The mediating role of family acceptance and conflict on suicidality among sexual and gender minority youth

Introduction: Prior research suggests sexual and gender minority (SGM) youth are profoundly impacted by levels of parental support. This study assessed mediating effects of generalized family acceptance and conflict on lifetime suicidal behaviors among a large diverse sample comprising both SGM and non-SGM youth in early adolescence, when intervention to optimize family dynamics may be critical. […]

Caregiver-child relationship quality as a gateway for suicide risk resilience: Don’t discount the men in Mexican descent youths’ lives

The purpose of the present study is to determine if connection with female (FC) and male caregivers (MC) could buffer the negative effects of intergenerational acculturative conflict (IAC) on suicide risk among Mexican descent adolescents and emerging adults. The sample included 722 Mexican descent adolescents and emerging adults (age range: 14-25 years, M = 19.69; […]

Gender differences and stage-specific influence of parent-adolescent conflicts on adolescent suicidal ideation.

Highlights Factors for suicidal ideation differ with adolescent stages. Familial and school factors dominate suicidal ideation at an early stage. Psychological symptoms account for more suicidal ideation risk in later stages. Impact of quarrels with parents on suicidal ideation lasts in early/middle stages. Girls quarreling with parents have the highest early-stage suicidal ideation risk.

Parent-child conflict and suicide rumination in college students: the mediating roles of depressive symptoms and anxiety sensitivity.

Objective: ParentÐchild conflict, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity have each been identified as risk factors for suicide ideation in college students. This study examined the relations among these risk factors and suicide rumination utilizing transition theory to guide the hypothesized relations.Participants: Undergraduate college students participated in this study in the spring of 2012 (January to […]