Identification of Suicide Attempters by Means of MMPI Profiles

Multivariate procedures were used to determine whether psychiatric patients who had made a suicide attempt immediately prior to hospitalization (n=161) could be differentiated from nonsuicidal psychiatric patients (n=161). Multivariate analysis of variance & cluster analysis failed to identify differences in the MMPI data of suicidal & nonsuicidal patients. In contrast, discriminant analysis produced a modest […]

Suicide Attempt – Clinical Assessment and Mode of Intervention

A Behavior Modification Approach to Depression: a Case Study

Describes the treatment of a neurotically depressed 36 year old white, widowed male, hospitalized following a suicide attempt, using a combination of 4 behavior modification techniques: Wolpe`s relaxation & desensitization, & assertive training techniques: Premack`s differential probability hypothesis: & Lazarus` behavioral deprivation & retraining. “At the end of 8 hourly sessions, the patient showed dramatic […]

Ego Resiliency in Narcissistic Persons

Mean scores of different clinical groups are not comparable on the Ego Resiliency Scale. Persons with narcissistic pathology score high on this scale in an attempt to create a favorable social image.

What Does the MMPI Dependency Scale Really Measure?

The MMPI as a Suicide Predictor

Lethality of Suicidal Behavior and the MMPI

The Use of the MMPI for the Differentiation of Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Depression

The MMPI profiles of 40 suicidal & 40 non-suicidal male and female depressed patients, matched for age, were compared. Differences between MMPI scale T scores which showed some sex specificity were found between the suicidal & non-suicidal depressives. However neither individual scale T scores, derived discriminant functions, nor actuarial or cluster analysis-derived MMPI profiles could […]

Identification of Psychological Variables Distinguishing Suicide Attempters From Non Suicide Attempters Within a Sample of Depressive Individuals (Micro RC 569 P43 1972)

Study of the psychological variables that differentiate persons who have attempted suicide from those who have not, within a sample of clinically depressed female patients. The following scales and inventories were utilized: the Wittenborn Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Self Rating Depression Scale, part of the MMPI, the WAIS Information and Digit Symbol Subtests, the DAT […]

A Study of Suicide Among Psychiatric Patients (Micro RC 569 B42 1979)

Study to determine whether there were similarities or differences between groups of highly suicidal individuals with regard to their MMPI profiles and scale scores. In addition, these groups were compared with comparison groups of nonsuicidal depressed individuals. Leonard’s classification of personality type was used as a comparison variable, plus age, sex, marital status and number […]

MMPI Scores of old and Young Completed Suicides

This article examined the MMPI protocols of 52 15-81 yr. old white males who had completed suicide. Older subjects showed significantly more response conformity, less denial of personal inadequacies, a tendency to use physical symptoms as a means of resolving conflicts less, & a greater tendency for paranoia. Results are compared with those obtained in […]

Psychological Assessment of Potentially Suicidal Patients at the Community Mental Health Center, Salt Lake City, Utah (Micro RC 569 F887 1970)

Study to develop and evaluate an effective method of determining suicidal risk. Rating scales were used to differentiate low and medium risk groups and these groups were compared with each other on three personality instruments. (KB)

Suicide Prediction for Psychiatric Patients: A Comparison of the MMPI and Clinical Judgements (Micro RC 569 L44 1977)

Study attempting to determine how accurately suicides among a psychiatric population can be identified in advance by analysing the records of patients seen at the Milwaukee County Mental Health Center. The MMPI ratings and clinical predictions for the committed suicides and a control group are compared. (KB)

Suicide and Natural Death in a State Hospital Population: a Comparison of Admission Complaints, MMPI Profiles, and Social Competence Factors

Completed suicides in a state hospital were contrasted with natural deaths & inpatients. No significant differences were found on patterns of admission complaints; depression was found to be the most frequent admission complaint. Neither MMPI profiles nor a recently developed suicide threat scale served to discriminate suicides from comparison groups. Highly significant differences were found […]

Chance Expectancy, Sample Size, Replacement and Non-Replacement Sampling

A Comparative Study of Phencyclidine (PCP), Heroin and Clinically Depressed/Suicidal Populations on the Indirect Self Destructive Behavior (ISDB) Continuum (Micro HV 5822 P45B82 1981)

Study to determine whether a phencyclidine abusing population will score more closely to a clinically depressed/suicidal population than a heroin abusing population on the MMPI Scale 2/Depression and whether the phencyclidine abusing population will report a greater degree of indirect self destructive behavior. (KB)

Internal-External Control Dimension as Related to Accident and Suicide Proneness

Methodological Problems in the Identification of Suicidal Behavior by Means of Two Personality Inventories (Micro RC 569 D38 1963)

Study to determine whether or not it is possible to differentiate neuropsychiatric non-suicidal male patients from neuropsychiatric suicidal male patients using the MMPI and a Suicide Potential Personality Inventory. (KB)

Suicidal Outpatients: The MMPI and Case File Data (Micro RC 569 J64 1968)

Study using an outpatient population of committed suicides who were interviewed and tested at the Suicide Prevention Centre in Los Angeles during a prior suicidal crisis. This group was compared with an outpatient group of threatened suicides and a group of non-suicidal crisis patients on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and on case file data. […]

Hopelessness, Depression and Suicide Intent

73 inpatients completed Beck’s Suicide Ideator Scale, Beck’s Hopelessness Scale and the MMPI Depression Scale. As hypothesized, suicide intent was significantly more correlated with hopelessness than with depression. When the effect of hopelessness was removed statistically, there was no relationship between suicide intent and depression.

A Projective Study of Dynamic Factors in Attempted Suicide (Micro HV 6545 V63 1967)

Twenty male depressives who had made a previous suicide attempt and twenty male non-suicidal depressives, all in-patients, were compared with regard to the types of responses which they gave to projective cards having hostile, depressive and ambiguous stimulus values. In addtion five subscales of the MMPI, one subscale from the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and […]

Control Variables in the Identification of Suicidal Behavior

MMPI responses of a group of suicidal & nonsuicidal subjects were investigated for differences holding diagnosis, education, occupation, marital status, age & number of VA hospital admissions constant in both groups. A significant number of items differentiated suicidal from nonsuicidal subjects. This number was three times the number of items which differentiated the two groups […]

MMPI Ratings of Suicide Risk

The MMPI profiles of 20 male psychiatric patients who committed suicide & 20 who did not attempt or complete suicide were presented to 6 clinical psychologists with expertise in MMPI interpretations. Data analysis revealed that the clinicians could not distinguish suicide from nonsuicide from the profiles. Furthermore, the 8 variables identified by the clinicians as […]