Internal battles: Examining how anger/hostility moderate the association between negative urgency and suicidal desire variables in military and civilian samples

Objective Suicide is consistently within the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. The suicide rate of National Guard personnel is elevated relative to the general population; however, research suggests that many of the suicide risk factors for military personnel are similar to the suicide risk factors for civilians. We examined whether […]

Perceived burdensomeness is a curvilinear, short-term predictor of suicide ideation in a community sample of adults

Objective Our primary aim was to test the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide’s synergy hypothesis (i.e., the interaction between perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) in the proximal prediction of suicide ideation, while accounting for quadratic effects. Method We used MTurk to recruit participants (N = 478) with a lifetime history of suicidal thoughts and behaviors; they completed two batteries of […]

Investigation of the interpersonal theory of suicide in the context of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology and suicide ideation

Objective The current study examines components of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide as mediators of the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and suicide ideation in college students with elevated depressive symptoms. Specifically, indirect effects of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness were simultaneously evaluated on the association between self-reported ADHD symptoms and suicide ideation, controlling […]

Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness explain the associations of COVID-19 social and economic consequences to suicide risk

Objective The social and economic consequences of COVID-19 and related public health interventions aimed at slowing the spread of the virus have been proposed to increase suicide risk. However, no research has examined these relations. This study examined the relations of two COVID-19 consequences (i.e., stay-at-home orders and job loss) to suicide risk through thwarted […]

Social-cognitive risk for suicide and new relationship formation: False perception, self-fulfilling prophecy, or both?

Objective This study examined the impact of social-cognitive constructs associated with increased suicide risk (i.e., perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) on relationship formation during real-time interactions of older adolescents with strangers in a dyadic context. Method Two hundred and seventy-four older adolescents (61.9% female, M age = 18.96 years) were paired with same-gender strangers and completed a laboratory-based interaction task. […]

The applicability of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide among community-dwelling older persons

Introduction This study examined the application of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide to community-dwelling older persons in South Korea. Methods A cross-sectional study design was used. The data were collected by surveying 200 older persons (117 female, 83 male) aged over 65 years at welfare centers for older persons. The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire, the Suicidal Ideation […]

Development and initial validation of a parent report measure of youth belongingness and burdensomeness

Objective The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (ITS) implicates thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness as casually related to suicide desire. The self-report Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) is the most commonly used measure to assess belongingness and burdensomeness, including in youth. No parent-report version of the INQ exists. The current study adapted the ten-item version of the […]

Brief modular approach to target perceived burdensomeness in clinic-referred youth

Introduction Existing CBT protocols for internalizing disorders target thoughts and behaviors related to anxiety and/or depression, but do not explicitly target other identified risk factors for suicide ideation, including perceived burdensomeness toward others. The aims of the current study were to (1) develop a novel, brief module (the “Give program”) targeting perceived burdensomeness toward others […]

Longitudinal mediation by perceived burden of the pathway from thwarted belonging to suicidal ideation

Introduction Whereas the interpersonal theory of suicide entails the assumption that thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness are equally important, mutually moderating, proximal causes of active ideation, evidence suggests these may not be co-moderating processes. We tested an alternative perspective, hypothesizing that burden mediates the longitudinal relationship of thwarted belonging with active ideation. Methods A 6-week, […]

Daily-level assessment of the contexts under which seeking social support relates to risk of suicidal thinking

Introduction Perceived social support is a well-established protective factor against suicidal ideation, yet few studies have examined how actually seeking social support relates to suicidal ideation. We investigated the contexts under which social support seeking may be related to greater, or lesser, suicidal ideation. Methods Undergraduates completed ecological momentary assessments up to 6 times daily. […]

The indirect effect of perceived burdensomeness on the relationship between indices of social support and suicide ideation in college students

Objective: Research has demonstrated that a lack of social support is related to suicide risk. This study examines perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, as mechanisms of the social support–suicide relationship in college students. Method: The study consisted of 207 students from a Midwestern university. Data were collected from 2007 to 2008. Two […]

Substance use frequency relates to suicidal ideation through perceived burdensomeness and to suicide attempts through capability for suicide

Background Although substance use has been linked to both suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, the factors underlying these relations remain unclear. The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide (ITS) provides a framework for understanding how substance use may increase suicide risk. The purpose of the current study was to examine if frequency of substance use is indirectly […]

Comfort expressing emotions and suicide ideation: Evidence of indirect effects via perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness

Objective Emotion regulation strategies and related constructs have been implicated both as risk and protective factors in a range of mental health outcomes among young adults. To expand upon this previous research, we examined comfort expressing four discrete emotions (i.e., love, happiness, sadness, and anger) as factors that protect against suicide ideation in young adults, […]

The prospective relation between borderline personality disorder symptoms and suicide risk: The mediating roles of emotion regulation difficulties and perceived burdensomeness

Background Despite the strong link between borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms and suicide risk, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this association. Theory-driven research clarifying the pathways through which BPD symptoms increase suicide risk over time is needed and may highlight relevant treatment targets for decreasing suicide risk among individuals with heightened BPD symptoms. […]

Relationship of self-compassion, hope, and emotional control to perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation

Background: Cultivating positive feelings of self in relationships with others can affect perceptions of belongingness and burdensomeness. Aims: The present study examines the relationships of self-compassion, hope, and emotional control to thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and suicidal ideation. Method: Participants were 481 college students who completed scales measuring self-compassion, hope, emotional control, thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and suicidal ideation. Results: Correlation and […]

Integrating the interpersonal theory of suicide into the relations between cyber-victimization and suicidality among adolescents: A short-term prospective study

The relation between cyber-victimization and suicidality among adolescents has been well documented; however, the mechanisms underlying this association have not been well investigated. Drawing upon the interpersonal theory of suicide, this study aimed to examine the mediating mechanisms (i.e., thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness) underlying longitudinal, bidirectional relations between cyber-victimization and suicidal ideation/attempts among adolescents […]

Suicide ideation and thwarted interpersonal needs among psychiatric inpatients: A network approach

We aimed to demonstrate the utility of an item-level network analysis approach to suicide risk by testing the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide (IPTS) among 402 psychiatric inpatients. We hypothesized that specific thwarted belongingness (TB) or perceived burdensomeness (PB; Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire items) facets would positively relate to passive or active suicide ideation and that […]

The moderating role of pessimism in the association between retrospective relational peer victimization, interpersonal risk factors, and suicide ideation

Peer victimization (PV) is a serious concern for youth and is associated with subsequent suicide ideation in young adulthood. The interpersonal theory of suicide may provide a framework for understanding suicide ideation in this population. Specifically, thwarted belongingness (TB) and perceived burdensomeness (PB) have been significantly associated with suicide ideation among young adults with a […]

Hoarding and depression: The mediating role of perceived burdensomeness

Despite clear indications that hoarding behaviors contribute to social isolation and strained family relationships, no research to date has examined the associations between hoarding and several important interpersonal constructs (i.e., perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness). Moreover, no research has examined how these various interpersonal needs may account for the associations between symptoms of hoarding and […]

Better off with you: Exploring congruity between caregivers’ and Veterans’ experience of efforts to cope with suicide

The interpersonal theory of suicide posits people are more likely to consider suicide when they perceive themselves as alone and as a burden. However, there is limited research on whether these self-perceptions reflect caregiver experiences. As part of a larger study of collaborative safety planning, 43 Veteran/caregiver dyads (N = 86 individuals) completed measures of belongingness and […]

Ethnic identity and suicide risk among Hispanic/Latinx young adults: The impact of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness

Hispanic/Latinx college students experience SI/behaviors at high rates, yet there is a dearth of research on suicide risk and sociocultural correlates of suicide risk among Hispanic/Latinx individuals. This study examined the impact of ethnic identity on suicide risk among 63 Hispanic/Latinx young adults. Further, we tested a model in which ethnic identity is integrated into […]

Burden, belonging, and homelessness: Disclosure and social network differences among LGBTQ youth recruited from a suicide crisis service provider

Among LGBTQ youth, suicidality and homelessness occur at heightened rates. Using the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (ITS), this study seeks to explore the associations of having a parent, family member, friend, or romantic partner in one’s social network and not being “out” to specific network members (lack of disclosure) with ITS constructs (perceived burdensomeness and […]

Is perceived burdensomeness present in the lives of famous suicides? A lack of support for the interpersonal theory of suicide

The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS) proposes that suicide is the result of three constructs: perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belonging, and the acquired capability for suicide. To explore the presence of these constructs in suicides, two raters read 72 summaries of biographies of famous suicide for the extent to which each construct was present. Only 11 […]