Exploring the link between interoceptive body awareness and suicidal orientation in university students: A cross-sectional study

Introduction: The transition to college life can impact the mental health of students. There are mental health care strategies that promote connection with the body’s internal signals, which can help to improve mental well-being, manage emotions, and reduce the risk of suicide in university students. Aim: This study aimed to examine the association between interoceptive […]

What works for improving mental health in higher education?

Many campus communities want to address mental health with a public health approach that incorporates a range of resources, practices, and policies to promote well-being among all of their students. However, one of the main difficulties encountered is the lack of clarity about which  strategies are most effective. Sara Abelson, Sarah Ketchen Lipson, and Daniel […]

Suicide prevention for international students: A scoping review

International students are at risk of suicide and suicide prevention activities addressing their unique needs are required. However, no comprehensive review has been undertaken to identify effective suicide prevention approaches for international students. The current scoping review aimed to chart the extent, range, and nature of available evidence on the prevention strategies for international students. […]

The efficacy of the “Talk‑to‑Me” suicide prevention and mental health education program for tertiary students: A crossover randomised control trial

Despite suicide ideation being one of the most frequently reported health issues impacting tertiary students, there is a paucity of research evaluating the efficacy of preventive interventions aimed at improving mental health outcomes for students studying at two tertiary institutes. The current study evaluated the efficacy of the “Talk-to-Me” Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) in […]

Disconnect to reconnect: Breaking down barriers and enhancing social connections amongst the Indigenous communities & education institutions

Various studies have been conducted in recent years on the social isolation of the general population and marginalized Indigenous communities. Research done by CSCS (2021), indicates that Indigenous  people were just as likely as other populations to be at risk for loneliness, however, lower incomes and mental health disabilities caused greater scores in social isolation. […]