Longitudinal follow-up study of adolescents who report a suicide attempt: Aspects of suicidal behavior that increase risk of a future attempt.

Previous studies have noted that a past suicide attempt (SA) predicts a future SA, but few studies have reported whether previous SAs that predict a future attempt differ from those that do not. Knowing which characteristics of previous SAs predict future attempts would assist in evaluating adolescents at risk of attempt repetition. This longitudinal study […]

Lithium in the prevention of suicide in mood disorders: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

To assess whether lithium has a specific preventive effect for suicide and self harm in people with unipolar and bipolar mood disorders.

Sociodemographic and clinical differences between suicide ideators and attempters: A study of mood disordered patients 50 years and older.

Our study sought to characterize mood disordered suicide ideators and attempters 50 years and older admitted to a psychiatric ward either for a recent suicide attempt or for ongoing suicidal ideation. We enrolled 50 patients with suicide ideation consecutively admitted to an inpatient department and 50 patients admitted for a suicide attempt made in the […]

Suicide attempts and psychological risk factors in patients with bipolar and unipolar affective disorder.

The highest risk of suicide attempts is noted in affective disorders. The aim of the study was looking for suicide risk factors among personality dimensions and value system in patients with diagnosis of unipolar and bipolar affective disorder. Novelty seeking and harm avoidance dimensions constituted suicide attempt risk factors in the group of patients with […]

Religiosity, mood symptoms, and quality of life in bipolar disorder.


Suicidal behaviour in mood disorders — Who, when, and why?

About one-half to two-thirds of all suicides are by people who suffer from mood disorders; preventing suicides among those who suffer from them is thus central for suicide prevention. Understanding factors underlying suicide risk is necessary for rational preventive decisions. Among subjects with mood disorders, suicidal acts usually occur during MDEs or mixed episodes concurrent […]

Suicide in bipolar disorder in a national English sample, 1996-2009: Frequency, trends and characteristics.

Bipolar disorder (BD) has been reported to be associated with high risk of suicide. We aimed to investigate the frequency and characteristics of suicide in people with BD in a national sample. Given the high rate of suicide in BD and the low estimates of risk, it is important that health professionals can accurately identify […]

Lifetime trauma and suicide attempts in people with severe mental illness.

We examined associations among six forms of common lifetime traumatic/adverse events and lifetime suicide attempts while controlling for gender, psychiatric symptoms, self-injury, and substance use in 371 community mental health clients with severe mental illness. Most clients (88.1 %) reported at least one traumatic event, and more than half had attempted suicide at least once. […]

Gender differences in the relationship between maladaptive behaviors and post-traumatic stress disorder. A study on 900 L’Aquila 2009 earthquake survivors.


Positive mental health and mental illness.

Based on the Health Continuum Short Form administered in the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey Ð Mental Health (CCHS-MH), the percentages of Canadians aged 15 or older classified as having flourishing, moderate or languishing mental health were 76.9%, 21.6% and 1.5%, respectively

Quick facts: Mental illness & addiction in Canada.


Meta-analysis of the association between suicidal ideation and later suicide among patients with either a schizophrenia spectrum psychosis or a mood disorder.

The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which the association between expressed suicidal ideation and later suicide varies according to psychiatric diagnosis. Although our findings suggest that the association between suicidal ideation and later suicide is stronger in schizophrenia spectrum psychosis than in mood disorders this result should be interpreted cautiously […]

Poor long-term prognosis in mixed bipolar patients: 10-year outcomes in the Vitoria Prospective Naturalistic Study in Spain.

Objective: There have been few prospective long-term naturalistic studies of patients with mixed episodes of bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to examine 10-year outcomes in patients with at least 1 mixed episode. Method: A naturalistic sample of bipolar I disorder patients (n=120), representative of bipolar patients treated in a catchment area of […]

Cyclothymic-depressive-anxious temperament pattern is related to suicide risk in 346 patients with major mood disorders.


Affective and behavioral paths toward the acquired capacity for suicide.

Suicide is a major public health concern and, as such, research that elucidates potential mechanisms contributing to suicide risk is highly important. Along these lines, prior research has linked high levels of distress tolerance with elevations in a specific component of suicide risk: the acquired capability for suicide. The following two studies aimed to examine […]

Excessive reassurance seeking as a mediator of sociotropy and negative interpersonal life events.

The Interpersonal Theory of Depression suggests that depressed individuals have behavioral patterns that alienate people in their environment, thereby reducing social support and maintaining their depression. Excessive reassurance seeking has been implicated as such a behavior. A model was tested in which excessive reassurance seeking mediates the relationships between sociotropy and increases in negative interpersonal […]

Evidence-based practice in suicidology: A source book.

Suicide rates have increased by 60 per cent worldwide in the past 45 years, with deaths by suicide projected to reach 1.5 million by the year 2020. Despite millions being spent on suicide prevention activities, little is known about their effectiveness: as the US Suicide Prevention Action Network (SPAN) reported, ‘the single greatest obstacle to […]

Psychological autopsy studies as diagnostic tools: are they methodologically flawed?

One of the most established ÒtruthsÓ in suicidology is that almost all (90% or more) of those who kill themselves suffer from one or more mental disorders, and a causal link between the two is implied. Psychological autopsy (PA) studies constitute one main evidence base for this conclusion. However, there has been little reflection on […]

Suicidal behaviours in affective disorders: a deficit of cognitive inhibition?

Objective: Suicide has been related to affective disorders. We hypothesized that suicide could be associated with cognitive inhibition deficit. Our study aimed to systematically review all published articles that examined the relation between cognitive inhibition deficit and suicidal behaviours (that is, suicide attempt or suicidal ideation) in patients with affective disorders. Method: We performed an […]

Suicidal ideation, affective lability, and religion in depressed adults.

Suicidal ideation is a strong precursor to suicidal acts and like depression is complex with many risk and protective factors. The purpose of this study is to determine if affect lability, positive and negative religion/spirituality (RS) are related to suicidal ideation and if RS mediates the relationship between affect lability and suicidal ideation. RS are […]

Influence of family history of major depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide on clinical features in patients with major depression and bipolar disorder.

The extent to which a family history of mood disorders and suicide could impact on clinical features of patients suffering from major depression (MD) and bipolar disorder (BD) has received relatively little attention so far. The aim of the present work is, therefore, to assess the clinical implications of the presence of at least one […]

The roles of affect dysregulation and positive affect in non-suicidal self-injury.

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a prevalent behavior, yet little is known about associated affective mechanisms. Research has focused on the role of negative affect in NSSI, with positive affect receiving relatively less attention. This study examined affect dysregulation, emotional reactivity, and the experience of positive and negative affect in NSSI. Path analyses revealed that emotional […]

Motivations for self-injury, affect, and impulsivity: a comparison of individuals with current self-injury to individuals with a history of self-injury.

Individuals who report nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) are characterized by the tendency to act rashly while experiencing distress (negative urgency), the tendency to act without thinking, and endorsement of both social and affect regulation motives for the behavior. However, very little research has identified characteristics that distinguish current self-injurers from those with a history of the […]