Depression and Homicide: A Psychiatric and Forensic Study of Four Cases

4 examples of homicide followed by attempted suicide are presented based on the psychiatric examinations prepared for the use in the courts. 3 cases were suffering from unbearable states of endogenous depression & the fourth showed a serious chronic neurotic depression following an acute grief reaction before & during homicide. The relationship between depression & […]

Clinical and Treatment Aspects of Depression in Childhood and Adolescence

The author discusses identification & treatment of children & adolescents having depressive disorders. A substantial portion of this article is devoted to the diagnosis of depressive disorders & the assessment of symptoms. The author stresses the importance of aggressive anti-depressant treatment of affective disorders in this age group, citing studies of non-pharmacologically treated children that […]

DSM-III and Affective Pathology in Hospitalized Adolescents

Cyclothymia in Adolescents: A Risk Group for Suicidal Behavior

Recent research suggests that adolescents with cyclothymia may be at increased risk for serious suicidal behavior. The data suggests that there exists an identifiable group of adolescents who experience increased frequency and intensity of suicidal thoughts and behavior compared to normal controls and off-spring of other psychiatric controls.

Some Difficulties in Assessing Depression and Suicide in Childhood (IN: Suicide in the Young, ed. by H S Sudak et al)

Author looks at the uncertainties in defining & diagnosing nonpsychotic depression prior to adulthood & the theoretical problems & clinical pitfalls in using a descriptive definition. Also reviewed are some personality factors which allow or compel suicidal actions in children especially the manner in which sadomasochistic fixations & early deficiencies in bodily self-love contribute to […]

Handbook of Studies on Depression

Burrows looks at why there are so many competing classifications of depression by examining the many systems developed. The article concludes there is no consensus of opinion about how depression should be classified although some areas of agreement have emerged. The possible implications of this were briefly discussed. (MRE)

Familial and Developmental Factors in Characterological Depressions

Researchers compared character-spectrum, dysthymic & unipolar patients through looking at developmental stressors, familial alcoholism, familial depression, familial bi-polar illness & assortative mating. The paper concludes there are 3 distinct varieties of chronic characterological depression & that both nature & nurture combine to contribute to this. (MRE)