A social disorganizational theory of suicide

Over the last 20 years, suicide rates have grown across most demographic groups in the United States, making the sociological study of suicide as imperative now as it was in Durkheim’s day. For the most part, however, sociologists study suicide solely using Durkheim’s analytic strategy. The following article recovers a text on suicide long since forgotten […]

Culturally adapting caring contacts for suicide prevention in four Alaska Native and American Indian communities

Aim Despite substantial tribal, state, and federal effort, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) suicide rates have changed little in the last 30 years, prompting attention to new and innovative approaches to this persistent health disparity. Suicide prevention interventions with demonstrated success in other populations may be useful in AI/AN communities. Caring Contacts is a suicide […]

A cross-cultural sequential model of the association between young Spanish and Colombian women victims of power imbalance and suicide risk: The mediating role of dating violence and rumination

For young women, the power imbalance in favor of males in dating relationships has been related to dating violence (DV) victimization. In addition, the use of rumination to cope with DV may increase their psychological distress. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether experiences of DV and rumination mediate the association between […]

Acceptability, family discord, loss survivor status, and mood disorder: Risk factors for suicide among South Koreans

The aim of the present study was to examine how exposure to suicidal behavior, family strain, and reasons for living influence both acceptability and suicidal behavior in South Korea. Based on 1,599 respondents to the 2009 South Korean General Social Survey data, the study found that acceptability of suicide and depression were the most consistent […]

Language, culture, gender, and intersectionalities in suicide theory, research, and prevention: Challenges and changes

Over the decades suicidology has experienced many challenges and changes. Language, culture, gender, and intersectionalities of experience have been domains of challenge and change. In this article I document my contributions to suicidology’s transformation in these domains. These contributions include challenging stigmatizing and biased suicide-language (e.g., expressions like “successful” and “failed” suicide); questioning gender myths […]

Examining psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire among college students in India

Background With the second-highest population in the world, suicide-related deaths in India are high, and adults under 30 are particularly at an increased risk. However, empirical examinations of factors contributing to suicide in India and assessments of reliability and validity of self-report measures assessing these constructs are rare. Aims The present study examined the psychometric […]

Discrepancies in suicide screenings: Results from an international study

Background When screening for suicidality, clinicians usually ask questions in ascending order of severity. Clinicians often discontinue questioning after negative responses to the first question or questions, presuming that these individuals are unlikely to endorse any further suicidality. In this study, the accuracy of this presumption is evaluated in a large international sample. Methods Participants […]

Collaboratively adapting culturally respectful, locally relevant suicide prevention for newly participating Alaska Native communities

Because suicide is deeply connected to local, historical and relational contexts, effective suicide prevention strategies must balance maintaining fidelity of evidence-based practices and adapting for the unique needs of diverse communities. Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide (PC CARES) builds the capacity of local people in close-knit rural Alaska Native communities to take […]

The cultural theory and model of suicide for youth (IN: Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention, edited by J.P. Ackerman & L.M. Horowitz)

This chapter identifies key guidelines and opportunities for the incorporation of cultural considerations into youth suicide prevention, assessment, and intervention. Cultural factors and principles from the Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide (Chu et al., 2010) are extended to ethnic, gender, and sexual minority youth, to identify cultural factors that are more salient or more […]

Suicide in cultural context: An ecosocial approach

This article introduces a thematic issue of Transcultural Psychiatry on suicide in cultural context. Developmental and social structural factors including exposure to violence, childhood abuse and privation, as well as intractable social problems that create psychic pain and a sense of entrapment have been shown to increase the risk of suicidal behavior. However, all of the major […]

Centering Indigenous knowledge in suicide prevention: A critical scoping review

Background: Indigenous peoples of Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand experience disproportionately high rates of suicide as a result of the collective and shared trauma experienced with colonization and ongoing marginalization. Dominant, Western approaches to suicide prevention—typically involving individual-level efforts for behavioural change via mental health professional intervention—by themselves have largely failed at addressing […]

Culture forward: A strengths and culture based tool to protect our native youth from suicide

CULTURE FORWARD was developed through an iterative, collective effort to include as many Native voices as possible across Indian Country. We spent six months conducting listening sessionswith more than 60 Native stakeholders, including tribal leaders, Native youth leaders, grassroots leaders working to prevent suicide in their communities, two-spirit leaders, Elders, traditional healers, and Native veterans/military service members. […]

Suicidal as normal: A lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth script?

Background: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth are more likely to report suicidal thoughts and/or behavior (STB) than heterosexual youth. The elevated suicidality of LGB youth is not fully accounted for by sexual-minority stress, according to a meta-analysis. A less-tested explanation is that suicidality has become an expected idiom of LGB youth distress. This explanation is […]

First Nations youth suicide prevention curriculum: Prevention through culture

Understanding that fostering protective factors and reducing risk factors will ultimately reduce youth suicide attempts and self-harm, the purpose of the First Nations Youth Suicide Prevention Curriculum is to promote resilience and instill hope amongst First Nations youth. The program is experiential and includes detailed guidelines for teachers as well as all required materials for […]

The location of suicide: Cultural parameters of a public health territory

The impetus driving this article is the uncritical uses of ‘culture’ as an explanatory variable in public health research of ‘suicide’, regarding its conceptualization and operationalization as a mentally riddled phenomenon clamped in nomothetic and epidemiological nomenclature. This reduction of suicide to its presumed ‘evidence based’ figures and graphs under the guise of the lingo […]

Culturally sanctioned suicide: Euthanasia, seppuku, and terrorist martyrdom

Suicide is one of the greatest concerns in psychiatric practice, with considerable efforts devoted to prevention. The psychiatric view of suicide tends to equate it with depression or other forms of mental illness. However, some forms of  suicide occur independently of mental illness and within a framework of cultural sanctioning such that they aren’t regarded […]

Does community cultural connectedness reduce the influence of area disadvantage on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young peoples’ suicide?

Objective: The study aimed to examine associations of community cultural connectedness with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peoples’ suicide rates in areas with elevated risk factors. Methods: Age-specific suicide rates (ASSRs) were calculated using suicides recorded by the Queensland Suicide Register (QSR) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (aged 15–24 years) in […]

Mental health interventions for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples in Canada: A systematic review

Higher rates of anxiety, depression, and attempted suicide are reported among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people compared with non-Indigenous people in Canada. This systematic review summarises the key components of mental health interventions among Indigenous Peoples in Canada. We searched MEDLINE, PubMed, PsycINFO, and Web of Science between January 1,1970, and August 30, 2019. […]

Object-based learning and well-being: Exploring material connections

Object-Based Learning and Well-Being provides the first explicit analysis of the combined learning and well-being benefits of working with material culture and curated collections. Following on from the widely acclaimed Engaging the Senses, this volume explicitly explores the connection between the value of material culture for both learning and well-being. Bringing together experts and practitioners from eight […]

Factor analysis of depression symptoms across five broad cultural groups

Introduction Core symptoms of depression are likely universal, however cultural groups differ in their experience of the condition. The purpose of this study was to examine differences and similarities of depression symptom groupings between broad cultural groups. Method 6,982 adults took part in an online multilingual depression screening study, and completed an 18-item major depression […]

Protective factors as a unifying framework for strength-based intervention and culturally responsive American Indian and Alaska Native suicide prevention

The ongoing challenge of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) youth suicide is a public health crisis of relatively recent historical origin inadequately addressed by contemporary prevention science. A promising development in AIAN suicide prevention highlights the role of protective factors. A protective factor framework adopts a social ecological perspective and community-level intervention paradigm. Emphasis […]

A review study of factors influencing suicide among South Asians in the UK

Purpose of the study: A systematic review of studies on factors in the suicide of South Asians in the UK was reviewed to enhance understanding by aggregating those factors contributing to suicide in this diverse group. Methodology: Digital databases PsycArticles, PsycINFO, PubMed, JSTOR, Science Direct, Web of sciences, and Google Scholar, were searched from 1990 […]

Loneliness around the world: Age, gender, and cultural differences in loneliness

The BBC Loneliness Experiment provided a unique opportunity to examine differences in the experience of lonelines across cultures, age, and gender, and the interaction between these factors. Using those data, we analysed the frequency of loneliness reported by 46,054 participants aged 16–99 years, living across 237 countries, islands, and territories, representing the full range of individualism-collectivism […]