Sleepless in Fairfax: The difference one more hour of sleep can make for teen hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and substance use.


A test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large community-based cohort.

Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide ( 26 and 11) predicts that suicide ideation is strongest in those experiencing both high perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, and that the combination of suicide ideation and acquired capability for suicide is critical in the development of suicide plans and attempts. However, few datasets exist which allow the examination […]

Mediators of the daily hassles-suicidal ideation link in African American women.

As hypothesized, daily hassles, depressive symptoms, and hopelessness were each significantly and positively associated with suicidal ideation. Moreover, the relation between daily hassles and suicidal ideation was, in part, accounted for by depressive symptoms and hopelessness. This study demonstrates the importance of assessing for the presence of these risk factors when determining the likelihood that […]

Temperament, hopelessness, and attempted suicide: Direct and indirect effects.


Cyclothymic-depressive-anxious temperament pattern is related to suicide risk in 346 patients with major mood disorders.


Clinical and socio-demographic correlates of suicidal intent among young adults: a study from South India.


Multidimensional future time perspective as moderators of the relationships between suicide motivation, preparation, and its predictors.

Journal is held in the CSP Library.

Psychological distress and perfectionism in recent suicide attempters: The role of behavioural inhibition and activation.

Despite the growing evidence that perfectionism is associated with adolescent psychological distress, few studies have investigated this relationship prospectively with measures designed for use in adolescent populations. In the present study, within a diathesisÐstress framework, we investigated the extent to which perfectionism and acute life stress predict depression, anxiety and self-harm among adolescent school children […]

Verbal victimization and changes in hopelessness among elementary school children.


Are reports of life event stress among suicidal youth subject to cognitive bias?

Severity of depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation were examined to determine whether they were significantly associated with the accuracy of suicidal adolescents’ ratings of stressful life events. The sample included 130 inpatient adolescents who endorsed suicide-related behaviors.

Waking up, alive: the descent, the suicide attempt, and the return to life.

In this extraordinary book, psychologist Richard A. Heckler tells the whole story of the descent, the attempt, and the return to life. He gives new depth to our understanding of the descent – the withdrawal from relationships, the facade of normalcy, and the suicidal trance. For the first time, we comprehend the determination and clarity […]

Shame, pride, and suicidal ideation in a military clinical sample.

Background Suicide risk among U.S. military personnel has been increasing over the past decade. Fluid vulnerability theory (FVT; Rudd, 2006) posits that acute suicidal episodes increase in severity when trait-based (e.g., shame) and state-based (e.g., hopelessness) risk factors interact, especially among individuals who have been previously suicidal. In contrast, trait-based protective factors (e.g., pride) should […]