Intimate relationships buffer suicidality in National Guard Service members: A longitudinal study

Objective Members of the U.S. military are at a high suicide risk. While studies have examined predictors of suicide in the U.S. military, more studies are needed which examine protective factors for suicide. Informed by the interpersonal theory of suicide, this study examined the strength of the intimate relationship and its role as a buffer […]

Protective Factors Against Suicide Attempt Risk Among African American Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence


Mediators of Suicidal Ideation Within a Sheltered Sample of Raped and Battered Women

This study examined the relationship between intimate partner rape & suicide ideation in a sheltered sample of battered women. 50 women were recruited from a regional shelter in a midwestern city in the United States. 58% had experienced intimate partner rape. More than one-third of the sample confirmed experiencing suicide ideation at least some of […]

Dangerous Intimate Partner Relationships and Women’s Mental Health and Health Behaviors

This study investigated the relationship between dangerousness in intimate partner relationships & victims’ mental health &/or health behaviour problems. Health records of 387 women in a domestic violence shelter were reviewed. Of these, 177 were eligible for this study. Higher dangerousness assessment scores were significantly associated with mental health symptoms & health behavaiours, including anxiety, […]

Characteristics of Callers to the Domestic Abuse Helpline for men

This study describes 190 male callers to the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men. All callers experienced physical abuse from their female partners, & a substantial minority feared their wives’ violence & were stalked. Callers’ reports indicated their female abusers had a history of trauma, alcohol/drug problems, mental illness, & homicidal & suicide ideations. Of 63 […]

The Distribution of and Factors Associated With Intimate Terrorism and Situational Couple Violence Among a Population-Based Sample of Urban Women in the United States

This article describes the distribution of factors that characterize intimate terrorism & situational couple violence, including controlling behaviours, violence escalation, & injury among a representative sample of 331 physically assaulted women living in 11 American cities. In multivariate analyses, respondent’s young age, violence escalation in the relationship, partner’s access to guns, previous arrests for domestic […]

Intimate Partner Homicide by Presence or Absence of a Self-Destructive Act

This study aimed to assess the differences among intimate partner homicide perpetrators who did or did not engage in a self-destructive act following the homicide. Descriptive & bivariate analyses of predictive variables were obtained from the records of 341 male intimate partner homicide perpetrataors held at a Dutch forensic observation hospital between 1980-2006; 44 attempted […]

Losing Control: Homicide Risk in Estranged and Intact Intimate Relationships


Intimate Partner and Nonintimate Violence History Among Drug-Using, Incarcerated men


Dating Violence Against Adolescent Girls and Associated Substance use, Unhealthy Weight Control, Sexual Risk Behavior, Pregnancy, and Suicidality

The authors assessed lifetime prevalence of physical & sexual violence from dating partners among adolescent girls & associations of these forms of violence with specific health risks, including suicidality. They found that physical & sexual dating violence against adolescent girls was extremely prevalent in their study population & was associated with increased risk of substance […]

Managing Emotions, Intimacy, and Relationships in a Volunteer Search and Rescue Group


Women’s Responses to Sexual Violence by Male Intimates

Intimate Femicide Followed by Suicide: Examining the Role of Premeditation

Using data on over 700 intimate femicides, the role of premeditation in cases of intimate femicide-suicide compared to killings that do not culminate in a suicide was examined. The findings show that premeditation is more likely to occur in cases involving the offenders’ suicide, but that evidence of premeditation varies depending upon the type of […]

Intimate Partner Abuse and High-Risk Behavior in Adolescents

This article aims to determine the associations between abuse by an intimate partner & risk behaviors among adolescents & to determine whether these associations vary by gender. It was found that there was no significant difference in the frequency of abuse by an intimate partner for males versus females. A history of abuse in females […]

The Dependency Needs and Perceived Availability and Adequacy of Relationships in Female Adolescent Suicide Attempters

Dependency needs & the perceived availability & adequacy of relationships were studied in 21 female adolescent suicide attempters & 23 nonattempters. Dependency needs did not significantly differentiate the 2 groups. Attempters did report a smaller social network & fewer, less satisfactory intimate relationships than nonattempters. Preliminary results suggest that more research is needed to establish […]

Relational Characteristics of Female Adolescent Suicide Attempters

The first part of this study examined the dependency needs & the availability & adequacy of relationships in 21 attempting & 23 nonattempting adolescent girls. It was found that attempters reported both a smaller social network & fewer intimate relationships than did nonattempters. The second part investigated participants’ perceptions of intimacy in relationships with family […]

Women and Depression (IN: The Psychopathology of Women by I Al-Issa)

This article outlines depression among women, including symptomatology, the menstrual cycle, menopause, oral contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy, children leaving home, marriage & family life. A depressed woman is typically young, married, working-class, has children, no intimate relationship with her mate & no job outside the home. Cognitive & behavioral theories of depression, sex differences in […]

Pathological Identification as a Cause of Suicide on an Inpatient Unit

After the suicide of a patient staff take increased precautions. However, they may overlook those who have formed pathological identifications with the victim as a result of past experience, or of unrecognized intimacy, that occurs between patients during a brief hospitalization. Pathological identifications involved in a suicide, a subsequent suicide attempt & suicidal preoccupation are […]