individuals have unpleasant, arousable & submissive temperaments, with arousability a strong discriminator of suicide attempters relative to the general population. Temperament attributes identified for suicide attempters are […]

Suicidal Configurations in the Bender-Gestalt

3 clinicians experienced in the use of the Bender-Gestalt independently rated the presence-absence of 10 signs relating to depression, hostility, dependency, emotional constriction, & rigidity in the protocols of 34 hospitalized mental patients, half of whom had made an unsuccessful suicide attempt. The value of the signs approach & the theory from which the predictions […]

Personal Characteristics of College Volunteers in Mental Hospitals

Groups of male & female college students volunteering for summer work in mental hospitals were compared to control students on personality, occupational interest, & life-history variables. Striking personality characteristics of mental health volunteers were maturity & control, drive for independent achievement, & sensitivity to people & human problems. Many other differences are discussed within the […]

Parental Rearing Patterns and Suicidal Thoughts

The paper describes an attempt to investigate the parental patterns associated with presence of suicidal thoughts, a measure of child rearing patterns & the EPQ measure of personality dimensions administered to 85 university students, 72 medical & surgical patients, & 125 employees of a state department, along with 2 questions tapping suicidal thoughts. Findings suggest […]

Neuroticism, Extraversion and Repression-Sensitization in Suicidal College Students

Administered the Maudsley Personality Inventory & L. Ullman’s Facilitation-Inhibition scale, a measure of repression-sensitization, to 26 males & 46 female graduate students who had attempted or seriously considered suicide. Results are described and a lengthy review of books is included. (7 ref)

The Measurement of Growth in Psychotherapy

This paper offers a description of the Personal Orientation Inventory and its usefulness in discriminating between those who have developed self-actualization and those who have not. Also the Caring Relationship Inventory is described as well as the Pair Attraction Inventory which is designed to measure both complementary & symmetry in pair relationships. (19 ref.)

The 16 PF and CPI: A Comparison

This study assesses the cross-inventory generalizability of personality characterizations for Cattell’s 16 PF & Gough’s CPI. Although many PF & CPI CONTENT scales had highly similar descriptions, all were found to have poor & inconsistent cross-inventory convergences. The DESIRABILITY scales were found to be similar & consistent although magnitude of some CPI scales seemed inappropriate. […]

Traits, Attitudes, and Symptoms in a Group of Attempted Suicides

100 suicide attempters admitted to a Edinburgh hospital were given a battery of psychological tests. The main findings were: almost half of the suicide attempters were diagnosed as having a character disorder (this was twice the frequency with which it occurs in psychiatric pops.), suicide attempters were much more hostile than normals or neurotics. Suicide […]

Psychological Assessment of Potentially Suicidal Patients at the Community Mental Health Center, Salt Lake City, Utah (Micro RC 569 F887 1970)

Study to develop and evaluate an effective method of determining suicidal risk. Rating scales were used to differentiate low and medium risk groups and these groups were compared with each other on three personality instruments. (KB)

CPI Predictors of Clinical Effectiveness of Volunteers in a Suicide and Crisis Intervention Service (Micro HV 6545 B395 1972)

Seventy two volunteers for telephone duty in a 24 hour suicide intervention service in Gainesville, Florida took the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) and were rated on the Truax and Caskhuff Scales of genuineness, empathy and warmth. A composite of these rated measures was described in this study as Clinical Effectiveness (CE) of volunteers. (KB)

Suicide Attempts: The Significance of Hope, Threat, Competence and Succorance (Micro HV 6545 C63 1972)

An empirical evaluation of Farber’s theories using the hypotheses that 1) suicidal individuals have a low degree of hope 2) the environment contains a high degree of threat to the suicidal person 3) the suicidal person has strong feelings of imcompetence 4) the suicidal person is unable to fulfill his strong succorance needs in a […]

A Study of Personality Characteristics of Students Having a Suicidal History With Other Groups (Micro HV 6546 H38 1972)

Study to determine if there were differing psychological characteristics between four different groups of 122 students at Brigham Young University and to determine if three different personality instruments (the MMPI, the Bipolar Psychological Inventory and the Behavioral Rating Schedule) administered to these groups could significantly, collectively or individually, identify these differences. (KB)

Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents and its Relationship to the Lack of Parental Empathy (Micro HV 6546 H54 1969)

Investigation of the differences between empathic capacity of parents of suicidal adolescents as compared to parents of other emotionally disturbed adolescents who were not suicidal and a group of well-adjusted adolescents and parents. The three groups were administered the Peebles Checklist of Personality Traits, an adaption of the Jones Ego Identity Scale and of the […]

Teen Age Suicidal Gestures: A Study of Suicidal Behavior Among High School Students (Micro HV 6548 C32A54 1971)

Study of the conditions and dynamics of adolescent suicidal behavior to determine the possible prescence of personality patterns or components that might distinquish suicide attempters from non-attempters. Subjects were interviewed and then administered the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, the Group Personality Projective Test and the Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank. (KB)

Cognitive Incongruence and Attempted Suicide: Implications for Therapy (Micro RC 569 R86 1980)

Cognitive personality profiles were constructed for twenty suicide attempters and compared with three control/comparisons groups, using the Rotter Internal/External Locus of Control Scale, the Group Embedded Figures Test and the Personality Research Form. (KB)

Interpersonal Attitudes of Suicidal Individuals

This study compared differences in the way in which suicidal and nonsuicidal persons in therapy reported their relations to other people on the FIRO-B, and the Sociability and Tolerance scales from the California Personality Inventory. Suicidal and nonsuicidal groups performed significantly different. Suicidal persons showed a preference for less social involvement and a lower level […]

A Potential Suicide Personality Inventory

By means of a critical incident technique using 66 suicide studies a 55 item true/false inventory was developed. This inventory was administered to 213 male psychiatric patients, who were divided into 4 groups according to history: threatened, attempted, threat & attempted, no suicide. A Chi square analysis differentiated (.001 level) the combined as well as […]

The Factorial Reliability of the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire in Normal Subjects

The internal reliability of the Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire and its component subscales has been checked by means of principal components analyses of data on 256 normal subjects. The subscales (with the possible exception of hysteria) were found to contribute to the general underlying factor of psychoneurosis. In general, the principal components analysis points to the […]