Patients’ experiences of engagement with healthcare services following a high-risk self-harm presentation to a hospital emergency department: A mixed methods study

Experiences of engaging with healthcare services following a self-harm presentation to hospital of high lethality or high suicidal intent have not been examined previously, despite this subgroup of self-harm patients being at high risk of suicide. Therefore, this study addressed this issue by documenting patients’ experiences of engaging with healthcare services after a high-risk self-harm […]

Effectiveness of a peer-led gatekeeper program: A longitudinal mixed-method analysis

Objective The current study evaluated the long-term effectiveness of a peer delivered suicide prevention gatekeeper training program for college students. Participants: 1,345 undergraduate students (Mage = 20.24, SD = 3.27; 89.6% White) received the peer led training during a single class-period. Method: Participants completed pre- post- and 3-month follow-up surveys assessing knowledge, perceived intervention skills, willingness to intervene, and […]

Age-and sex-specific risk factors for youth suicide: A mixed methods review

Background: Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for individuals ages 10 through 34, and rates are rising. This study seeks to broaden the understanding of suicide in youths ages 10-17. Study Aims: Use a mixed-methods approach to investigate the different characteristics leading to youth suicide by 2 distinct youth age subgroups (pre-high school and […]

Implementation determinants and outcomes of a technology-enabled service targeting suicide risk in high schools: Mixed methods study

Background: Technology-enabled services (TESs), which integrate human service and digital components, are popular strategies to increase the reach and impact of mental health interventions, but large-scale implementation of TESs has lagged behind their potential. Objective: This study applied a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach to gather input from multiple key user groups (students and educators) and […]

A suicide prevention initiative at a jumping site: A mixed-methods evaluation

Background Gap Park in Sydney, Australia has historically been recognised as a suicide jumping site. In 2010–2011 the Gap Park Masterplan initiative implemented a series of suicide prevention measures. This study applied a mixed-methods design to evaluate the effectiveness of the Masterplan in reducing suicides. Methods Data from the Australian National Coronial Information System (NCIS) […]